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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. the house fires hahah watching fox news it was always house fires in north tonawanda... and those ads for Celino and Barnes apparently they broke up for a bit but are back together haha
  2. cats can be very annoying! some small dogs as well, don't get me wrong dogs any size barking is obnoxious but that loud pitch from small breeds is the worrsssttt
  3. leafs and tampa!!! should be exciting headin down to the ACC for some livee stamoks magic
  4. i'm going thru withdrawl as well
  5. yesss so i'm not alone so embarassing ahaha could see the jackets just laying there on the dock
  6. a friend of mine's father saw a deer jump off the QEW bridge over the credit last year... huge fall
  7. 20ft from the dock tickets for no life jacket on a peddelboat lol never been checked for boats card
  8. wow awesome post some really great fish and a beautiful wall
  9. the leafs won't be able to pick anyone up, at this point it is almost impossible to get your hands on a 1st or 2nd line player as no teams are going to be doin other teams any favours.. leafs are just gonna have to grind it out for a while with what they have...
  10. haha shes only been the mayor for an eternity!
  11. good read... but i still hate cormorants
  12. should cheer for the bulldogs instead!
  13. yep they are really lacking some offence, Kessel needs a centre that compliments him well
  14. they really need to fork out the cash for another big name player up front - send Kaberle and Gab as a package.. i'm sure SOMEONE will take it..
  15. i really gotta get out there sometime, those are some beauty smallies
  16. ah that sucks - did this happen in hamilton or surrounding area? they have a problem with car thefts
  17. hahaha thats funny
  18. kind of a misleading statistic, if it was more specific to Sudbury and not the larger area as well it may be ranked differently. Much like how Durham Region manages to sweep Oshawa under the rug.
  19. like 4.5lbs boo! not even worth mentioning in this thread, those some massive bass!
  20. nice fish
  21. it was sad to hear the number of people who turned the game off after the second missing the comeback! The monster (worst nickname ever) made some amazing saves, but with a shootout line up like washingtons theres not to many goalies who can contend
  22. armstrong is out for 4-6weeks for surgery on his hand versteeg is out day to day with a sore back, with caputi being called up hopefully it will still be a good game!
  23. that was such a boring game to watch wow i will def. be skipping any other games vs florida lol
  24. this is getting personal haha
  25. soooo embarassing.. didn't like living in toronto before, now I have a real reason to move north
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