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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. but its not so black and white. hence the different schedules for different substances. Not to mention the propensity for addiction. I wouldn't say what he was smoking is the issue. I believe the issue is the company he keeps. "In drunken stupor I may have smoked crack"... Just keeping company that can readily provide you with crack doesn't exactly show the greatest judgement. edit: of course he won't go to jail for the video. Its not about going to jail, its about not being the representative of 2.5 million people.
  2. "the good things hes done for the city" So its acceptable for him to be hanging out with drug dealers and Somalian street gangs? To be caught up in investigations involving drug trafficking and street gangs? ..oh wait its all just one big misunderstanding
  3. I can't believe Tampa is leading the division, pretty sure they were predicted to be near the bottom haha.. still early though apparently all they needed was decent goal tending..
  4. he has actually done NOTHING, everything has been projected numbers of what "would" have been spent..
  5. you make me want to vomit -- take it back to the toronto sun forums
  6. exactly! The man is supposed to represent the city. Regardless of whether he is convicted of a crime or not does not make his actions and behaviour inappropriate for his choice of profession. Not to mention all the lying. I think that is the worst part.
  7. Wish I got an message informing me of why my thread was deleted and what "rules" I have broken.

    1. jbailey


      especially because all i did was say Ford Ford is Canada's Marion Barry and posted a link to the news. Nothing more.

    2. aplumma
    3. misfish
  8. haha what about the poll a year or two ago by NHL players that rated him the most over rated player? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedia/photo_gallery/1201/nhl.players.poll.most.overrated/
  9. Those packages aren't the greatest - a lot of TSN games are blacked out or not available even on the package unless you can pick up the american broadcast
  10. funny people try to talk about the actual game and people ignore or do not engage in conversation... but toss around some insults and banter and all of a sudden everyone's chiming in. Even fish don't take the bait so easily. Lots of games tonight. Hoping Tampa can take down Chicago tonight, as well as New Jersey over Vancouver.. Also hoping Cam Talbot can build himself a name with a good career debut! Leafs have back to back games, start Reimer vs Columbus and Bernier against Pitt? Should be interesting.
  11. Noooo! I've known Cam Talbot for a long time, so excited for him to make his NHL debut with the Rangers!!
  12. kulemin is terrible bring up a rookie and bury that 4mill contract
  13. 53 1/4 inch ski Gbay on a bulldawg just after dusk... always startled by that alligator sized head cruisin up beside your boat like what the hell am i suppsoed to do with this thing! Adrenaline was pumping for like 2 hours straight haha (wish i knew how to upload the full size photo)
  14. agreed. I come here to read fishing reports but have been sucked into other various posts. Its evident that threads get shut down for personal reasons or disagreements with statements. Kind of sad really. Used to be a resourceful site for FISHING and now its just a joke.
  15. Not a sens fan but I would love them to be the salt in the wound of the leafs when they make the playoffs and the leafs are golfing yet again. Being a leaf fan is too much of a trend and not enough of being a hockey fan.
  16. Antonio Nicaso could explain alot of the canadian politics for those toronto sun readers.
  17. because any other hockey game is blacked out...? Living in mississauga and dealing with rogers, unless I want to pay an arm and a leg I am forced (as a hockey fan) to watch the leafs.
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