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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. There are enough for 2 teams! I'm just curious who others would pick.
  2. Wouldn't that make it the problem? How can you trust the guy again?
  3. He still hasn't told the whole truth, and he only admitted what he has because he was backed into a corner. I was not explaining Marion Barry's issues.
  4. speaking of olympics - who should be the centres for Canada now with Stamkos possibly out? so many to choose from. Crosby is a shoe in obviously, i'm thinking Toews Bergeron and Getzlaf?
  5. watch what, this embarrassing charade to keep unfolding? Who else gets a pass on all these indiscretions? Hookers at city hall, doing oxycontin, drinking and driving, smoking crack, hanging around known GUNS AND DRUG dealers, purchasing drugs on city time, lying to the public about it all, using his drug dealer pal to extort the individuals with the video, condemning harm reduction and drug addicts - the hypocrisy is incredible. Why does he get your support for a "mistake" when anyone else engaging in these activities would not. The whole thing is absurd.
  6. i wouldn't blame their loss tonight on the preseason haha and i guess it would be mixed views on how a 6 day lay over would play out... could be a good rejuvenation period -- i wouldnt say the schedule is going to settle down in their favour, just need to tighten up the D and everything should work out well for them
  7. a buddy of mine has the exact same canoe and motor, works like a charm!
  8. haha, worked out reach for a while... learn a lot
  9. haha, its the opposite, users purchase a hit for anywhere from $5-20 and it lasts at most 20 minutes. A $13 mickey can keep you lit for an hour or two haha (tolerance a factor?)
  10. can't let this thread fall off.. rielly out for fraser tomorrow night?!
  11. and if you want to discuss the "leaning" factor.. why are you so defensive? you should be throwing him under the bus for being a drug addict?
  12. I don't know why you keep turning this to "left" and "right" when its just about the moral fiber of the individual in power. ..and of course you go off with the nicknames and labels again? Just because I disagree with the indiscretions of the representative of a capital city does not mean i lean one way or the other.
  13. When you're in a position of power you're supposed to be aware of the fact that you're always going to held to a higher standard, that you are essentially always going to be under the microscope all the time. Its part of the career. You have people that work for you to address this issue as well... It can keep unrolling but he still seems worth defending? At what point does an individual swallow their pride?
  14. He does need help. I would not wish an addiction upon my worst enemy. Unfortunately supporters and friends are not the same. "Can't mix business and pleasure"
  15. the man does not care about harm reduction whatsoever and has publicly slammed drug addicts... the irony A man was killed not too long after, and it is still unsolved, with the video coming to light how are the authorities not supposed to leave "no stone left unturned"? new video http://www.torontosun.com/2013/11/07/i-need-f---in-10-minutes-to-make-sure-hes-dead-new-rob-ford-video-surfaces saving money? http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/11/07/rob_ford_often_met_with_sandro_lisi_during_working_hours.html
  16. hahah! cherry kills me, can never finish and initial thought and runs off on tangents
  17. make sure you get your license if you do, if you're staying in a plantation i believe each one has their own licenses as well. there are lots of ponds throughout the island some fresh water that you can catch bass in, the brackish water ponds have sea trout watch out for the gators haha, fishing the sound can be productive as well
  18. Its a completely separate issue. I believe they should be held accountable as well, but crossing the 2 issues is irrelevant. If you're going to defend something or someone, you should at least make yourself seem credible. The petty insults, lame nicknames, and generalizations do not do that for you.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SCxrEfJyRfg john stewart last night haha
  20. greatest photo ever, saw this back in the summer haha - although the leafs are doing well right now haha
  21. So whats the ratio of trade off then? How many "good things" need to be done to turn a blind eye to the bad?
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