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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbI7efznvj8
  2. I bet scrivens is loving life right about now.
  3. reimer needs to work on his rebound control
  4. The mosey is rough haha a hazmat suit wouldn't even save you in that place!
  5. wow, that's incredible.. http://www.sbnation.com/nhl/2013/11/25/5143786/steven-stamkos-injury-update-lightning apparently he was walking around the dressing room wearing skates
  6. looks like fun, but real cold haha
  7. absolutely massive wow
  8. southeast oakville is incredible
  9. pneumonia sucks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jbailey


      haha and not feel guilty about wasting time doing it! thanks pal

    3. aplumma


      Now IS a good time to kiss your enemies....just sayin


    4. jbailey
  10. mudpuppy x catfish x unicorn
  11. That thing is disgusting wow
  12. everyone was havin a good time at the blue goose tonight
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDBFUPfE_a4&list=RDKLGZ363U6lk
  14. it was alright, a little inaccurate though haha he spoke to fast!
  15. eeek staubitz really? don't know much about Holland, but I hear he is playing tonight.
  16. it did look like he got a bit high but i still think it was a soft call
  17. Quite the opposite. Not a comparison. Another irrelevant "fact" to compare to "these European politicians" being spoken of. Irrelevant to the situation of Rob Ford.
  18. and Kim Jong-il got 100% of votes.
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