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Everything posted by jbailey

  1. paintballing is great outdoors activity, not the greatest inside tho. I was also out in Long Point Bay on Sunday, beautiful day but couldnt get into any fish except a small pike and a small largie
  2. ahah that happens far too frequently around here
  3. long point! tryin to find a 6+ for a pb
  4. those are the biggest perch ive ever seen, congrats!
  5. great pics love the mag river, congrats on the personal best.
  6. very nice! the hit in the clear water sounds incredible!
  7. nice gators, blackstone harbour is great!
  8. congrats! that last one is chunky!
  9. i'm gonna have to head to lebarons on my lunch break!!!
  10. i was out there on saturday it was beautiful weather but we didn't catch anything and i didn't see anyone else with any fish -- tonnes of boats
  11. wow congrats! next time tell him to bring his niece
  12. haha i read an article about that this morning, i guess they don't want any more followers
  13. i knew wiser's 7.2 smallie would show up, that thing is huge!!!
  14. i wouldn't expect a franchise player for a while.. in my opinion, atleast with Seguin the leafs had the CHANCE of following up with another solid draft pick - kind of like edmonton with eberle (drafted 22nd overall, Luke Schenn went 5th) and hall. Now they're stuck fishing for a "franchise" player to compliment Kessel, instead of being able to focus more on the team development. I personally believe in building from scratch, not little touch up patch work. Anyway, the toronto rock's season starts in jan, now there is a team everyone should get behind!! GO ROCK GO!!!
  15. the game last night was just depressing
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