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Everything posted by torco

  1. I was really looking forward to trying my fly rod on some browns and rainbows this weekend. Doesn't look promising in my area. But here is the latest long weekend forecast for the guelph area. Friday high of 9 variable cloudiness but close 15mm of rain expected in 24hr period Saturday high of 14 cloudy with showers 25-35mm of rain expected in 24hr period Sunday high of 14 cloudy with showers 10+ mm of rain expected. Those who planned to head north fair no better with ice still thick on most the algonquin region.
  2. Kudos to the Dr. This idea of big brother taking your guns and your fishing rods reminds me of the simpson when homer gets a gun direct quote. "Lisa: The second amendment is just a remnant from revolutionary periods, it has no real meaning today Homer: You couldn't be more wrong Lisa. If I didn't have this gun the King of England could just come in here and start pushing you around. Do you want that, well do ya?" The registry is a minor issue...lets focus on more important things in the federal election.
  3. Very sad news indeed. My condolences to his family and friends. OFC and myself included will sure miss his contributions to the forum.
  4. Enough has been said on the long gun registery from both sides. This is a perfect issue for politicians as its devisive and really not major in the grand scheme of things. I say lets get back to major issues and the house can debate the registry at some point again in the future.
  5. Thanks guys for the info. Looking forward to planning this trip
  6. Hi, I am looking at paddling and fishing the saugeen river to kick off the start of bass season. I have never been up to the saugeen and based on my readings its sounds like an excellent route and is known to have good smallmouth fishing. Has anyone here ever done it? Looking for any info on your experiences.
  7. Great Park especially for the family usually books up pretty solid for most of the summer.
  8. I would love a cabelas in the GTA. After visiting a store in Kansas I found it to be superior to basspro and I have used the website for orders. I also find the cabelas brand stuff to be good value for the money.
  9. Hey DMASSE any specials on fly gear?
  10. My brother in-law is a marine mechanic and works at City Marine on the queensway in toronto. You could give that shop a call, I know they are mercury dealer. Sorry I don't have a clue on what they charge though.
  11. If you are planning to do floors or painting right after you move in, if possible try and get them done before. We found it so much easier to have someone come in and refinish the hardwood floors on our main floor before we moved in. Also gave most rooms a fresh coat of paint as well. Depends on closing dates and what not but if the opportunity presents itself take advantage.
  12. I don't know a 5km fairly flat and smooth portage. I am sure if he has an intimate knowledge of the park he could likely get it down to a few lakes. The real question is the fishing worth it? They keep going back so it must be! I would love to see a report when you get back. Its been a few years since I have done a spring fishing trip in Algonquin.
  13. torco


    I have had pretty good luck both buying and selling overall. Most seem to be decent people like the rest of us trying to score a deal. I also for security try to avoid meeting at my house but had one guy come and pick an old air-conditioning unit last summer and an x-box game both were normal. I'd be worried about criminals though using it case especially for boats and vehicles. I find my neighboured fairly secure a good mix of retired people and young families so often lots of people around during the day. Plus I have a good guard dog for the house.
  14. I think proposed changed from 5 to 2 and 2 to 1 is a great step. I can't understand why anyone would ever need to harvest more than 1 or 2 fish. I personally love trout but maybe harvest 1 fish per year. I think there are more complex and potentially better solutions for the long term but with them comes the need for more resources related to management and enforcement such as a tag system. If they implement such a system but do nothing to increase the number of CO's to check tags then I have a hard time believing the meat hunters/poachers would be deterred. I would also never support C&R only as I believe it to be an important aspect of recreational fishing and by having fish safe for eating you are encouraging people to improve water quality which is a benefit to both fish, wildlife and us.
  15. Hey ryan good to see you back on can't wait to get for browns again this year.
  16. I grew up fishing nothing but the east tribs and the key is to fish off hours and off days. If you can get out mid week the better and if you can get really early or late night that helps. I have found if you can't do that try starting at noon, yes its not prime steelhead time but if you have pool after pool to yourself you will find fish.
  17. thanks for the help
  18. Hi all, I have 2 shimano stradic reels that are in need of repair/tune up. I thought about sending them to the reel repair depot at shimano out peterborough way but then thought there has to be someone reputable out my way in guelph. So I am looking for any suggestions. Thanks, Mark
  19. I like the new fly fisher with bill spicer or some of the other hosts. I learn a tonne in each episode and if its an episode on an area of water i plan to fish in the near future i save it on the pvr so i can review it again. Maybe its cause i am new to fly fishing and still suck but they break it down nicely. Like flymax for the pure fishing aspect.
  20. I haven't posted much lately because I have taken leave from work to take care of my daughter before she goes off to daycare in march. I am planning on taking her on Friday right for when it opens I figure she is only 11 months but its never to early to start to expose her to fishing and the outdoors.
  21. I can't help you with which rod but i have a 5 wt 9ft2 pieces and 7wt 9ft 4 pieces and for transportation and storage it can't be beat. I think with the way they the benefits of 4 pieces outweigh any negatives, I have fished with a couple guides that use some nice equipment and noticed most of their rods were more than 2 pieces.
  22. Definitely not Korn but they do seem like they could me an emo band or goth metal.
  23. picked up a 6 inch fin bore III at basspro on boxing day. It was only around $60 but having used it I now know why it is more expensive than my previous $45 model. It cuts through the ice like butter. I have heard some guys say that they simply cut 2 holes close together and make 1 big hole with the smaller diamter augers. But if Lakers are your main quarry probably makes sense to go with an 8 inch.
  24. Interesting read. I read the magazine but am not a member, I have contemplated joining in the past.
  25. That is a beauty hit. Nothing illegal good hard body check he got caught. I am huge Doughty fan after watching him play junior here in guelph. One of those players you knew was a special talent and going to be a great NHLer.
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