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Everything posted by torco

  1. Glad it worked out in the end, great report
  2. That sucks man, I hope the rice works for you.
  3. Another good report, I am surpised you didn't see Ricky or Julian in that spot, haha.
  4. Nice fish and Congrats on the engagement, she looks like a keeper. I still look back on my wedding day as one of the best days of my life.
  5. Well done Ryan, another good report. Hopefully we'll get another trip in before the season ends.
  6. Who knows, but two nice bass none the less. Well done.
  7. Its a great game for a summer day or evening. Good job on making your own, it looks sturdy. My buddy's both built it out of pvc piping. Easy take down and durable.
  8. I would think that police and other emergency personnel should be the exception and be able to use a gas powered motor on the lake if needed. Weird situation though to be ripping around out there like that. Hopefully it was a training exercise, otherwise you have every right to pissed off because its not acceptable behaviour for our marine officers.
  9. Hey guys, I have a rented a cottage starting next saturday up on Lorimer Lake. It will be my first time there. I had searched OFC previously to find some tips but didn't get much. If you or anyone else have any pointers I would appreciate it.
  10. Like most things jack-asses on both sides of the equation. But in the last few years I have run into more cottagers that seem to think they bought a cottage and therefore own 200 nautical miles out from shore. Best approach is always common sense and courtesy though.
  11. When I was in high school I purchased an old aluminum boat and trailer for like $500 bucks. There was no ownership as it was quite old and the previous owner could not provide me with papers. They let me get plates for it as a homemade trailer.
  12. You won't know until you try.
  13. Thanks for the report. Another great adventure for which I am sure we are all a little envious. I have no idea what you do for a living but your ability to tell the story of your adventure with words and pictures is amazing. Can't wait for the next report.
  14. I don't want to wade into an issue I have very little knowledge of, so I won't. But I will politely point out that I think you proved someone's earlier point about hate clouding people's arguments and judgments. I don't see an emoticon for headshaking....
  15. Couldn't see them in Guelph last night. Hopefully tonight...
  16. try ontariocottagerentals.com cottagesontheweb.com vrbo.com But it will be tough, its late to be booking and its still prime season that week. We booked a family cottage for 1 week/year for about 8 of us and we typically book very early in the new year as good cottages go fast.
  17. I agree with most about the piers and mouths of rivers. They are alot of fun when they are fresh and the rivers become a circus but to each his own. You can have fun catching salmon in the river and it can be done legally and many would argue ethically. I am sure between now and October we will read countless debates and horror stories involving this annual event.
  18. Thanks, it was a lot of fun. Growing up as kid I would spend a lot of my summer with my uncle in the Soo and we would spend a lot of that time trolling for salmon on the St.Mary's river, Lake Huron and Michigan. It reminded me of that but the fish were bigger on Sunday! I will actually have another report in the next couple of weeks. My bro is getting married on the 14th so my relatives are coming down for the wedding so I booked a charter out on the 13th. Hopefully my uncle can get into some salmon as well because I know he doesn't fish much for them anymore and it would be really special for him.
  19. yeah cut bait, very west coast but worked. This guy has won the tournament in the past and was a very knowledgeable.
  20. I like my vest and it was cheap on sale for like 30 bucks.
  21. Great report. Sorry to hear about the blackberry, a few years back my buddy flipped the canoe as I was taking a picture of his bass. We managed to salvage everything but the new digital camera. So I feel for you.
  22. I still use a vest. Although you have to be careful to not overlaod yourself. I have gotten better with not filling every nook with stuff and my shoulders have thanked me. Never fished with a chest pack but I have seen some guys on the river and they seem to be ready burst they have it so full. So I guess its really a matter of making sure what ever you carry feels comfortable.
  23. Well I was lucky enough to be invited by my brother inlaw last minute to go on charter sunday morning. He works in the marine business and one of this contacts happens to be a charter boat operator on the lake and had a free day, so he took us out at no charge It was a beautiful day on the water, the sun was shinning the winds were mostly out of the east and the waves were not too big. Although the fishing was slow we managed to boat 3 of 4 fish. Here is the first fish of the day It weighed in at 26lbs, not bad for my friends first ever Lake Ontario Salmon Our friend continued to have a good day with his second fish even bigger at 28lbs. Needless to say he was pretty pumped The 28lber had a lamprey on it which we removed and killed. We may have actually saved this fish's life, who knows. We caught one more it was small chinook and I was the goat of the day losing the other fish. Still what a fantastic outing. All fish today were successfully released to swim another day. Our captain was very diligent with taking the time to properly release the fish. In terms of lures all were caught on a flasher and cut bait at about 90 feet over about 200 feet of water.
  24. What a great surprise, nicely done.
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