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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. Just a thought that came to mind.Is he close to a yatch club that offers a boating coarse?Maybe he could do a road(lake) test with his boat?DUNNO, its worth a shot to ask. I will ask a marine unit officer in my area and see what he/she has to say.Im really curious as to their answer. Dunno
  2. Follow me to tim hortons signs on cruisers:lol: That would take some punks off the streets at 3 am, who suffer from the munchies,or dry mouth, if you know what I mean And maybe free donuts to go with the free ride back
  3. Hang in there raptor.There were times I caught a dozen or more in an outing.But lately its been slower for me,too slow.Too many hours invested, but when I hook up with one it was worth it.If in doubt get a guide esp if your going to fish that body quite often.Its well worth it.If you cant afford that then see the gents at the local fly shop, they ussually keep current records on everything in the area.Dont forget to spend a few bucks there as well, and a round of coffees goes a long way as well.A few flies on the end of the rod could make a good day of fishing.
  4. OFC ROCKS!!!!!!!!!Good job to all involved.
  5. I watched the episode today.their all butt ugly.And this guy thinks it may go to market.If I ever caught something like that I know somethings wrong.
  6. Good work guys. I kinda miss the old one But this is nice and clean cut.I was jogging around a few others and its not as good as this one. Fish on and cheers
  7. Kudos to you Bruce
  8. How desperate do people have to be to take a chance on their own lives?
  9. I like the chanel cats, but the mud cats.Yuck!Thats just me. Nice pics bruce
  10. Throw in some hot models and do a breast stroke race
  11. If you can do it for tax savings.Tell them that you bought the trailer for x amount of dollars and the boat was for free.The registration itself is no charge from my recolection.
  12. Sorry for your loss,flex.I lost my dad in my late 20s,best fishing partner that i ever had.Too this day I fish the old holes as we did way back.It didnt matter if I caught anything, but it brought me back to very fond memories of all of us out there.As for hunting I also do certain things religiously. I wish I knew then what I know now, being a father of 2 girls, I do the same as my dad did when I was there age. Get up!!!! Its time to go!!! Cheers and my sincere condolences to you and your family,flex. Vince
  13. heres another
  14. Try www.niagarafloatfishing.net,thats if you plan on hitting the niagara area.Some good allround folks chatting about such as us on OFC. Sorry guys I dont advertise for anyone,but I figured it would help this gent out.
  15. There is a set of stairs leadind down from the high level bridge.
  16. Selkirk my friend in the summer back in the late 80s early 90s. A wopping 52 1/2 lb on a 6ft berlky power poll.Everyone went back for lunch and I held back for a few minutes due to a bite on the rod.I caught the biggest carp in my life and at the same time missed some good Italian cooking. Sorry no picks but a few in the hammer can vouch for that day.Took me well over an hour to land it on 8lb test.
  17. I cant make it Anyway, I love the bit on chch news yesterday morning The plastic worms dont taste that bad at all, Hurl
  18. Albert, if you decide to rebush the holes,use the right stuff for sealant.Its a little pricey but well worth it.If you need brass or sealant come by,Im sure I can help you out.Ill rummage through my stuff again.Another clean up is due.
  19. Sham wow,and if you call within ten minutes you get the extras
  20. Nice
  21. I beleive its the one I lost twice on the same retreive last august.
  22. Not at all tb4me, not at all, or I really lucked out.The hybrid is awesome.If I remember right, go to googles earth and down load the advance/hybrid version.And when your pc notifies you of google earth updates,I update.The street sceens are neat as well. Here is a glimpse
  23. The bows will be in the vicinity.Im sure it will be murky.
  24. Luwie, Stuwie and Chuwie.Oh and dont forget about Chumie.Chumie was a sick minnow that was adopted by the three brothers parents.Papa Fluwie and Mama Truwie.Well Chumie had issues growing up.He stole from the rich as well as the poor.Your baits and strategies werent safe with Chumie lurking about.He was mean indeed,you name it, he chewed them off all right.Rapalas, krocs,frogs,mepps,you name it, he collected it. Well Dannyboy, you got names and a breif history.Shall I go on? I couldnt resist Kinda of a Saturday late night funny, Eh! Shall I continue?
  25. It was slow but good for me.I took a turn this year.I hit spots that I never tried before, and went for lakers and whitefish for the first time and got hooked on it.Not much caught except a bow and a few little guys.But what I did catch was a good fever that I cannot shake off.I finally had a good sense as too what fish do under the hard water.The aqua view turned things around for me.I didnt care if I caught 1 or a billion fish.Iwas so intrigued watching the buggers, and presenting different baits.And the hooks ups as well as the tyler tourney was awesome.MY worst year for fish but my best all round hard water year to a tee.
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