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Everything posted by vinnimon

  1. do tell,my friend.
  2. My buds just got back from lk nosbosing, 2 feet of ice.It cost then 250 a piece with accoms and a shore lunch for four days including hut.Fish bites where slow,but I. m sure the brown pops were hitting hard all day
  3. Hey bud, pm me. Jack lake at burk falls, right?I only shore fished it and caught a few pike and bass,nothing huge, but satisifying. AS for the others There is another Pm me and ill tell you. cheers
  4. And Im sure liquid deicing is soooooooo much better!!!!!!!!!
  5. The grimsby store always had better sales and still do.
  6. I have a couple of them for bottom bouncing baits.I peice of wood and lead.If I dress it up it will look nice and purdy for dee pikies.Now I need to find kermit.Here Kermie I have a treat for you.
  7. You too, EH!Instead of swearing in the shop we used to say.....BUCK ON!!!!!! FYI when buck rivoting.
  8. What a great feeling indeed.I took my oldest to an icefishing tourney close to home a couple of years ago.She was 3rd in the children division at binbrook.She was so happy to receive some and didnt know why,untill I told her.Well to top it off she was front row center in the local paper and at fishing world in the hammer.They displayed the photo over the cash, and there was my oldest,front row center.I couldnt be any happier or prouder.
  9. Not sure where your located? But there are plenty of area from the hammer to guelph and lake eerie to keep the youngins happy.Ive to young ones of my own.I make stops at waterford with them and when it gets slow, I hit triple tee trout farm to get them going again.When Idid that the last time, the girls didnt want to leave and It cost me a bundle in trout.But they where happy, and so was the wife.The only thing that peed the wife off is the hours and hours of ,talking about fishing.I couldnt of been any happier,the wife was board of it.But not the kids.
  10. Its a fair size pond,I beleive there is only catfish and panfish there.Its been a while since I scowered that hood.From what I recall, there is a path to the pond,you can see the pond from the rd side.Im not sure if its private property now or not.I know one side was at the time.I beleive coming from brantford going up the rd, it was on the right side.The path ends at a point in the pond.Thats all I can recall.
  11. Ive seen people access at the bridge between both, but parking was too limited for me to park.Ive been by the comm center, I didnt know I could access there.As for ramps,I have a canoe, but I prefer to bring my 20 bowrider with camper top, and anchor off shore for a camp out with my girls.
  12. I goto get one of those.Looks like a semi boyant frog imitation.Easy enough to make one.
  13. First off, I would like thank all that kept an eye out for me,Job wise.Thank you so very much,you know who you are.And to all the rest that kept me from pure bordom(all OFNers). Well I had an awesome day today,all jobs went perfect.Except for the last job,it was going to be sent back into service with an oil leak.I was told to put it back together and send it on its way.Well,while putting it back together I found this little something that was causing the problem, I put 2 & 2 together and some of the right stuff on it(sealant),the boss aproached me and I told him the problem was fixed.His face dropped and it was 15 min to quiting time. Hows that for a first day,I couldnt be more happier impressing the new boss. Thanks to all, and have an awesome fishing season Cheers Vince
  14. There was a guy between caledonia and mount hope that made float reels, a few years back.I had one of his reels.I beleive he was on chippewa creek rd.Mcintyre or Mcyntire was the name on the reel.Not sure of the exact spelling but a nice set up he had.He catered mainly to the US market at the time. Another place to try is BDI(if im correct) on grays rd beside A & A exhaust, ask for glen(blonde haired guy).They deal with bearings of all sorts, and he can advise you on maintenance,or even replace it for you.Tell him Vince sent you,you may even get a discount.Who knows?
  15. I think so too.Im actually kinda glad that i didnt do any mobile work for the past 5 weeks.Being that its the middle of winter.
  16. No, I picked up a company service truck yesterday.Im still keeping an eye out for ya,If I hear anything, i will let you know.
  17. I seen that the other day, at the police marine unit building.Beside the yacht club.Years back icaught some monsters out of there.
  18. AHHH GEEEZ,A week from tomorrow!I start a new job tomorrow,and with my luck no 2 good things are going to happen in one day.Thats my luck.
  19. I picked up 2, 550 cca batteries from interstate for about 210 bucks.And a mobiline deep cycle slow charger for under a 100 bucks.I find the big box store can be way over priced on many items.Shop around.Give acme battery a shout,Im not sure if there is one in T O.
  20. A set of skiis and a mounting platform.Sorry no pics.
  21. 1 vote per member in my household, done!= 4 votes.
  22. I have to agree with dave524 on this one.The possibilities are slim to none, but not entirely impossible. Im sure that all barriers have fish ladders to some degree.
  23. I would love to see some evidence that proves that, steelhead make their way back to the atlantic and return to Lake O tribe nesting grounds.I know there is a lot a food for these fish to feed on in the great lakes,to keep them happy.But in my mind im thinking there has to be the odd one that makes a full round trip.The chances are slim to none but, its possible.
  24. Thanks Bud,This time Im going full out,with all my might.Ill show them what Im made of for sure.Contacts and all! The old employer will be sorry that he let me go.I never burn my bridge, but for that guy, the bridge is gone.
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