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Everything posted by Marko

  1. anybody going to be there friday?? If you guys need a set of hands and it does not rain too bad i can make it down that way and help out
  2. Love your reports man, but watching all that snow and ice makes me shiver a little bit hahaha.
  3. I fished red river for those big cats right bellow the dam. I used big chunks of liver and a really heavy sinker. I was fishing from shore of the wall and had some success. Little bullheads just would not leave my bait. There was a guy fishing with us last year down at fishmasters and he swore by smelly sucker bait, he even had one that he let rot a little bit and was catching fish lol. Nasty sight for sure. Fresh bait works as well, worked for us anyways.
  4. I use just sucker meat and works well. If you google catfish bait you`ll come up with lots of disgusting smells and flavors that these fish like. My advice is to stick to sucker chunks lol, if you want to be adventurous, catch them day or two before you head out and leave them out. They`ll be nice and juicy
  5. Contact fishmaster, he is a member of this board as well or you can Google him. He is down in Dunville and there were few reports on smelts in last 2-3 weeks. That seems to be the place to be but he`ll give you more info.
  6. Happy B-Day man, All the best and hopefully many more to come!
  7. My gf`s parents buy their dog food at Costco, They have 5 retrievers, and they all are healthy. They have a vet come by their place every few months and check on them, never had any problems.
  8. Thought it was a common sense pulling a fish that heavy vertically, you would need a steel handle to lift that fish horizontally.
  9. I am trying to figure out how do people break nets when trying to land fish. Yea piers are a little bit high but do the handles snap or the netting? I wouldnt mind handing out my net or even helping somebody land a fish. How often do you see a guy catch a salmon off a pier nowadays anyway
  10. You can buy roe at rainbow sports on king st in Waterloo.
  11. Dead minnow and a float. Its deadly for early spring pike
  12. I knew i should have gone there today but nooo it was muddy apparently. Should have known better and checked it out myself lol
  13. Should be somewhat cleared up by now, better be lol
  14. Any river or a creek that runs to lake Ontario will have a sucker run. Some rivers might be better then other ones tho, with taht i cant really help. Nice fat dew worm does wonders for these fish and a sinker
  15. Never had much luck catching carp early in the spring. July-August and September is when i would start catching them consistently just about anywhere.
  16. Yea thats the only place i`ve been on Credit. I`ll let you know how i make out if i decide to go
  17. Might head out that way tomorrow, have a day off. Hopefully it wont be too crowded.
  18. Great fish and report. Now that we got that white fish we are winning this thing! Not long before ice is gone and can resume fishing
  19. maybe you should stick to carp fishing Great report guys, nice outing
  20. Joey had a great year last year with the reds, he`ll be a star for sure. Kills my cubs every time they play
  21. Can you justify spending anywhere from 300-700 dollars on a program such as windows xp?? Its windows...i think that kinda says it all. Imagine how much fishing stuff you can buy for that much money haha
  22. I guess we live in time where we reward stupidity and failure. Sad times indeed on the bright side spring is just around the corner
  23. I still cant open it at work but works fine at home. One of those weird things i guess, glad its back tho missed it!
  24. In curling`s defense there are some prety hot women that curl lol I was pleasantly surprised or maybe it was just Heineken.
  25. Thats gonna get me fired lol. Great link, checked a few fishing shows from Australia, monster fish left and right. Kinda makes me wanna go fish there and plus its warm!!
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