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Everything posted by Raf

  1. I don't cook often/a big variety but my green curry is world famous. a good curry paste (or make your own) - not pre made sauce or what-have-you, and keffir lime leaves are key. normally I use chicken... but fish works too!
  2. I like the sounds of the carrot over weeds trick. We're VERY amateurs about this, this will be our 3rd attempt this year. We have tomatoes, beans, peas, asparagus (yes, asparagus we inherited those when we bought this place and I've no idea what to do about them this spring to ensure they keep coming up healtyh) and strawberries and have tried peppers. I've found weeds the biggest enemy. You'll spend a lot of time weeding. It can be a lot of work.
  3. 2,4-d is what you want. you will need to cross the border or get to know your local farmer.
  4. i guess ole man is out of the question?
  5. click on your name at the top of the page and go to manage ignore prefs. might be different depending on which skin you are using.
  6. Canada needs to invade and takeover a carribbean island so our ohip is good there for 212 days. Cmon harper get on it.
  7. She sounds like a pretty mature 10 year old to be forming such strong opinions? I hear your frustration.
  8. i think we all know what its like to be a rebellious teen. an authority figure, especially a parent telling us 'otherwise' just adds to the fire. like you already did, i would tell her that you disagree with her opinion, formulate your best counterpoint to explain why, then try to explain that it's ok to have differences of opinion. leave it at that and then go outside and scream. if you 'forbid' anything you'll just push her further away.
  9. dont know how busy it is these days but we went mid week, first thing in the morning to avoid the crowds (i hate crowds). not cheap, but worth it if you have kids.
  10. it's notoriously difficult to get through to the CRA.. unless they want to get through to you.
  11. had a bout with golfer's elbow (no I dont golf, likely got it from poor form lifting weights), very similar to tennis elbow but it affects the inside of the elbow as opposed to the outside. took a long time to heal. i went to a sports therapist who performed ART (active release technique) and that seemed to help considerably.
  12. I used Gargoyle firwmare but in any even a ddwrt capable router and some reading regarding QOS would definately help you. Fairly certain ddwrt firmware will let you see exactly how much of that 60 down you are using in total as well as which device is using what and allow you to throttle/restrict use as neccessary. Also, you may not be saturating your ISPs connection but if everyone is connecting wirelessly you may be saturating the wireless. Try plugging in directly to the router via a LAN cable when the issues arise and see if it clears up. If this is the case, I would recommend a 2nd, unique hotspot connected via wire to the main router for the people downstairs to use while you use the wireless from your router.
  13. those will become dinner fish and offseason fish 8'6 is good for most baits. i prefer a 7'6 for jerkbaits though dependns how tall you are and whether you fish off the front or back of the boat
  14. even the 29 series wally world one makes a big difference compared to the 27 on my 12v 55pd
  15. dick pearson is another name you should pay attention to, NWO & muskies are his thing. not sure how many seminars he does these days but he has a book & dvd (muskies on the shield) that is a worthwhile read and watch
  16. Horton signed a 5MIL 7 Year deal? I hope he gets better obviously but what are the cap implications if he doesn't
  17. for what it's worth 80% of the time I am casting in the summer I'm either throwing a bootail of some sort or a jerkbait like a suick/wades wabbler. this is fishing shield water like you'll encounter on LOTW. i used to be a lure junky but have found that KISS (keep it simple stupid) applies to me and muskie fishing best. i've found (for me a least) it's better to learn to work a small number of select lures really well and when/where to use them than it is to have a boatload of lures and my catching has increased. if someone asked me what are the first lures they should buy I would tell them a bootail, a 9-10" jerkbait, a topraider and a 10" jake. never fished LOTW but from what I've read and heard, the top water bite can be pretty hot up there so I'd invest in a topraider. Any colour is good as long as its black.
  18. Garry I am trying to keep an open mind but I just dont see any of these three points applying to the way I cast. First let me state that I am a left handed in just about everything I do. Batting, writing, hockey you name it. I am pretty awkward doing any of those things right-handed so even if the way I cast is technically incorrect the comfort advantage outweighs any mechanical advantage I may gain doing it right. I cast two handed (I havent casted one handed since the 80s and pistol grips) with the rod over my right shoulder and (lefty) reel handle pointed straight up at the sky. My right hand is palming the reel and my left is holding the rod at the butt. It all acts as a sort of pendulum during the cast. By the end of the cast the handle is pointed straight down at the water and my right arm (and thus the reel) is extended. I have never had the handle engage the gear, likely for two reasons, one of my reels has a lever drag which also engages/disengages the gear so turning the handle with the gear disengaged does nothing (ok so that one is cheating and I wish all my reels had a lever drag instead of star but that's a different topic) but more importantly the reel is so far out in front of me that there's nothing for the handles to catch. I'd have to grow my gut by a lot of inches Hahah. That makes point 2 = not applicable. Finally, I am palming the reel 100% of the time, and maybe I am not understanding why you'd suggest otherwise. So much so that I get "Abu 7001 claw" and switch up on occasion to holding the foregrip of the rod instead of the reel while I retrieve.
  19. funny the regional difference, only 1.5 hours away (grand valley) and the opposite is true for the snowfall. i didnt see the blacktop on my road between end of november and beginning of march last winter.
  20. doesnt matter much if they sit in a rod holder all day weights alone are a bit deceiving IMO, it's more about how balanced it is on the rod. though my 301 curado setup does feel like a ML bass outfit after using the 7001 LOL
  21. we just did the starter shots as well and treat with revolution from april to december
  22. lots more snow last winter for sure but my enbridge bill says it's been 5% colder this year... yet we've used less NG, they must be scratching their heads LOL (more wood this year).
  23. the tekota 500 is propably bigger heavier more awkward than a 7000. i've used a lot of reels. my currently most used reels are a 7001, a curado 301 and an avet sx series (i think) saltwater reel. the 7001 is the only one that is an all-purpose reel. the curado is great for jerkbaits but lacks the power to pull blades and the avet is great for blades but since it has no level wind, is a one trick pony. the 6500 c3 or 7000 c3 are what i'd recommend to start. they both have loud clicker and cast reasonably well
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