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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. should be there no later than 9-930am depends on traffic and pee stops.
  2. p.m sent
  3. Here is a couple from late Oct. Here is Tracker And a couple more of some great Quinte wave action.
  4. I think Merlands sells worms.And if not there is a variety store down the street that does
  5. The clips on the Church Walleye Boards works well with braided line.The Offshore boards with the factory origanol clips does not.When I run inline boards I just use 12lbs PLINE Mono.
  6. Go one piece.If you are buying it for saftey as well as warmth then the one piece is the way to go.There is a reason why the Coast Guard wear one piece suits.If you look around you can still find some Natilus suits for sale.I think that Fishing world still carries them.I have Natilus 1000 series that I bought for 299.00 and its a great suit.It also has the suspenders wich is a great feature.Just shop around.
  7. So when are you picking up the new Lund.
  8. Just relax and take it easy.Glad to hear all went well.
  9. Had a great time last year so count me in for sure.
  10. Wayne is that the new phone lure for teenage Musky?
  11. Best of luck to you Shawn.I hope you have a speedy recovery. Dan
  12. Here is ours its a 2005 Lund Classic 16 with a 50hp 4 stroke.It makes for a real good walleye boat.
  13. Dont forget the handymans secret weapon duct tape.And a set of spark plugs and socket set.And a cell phone.
  14. were are you bill?
  15. Congrats Joey.Keep it up.Its not an easy thing to do but it just keeps getting easier and easier every day.I know. Dan
  16. Bill I dont think you need the flares.
  17. Sorry about the Salmon but there is always next summer.So start working on your arm muscles.Well we will see you in Quinte maybe even this Saturday.
  18. Well Cliff and Carole congrats.I am happy to see that you got a good craft.You will get many of good years on the water with that rig.So let the memorys begin.And again congrats.Dan
  19. I wouldnt want to guess on its wieght but a real nice pike none the less.Wtg Bill.
  20. Again out fished eh Mike.I guess it was all the secrets I showed Ryan while he was out in my boat.But thats what fishing and kids is all about.Next summer you will have to bring Ryan out here so he can show you how to catch some Salmon.See you next week.Dan
  21. Thanks for the report and keep them coming.It wont be long now and the bigun's will be heading in.You will have to stop by Merland park Nov 17th weekend for the G2Gther .Keep the reports coming Superdad and good luck out there.Dan
  22. Well Bill were are those pictures ?
  23. Great smallie.Congrats on the p.b.
  24. Biteme,Pointed and myself Wed a.m to Sunday......So stop in and say hi .we will be in the cabin called Mikey big fish.
  25. I have been doing well for Cohos and Bows in the 80 - 140 ft range running meat off the riggers at about 60ft down.Just out from the river mouths.They seem to enjoy the green teasers and flashers.
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