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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Glad to here you are coming down Sam it will be nice to see you again.Blye your Walleye diver was the hot ticket last year so dont leave it at home.Cliff and Carole I was talking with Gerritt and he says you guys might need a couple floater suits to wear .Just let me know and I will bring a couple extras down for you.Dan
  2. Dont forget BIG crank baits.Like Stretchman 20s,or 30s,big Walleye divers and even some nice size spoons.Planner boards and even some keel weights or clip on wiegths.
  3. No thanks
  4. Good to hear that there is still some good honest folks out there.
  5. Nice fish guys.
  6. Nice looking fish.Not often the bay will let you down.
  7. I have always wanted to vist the rock.But after seeing those pictures I am going.Fantastic post and pictures.
  8. Glad to hear Shawn.If you want to shack up a few just check out the hook up thread.
  9. You could try anyone who rebuilds starters or alternators or any electric motor rebilders.
  10. So there ypu go the Picton Harbour inn is still open and they have a ramp and docks as well.
  11. Gerritt we are staying at Merland Park but we already have 8 in our cottage wich is the max they say.If we had room you would be more than welcome.Maybe we should start something on the hookups so guys that want to come and maybe want to share accomadations or have room in there boat for someone.Last year there was lots of people fishing solo on the water.I say lets fill all the cottages with OFNERS and fill all the boats this year.There is a few Hotels close by.I dont Know if the Picton Harbour Inn and the Tip of THe Bay are still open.But there is the Sportsman Motel just down the road and its only a 5 minute drive to the boat ramp at the ferry.As far as your boat goes Gerritt you will have no problems.Dan
  12. I also have a couple extra float suits I can loan to those who dont have one.One is a large and the other is a small.
  13. You might have to wear 10 shirts.
  14. Cant wait only 85 more sleeps
  15. Hey Bill congrats on your weekend win.Good going.And Mike this fall will be a different story as far as the big winner goes.
  16. Enjoy yourself you lucky guy.
  17. Javex Bleach and water.Spray it on and let it sit about 2 minutes and then wash it off.Works great.I pour it in the hull of my boat mixed with water and leave it in while i go fishing for the day and when I get home I pull the plug and rinse it all out.It leaves the inside of the hull looking like new.No more slime.
  18. Tap water......
  19. Fantastic Photos.The baby birds are a really good shot.Actually they all are.Good work.
  20. Glad to see you are on the water now.All you need is a couple of downriggers and Salmon watch out.Happy boating!!!!!
  21. I was out of Bronte tonight and ended up with 2 .There not out too far right now.All are fish were in water under 100'.The biggest was 26lbs and the other was 20.Still not big enough!
  22. Try Mohawk Bay trailer park.They have boat rentals if needed,boat ramp ,docks,and rent house trailers.The trailers are pretty good with a fair amount of room.Deseronto has pretty good fishing as well. http://www.mohawkbaypark.com/
  23. So Mike did Robins frog turn into a prince?If it did I dont think you would of had room for him in the van anyways.Who wants a green prince anyway.Well your home safe and sound ,lesson learned and the kids had a blast.thats all that matters.Dan
  24. Its not just the poor souls that have to come and rescue you and risk there lives to look at your dead body floatng in the water.Its your poor family and friends that have to live with your senseless death.So its not just about your comfort.Think about all the others discomfort.To many people think just of them selfes and not others.Dan
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