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Everything posted by PERCHER

  1. Welcome to the board.Awesome intro.Right now you are living in the area that I one day hope to retire in.
  2. On a newer engine I would stick with the manufactures brand.But if its a really older motor use a good quality oil like Valvoline or even Petro Can.I paid $118.00 for 10l of Merc Optimax injector oil. Dan
  3. I was thinking about taking the young lad out on Simcoe this Saturday.But have never fished the lake when it wasn't frozen.I dont even have a clue where to launch my boat.Anybody else heading out this weekend? I was thinking Cooks Bay area maybe for some pike fun.Can any body help me out even if its just with a boat launch with a good dock and good parking?It does not have to be a free launch because I don't mind paying for the use of a quality boat ramp. Thanks in advance Dan
  4. Welcome to the board and that Laker looks like a brute.
  5. I hope everything goes well for you Buddy and I hope you have speedy recovery. Best wishes from your pal Dan
  6. Regular battery cable is 4ga.I would use 4ga only.It can be bought by the foot from any Jobber ie Napa,Parts Source,CTC.Make sure you use propper cable ends.The best are the brass ones that are soldered on. Just my opinion Dan
  7. On to Perfect vue.We will see you all there.Now all we need is BITEME and Pointed to commit and it will be good.Never want to see that other place again.
  8. O.K its offical the weekend of Nov 15-16.So start booking somewhere to stay. I wont be at the same place as last year but maybe the Picton Harbour Inn or some other hotel or cottage rental place.Any suggestions. And is this weekend o.k with everybody else?
  9. Great report Joey looks like you guys had a blast.Maybe next year.Hope to see you guys on Quinte this fall. Dan
  10. Both at the same time.Try using a floating worm harness on a bottom bouncer.
  11. Cliff I dont know what to say but
  12. Insurance is done!!!!!
  13. Another great thing happened this weekend.Two very good friends came over and fully installed my riggers for me. Thanks BITEME and Pointed you are a pair of great guys. Dan
  14. Thanks Cliff, I will be out next year.I need a new tow vehichle.
  15. Thanks Guys I think it woud take a miracle to top that next year. I dont know if I could handle all the stress again. Thanks again. Dan
  16. Well today was the fish of for the salmon derby.The start time was 8 oclock and ended at 12 noon.In the four hours we only managed one hit but thats o.k.Because after the derby it was prize time.We had lunch and waited, it semmed like hours.Oh wait it was hours then finally it was my turn.And let me tell you it was well worth the wait.So here it is my prize.And thanks to all who cheered me on during week 5.And a special thanks to my Brother Brent for taking me out today for the fish off.Thanks Brother.
  17. Nice to see you guys got out and got one,Way to go Brian!
  18. Nice fish guys and what was the ratio of fish caugth between you and Mike? Just razzin you Mike. Dan
  19. I thought about that Brain and I was thinking about a gimble mount off to the side for either unit.The Lowrance has 8,000 watts peak power and the h-bird has 4,000.But the H-bird has a dual cone transducer and higher resolution.I think I will have to see both in action before I make up my mind.Both seem to be great units at about the same price. Dan
  20. I have always owned and liked the Humminbirds but its now time for a new sonar unit.I am stuck between these two models.They are close in price but the Lowrance has more power.I know more power is better.But the reviews I have read say that the ease of use goes to the Humminbird.I cant deal with over complicated electronics.If any one has either of these two units and wouldn't mind sharing some feed back that would be great. DaN
  21. (I am convinced that there is a safe way to lip a pike LOL). There is another Board member who thought the same thing and I was there to wittness it.Not a pretty sight.Maybe he will chime in on lip gripping pike.
  22. Nice fish Buddy.And add another 43" for Catch 22.Way to go.
  23. We were also out on Erie Sunday morning in a green Lund Pro Sport.We launched out of Fishmasters.We were after walleye and managed one about 5lbs.Never tried for smallies but have always wanted to.Thats is a sweet one you have there.Us like you new when to get off the lake.Maybe we will rin into you down there one day. Dan
  24. Bill sorry I didnt get to catch up with you before you left.But i am glad to see you are having a great road trip.Great report and really nice fish.Can't wait for part 2.Be safe on the road and water and catch some more nice ones. Dan
  25. Great report fishing beats working any time.And the bonus are the fish.Thanks for the report. Dan
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