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SRT8 smoker craft

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Everything posted by SRT8 smoker craft

  1. Can you camp there or just for the day I have seen people BBQin there before
  2. yeah but can ya camp down there we want to spend a bunch of weekends down at the bay either tenting or in the in-laws motorhome whats the damage for a slip for the season ?
  3. X2 I buy mine from wally world $49 they are hunting boots and work great I only went 2 sizes but should have went 3.
  4. I haer ya on the softwater I haven't fished since december
  5. Cool buddy I was thinking about that was gonna get a spot at fin & feather so we could camp down there all the time
  6. LOL thanks for the support
  7. Yeah that was the reason I decided to go with a lund the price is way better than a few years ago this boat was the same $$$$ as a 17' SC I priced out from another brand and had a cheap finder ,TM and no travel cover .
  8. Thanks guys I'm supper excited !!! SC I didn't get it at the show but I did get a deal because of it ,I always used to say I would never buy a lund until I saw the price of this one .SP I was on nights and found out everything was good to go while I was at work but now I'm up again with hardly any sleep .Skeet your just mean I can't wait to get her all slimy
  9. Only pic I could find on the net that didn't have people in it LOL pick it up end of april cant wait got a 80lb minn-kota and a HDS 7 on her with a 90hp merc now I just need to sell the starcraft LOL
  10. Welcome to the board and great choice in your user name
  11. I can't be certain but I have spent a few summer vacay's in sturgeon and verner many years ago and I think I may have spoken to this gentleman at the ctc in sturgeon but it was along time ago sound's like a great guy hope he is at peace on the big lake in the sky.
  12. Hopefully going sunday to the show. And it figures I am going to BPS on the 26th only day I can go so I will miss Dave
  13. Toyota took responsibility and recalled millions of cars and fixed the problem how many people died in explorers while ford was blaming the tire company (I don't know the whole story just a example)the biggest problem was people trying to cash in saying their toyota's took off .None of us common folk will ever know the whole truth but .
  14. Came across this while surfing the net .Figured since all the bad press got posted before I should post good news for a change. http://www.thestar.com/business/auto/article/935291--u-s-safety-panel-clears-toyota-s-electronics
  15. If there was fishing like that around here I might actually like ice fishing awesome report
  16. Welcome to the board that's a really cute puppy your family has.
  17. Nice gator
  18. hot tub hot tub LOL good job Bly
  19. Dude you are definately a hero it's hard to keep cool in a house full of smoke .I had a total loss house fire about 6-7 years ago and I spent several minutes in the fully involved fire looking for my wife who had jumped from the second story window already. once I saw her safe outside, I went back in for my dog which had already be overwhelmed by the smoke. it has been by far the worst thing I have ever gone through physically I still am not 100% from it my sinus and lungs have given me lots of problems ever since .I had 1st degree burns on my hands and back form crawling around under the ceiling fire. glad you got it out! .Again dude if you feel bad go to the hospital and get checked out smoke inhalation is nothing to mess with.Good job a lot of people wouldn't even consider doing what you did
  20. The 2 I kept this year one had emeralds only and the other had emeralds and a crawfishabout 1" long in it . I have caught pike ,bass(LMB,SMB) perch, steelhead and brown trout all out of Erie that have had emeralds,crawfish,gobies and smelt I think they will eat anything that will fit in their mouths even caught jumbo's with small 1-2" perch in their bellies.
  21. Yeah it's Bob's old boat and he didn't take it, he's fishing as a co-angler no boat required.
  22. I realized that after I posted talked to the guys at AA today they don't think Jos made the day 3 cut but Bob had a good bag and may cash a cheque and a guy from Oakville is doing really well to but I can't remember his name .
  23. Lauries a great Lady Orders me stuff I can't find anywere else and doesn't make me buy 50 of them between Dixie and angling outfitters is were I will spend the majority of my money .
  24. Nice Jos is beating Bob and prolly in Bob's old boat LOL Man I wish I could fish a tourny on the big O HUGE bass in there .
  25. Good work Louis and John and all the CRAA members gives me hope that I can get things done on my home river
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