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Everything posted by cuzza

  1. I think that's quite reasonable lew - I'd be keeping the car and selling the boat too if it were me.
  2. First Cast/Hook Line and Sinker (same shop) in Guelph will almost certainly have some Give 'em a call - http://www.hooklineandsinker.ca/
  3. Your call - a catalytic converter is $200 and O2 sensors are $50 each as a minimum plus fitting which is a lot more than a bottle of Stabil!
  4. Another vote for Stabil here - I know it's not much oil but I doubt it'll do your catalytic converter any good and they're expensive if you do manage to poison it.
  5. Like your style Irish - we have Fullers ESB as well as London Pride on tap here in Oakville Oh and FWIW Australia aren't world dominators at cricket - England are world No1 at the moment
  6. Fish4Trout is definitely still open http://www.fish4trout.ca
  7. I was thinking the same thing but they hit big rabbit strip streamers which have the same pulsing action so I it makes sense (I'm a non-elitist anything goes including flies fisherman ). Will have to get some of the smaller ones and give em a go. Nice fish and a nice looking spot Rich As for steelhead - like Frankie I avoid the crowds which normally just involves a bit of a walk
  8. Nooooooooo - my secret creek and special bait leaked onto the internet in one post
  9. I fish crushed barbs most of the time - I fly fish mainly and can release a fish without touching it or taking it out of the water most of the time. If it needs netting (if it's bigger or I can't see the fly) the fly is normally out as soon as it gets in the net.
  10. Loving the steelhead pics Paulus and MJL - won't be long now
  11. As you have the guys from the shop coming round, they'll probably help you out especially if you make decent coffee It sound like authentication problems on the router - assuming you have encryption turned on (recommend WEP) and can connect once everything should get saved and it just works. Not familiar with the rocket hub but wlan is wlan
  12. I'd go with the hammer on the back tactic - I have a nice 4lb club hammer which works every time, if they're the 'drum inside' type then in it's probably the shoes holding it on rtaher than any rust. Be careful using a torch near the wheel bearings. ETA - The parking brake is off, isn't it?
  13. cuzza

    Ebay --

    I *think* $40 is the magic number now - read that on here and it's in line with my limited experience. I got quite a few Rapala lots @ 5 for $20 or so from Canada - the key is making sure they're all colours and sizes you'll use, not padded out with stuff that'll never see the light of day. Naturally one should always check other online suppliers too
  14. cuzza

    Ebay --

    I buy all my Rapalas in lots on eBay and have never had a problem - does sound like you've got a set of "These will ship from our supplier in China" type lures, I'm sure they'll do the job for as long as the paint stays on
  15. I was in Saudi Arabia in Bin Laden's families hometown of Al Khobar - that was an interesting few days! I flew home to the UK on Sept 13th on the emptiest plane I've ever been on.
  16. Sounds like it was a case of close but no cigar - it seems to be micro fly season at the moment, last time out I was catching on small (size 16) Scuds like this (not exactly but this kind of thing).... They'll start to eat anything that swims soon so it should get easier
  17. Did you chnage or stop your retrive just as the fish was about to hit? Can sometimes be hard to stop yourself as you see him closing in! Otherwise they're seeing your fly, heading over ofr a look and deciding against it - try changing to something smaller in the same pattern or flip a few rocks over and see what's underneath to try and match it. BTW - Are we talking about trout here?
  18. At least take the advice about the axle stands - "designing something out of wood" really won't cut especially as you're going to have to pull pretty hard to get the old bits off. I know you're on a budget but propping the car on the scissor jack and a pile of wood is asking for it - $25 a pair at Canadian Tire. Secondly buy a Haynes manual (another $25 at CT) - it'll cover how to remove and re-fit everything as well as give you the torque values you need and you can have it sat next to you on your driveway - not free like YouTube but it'll be a good reference if you need to do other work later or remove anything else unexpected to get the mangled parts off. Putting used suspension components on can be false economy, if they're worn (check the mileage of the car they're coming from if you can) you'll never get it aligned. Consider putting new bushings in before you re-fit, they're not expensive - most shops will press them in for you for a few $ and you'll have a solid setup. Assuming you get everything off and replace it, get everything tightened up but torque it all with the car on the ground at normal ride height.
  19. I think Solo's got it - have a look at this - scroll down to the picture of the red rod in about 7 or 8 pieces and read from a couple of paragraphs above there (unless you want to read about making arrows from cane first ) http://www.maxrod.net/article/
  20. The 'flat one side' bit is interesting, not seen that before Japanese rods from that era are so common as a lot of soldiers were over there at that time and picked them up and as a result they're not worth much but it's a nice thing to have especially if it's in such good condition. Even the English stuff isn't worth much unless it's in mint condition and was made by certain people.
  21. Post up where you are and perhaps someone will know a good shop in the area or may even be able to help you. Most shops will use non genuine parts which will keep the cost down. TBH It doesn't sound like you have the knowledge to do it yourself and if you put your suspension back together wrong you'll do even more damage to the vehicle and possibly yourself. Hopefully you're not still driving it?
  22. Put the manufacturer recommended ones in (especially as you have a set) - they write those guides for a reason.
  23. It'll be fine - if you were going for a week's solid fishing then you'd probably want to go heavier but for rock or pier fishing I'm sure you'll be OK as long as you have the reel drag set appropriately in case you do hook something big. I certainly wouldn't buy anything special as a "just in case I have time" setup. Enjoy
  24. Might be a bit late for that, Craig! You mean the bright orange, 100m+ long freighter that was sounding it's horn at him? More detail here - the comments are quite interesting (especially the ones about the exclusion zones)... http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/9182128.Oil_tanker_drama_at_Cowes_Week/?ref=mr
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