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Everything posted by dustink

  1. Cool stuff OFC! Well done!! dk
  2. Nice report! Thanks for obfuscating to keep us guessing! dk
  3. Nice report!! Man....those are some mean looking fish! dk
  4. See, but when I see them, I don't think he sees himself as an actor...that's what makes the commercials so funny. LOL...let's hope Manning doesn't end up like OJ!!
  5. Interesting read.... Thank God the cold weather finally came, I thought the Shack Nasties were never gonna happen!! ;-) C'mon Spring! dk
  6. Manning does commericals because he has a great sense of humor and can laugh at himself....love the phone commerical with wig / 'stashe, and the credit card commercial where the kid takes a steam of water in the face, and he says "You're OK Joey....rub some dirt on it!" Great game, and I think Manning will have a lot more fans now that he's proven he can win in a big spot. Go Colts!! dk
  7. uh, yeah....that's scary. dk
  8. Welcome to the board....I think you'll fit in just fine here.... dk
  9. Gas is under $2.00/Gallon here for the first time in a LONG time.... dk
  10. Welcome to the OFC! I'm guessing you'll do just fine around here. dk
  11. No bigger blessing in the world!! Congrats! dk
  12. Wow! That was awesome, and I'd love to see and read more about your trips! Thanks for sharing! dk
  13. I've flown with Hawk Air several time, and had the same good experiences as solopaddler. Breckenridge Lake - Pike, Walleye Easey Point - Pike Walleye Daisey - Pike Hawk Air's website Good luck! dk
  14. Sounds like a good day to me.....Enjoy! dk
  15. Yeah...that was a trip to the woodshed for the boys from Columbus! Ouch! dk
  16. Not sure how I missed this report, but WOW. Great Year in Review, MB! Thanks for taking the time to share awesome stories with us. I hope you have a great 2007....and share the adventures with us! dk
  17. I think I smell a new colum for the OFC E-magazine.....
  18. If I did....I would stop going!! I go just to get outside. Now, I like the challange, and may give some serious thought to the things I could better / different next time (bait, presentation, etc). But never stressed out!! On the old board I had this quote under the picture in my Avatar: "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not the fish they are after" -Henry David Thoreau It was a real toss up between that one and the one I have now for my signature....because both are SO true! dk
  19. yeah...Wow! Well done Justin. dk
  20. OK....how about a warning before we show close-ups of SPIDERS!! I about leapped outta my chair!! Man, I hate spiders! dk
  21. Great report! There were some great colors on those 'bows. Thanks for sharing! dk
  22. Good luck Phil....I think the Buckeyes will handle them by more then 14 pts. Have fun! dk
  23. Nice Job. Always great to fish with your father! Catching fish is just a great bonus! dk
  24. Best of luck!!! Thanks for being willing to serve! dk
  25. Yep....and I have a couple of guys who are "friends" but after a fishing trip.....we're still friends, we just don't fish together!
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