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Everything posted by dustink

  1. Thanks, guys! Yeah, I've made that trip from Soo to Wawa in the dark, and you're right the moose can be scary. Deer down here in Indiana are bad enough, but a moose would seriously put a dent in the truck!! Thanks for the tips on Gas, etc. When we make this trip, we usually leave on Friday night, and drive through the night, getting to Wawa about 5 or 6 am. Last year we stoped near Hornepayne for Breakfast on the way to Fushimi. I'm guessing we'd do the same thing in '07. And you're right Dan, I'd love to take the drive from Duluth to TB, and that may be an option as well.....just don't like the Chicago traffic (especially pulling a boat).....Michigan is much better! But if we drive through the night, that is an option as well. We'll see where we end up going, and hopefully that will be decided in the next few weeks. Thanks again for the feedback! dk
  2. Congrats Roger! Sounds like a great set-up!! dk
  3. Very Cool!! Hope we get to see a video of it on OFC when it's done! Best of luck and have fun! dk
  4. Thanks, Phil. That's about what I expected. Not sure where we'll end up, but looking forward to it already!! dk
  5. I'm working on planning our annual fishing trip, and exploring some options. We won't be coming up this year until September (baby #3 is coming to my house in June!), so I think Fushimi PP is out because they close Sept. 3 or 4. If possible, we'd like just to head back to Fushimi, but....we'll see. So, I'm looking at heading back to the Atikokan area. I was there last September with my family and some friends who have a cottage on Little Turtle lake. While there we took a tour over to the White Otter Lake....to see Jimmy McQuat's castle. I'm thinking that may be a good guys trip this year. Brown's Clearwater Lodge can shuttle boats to the White Otter Lake, and we could camp anywhere on the lake. I know the drive to Atikokan is about 17 hours from here if I go through Int'l Falls, but how long would the drive be to go around the Northern shore of Superior (I'm 9 hours from Wawa, ON), and I'm thinking we'd plan on spending a night in Thunder Bay, then heading onto Atikokan. Also, anyone ever fish / camp in White Otter Lake? It's a BIG body of water, and I'm sure has Walleye, Pike, Smallies, and I know Lake Trout (we saw some folks cleaing some). Thanks in advance! Half the fun of this trip for me is planning it!! dk
  6. Nice ride! I've got a '01 Escape and love it!! Lots of room, great for towing, 4-wheel drive, and not near as boxy as a larger SUV....and better gas mileage. Enjoy! dk
  7. Roy said it best! Congrats on the new home, and may you have a great Christmas! dk
  8. May have finally figured a way to keep the cat from playing with the tree decorations!!! Thanks, TJ! dk
  9. OK, OK....I'll stop whining about the dusting we got down here yesterday. Point taken! LOL That's a great post btw! Love the shot in front of the school. dk
  10. Born, raised, and now raising a family in Bluffton, IN, Wells County, Indiana, USA dk
  11. Great thread! Just changed mine this morning. I wish we could have a quote under it like we did on the old board...mine would read: "Fishing is about so much more then catching fish."
  12. Missed the original post GCD, but I'm glad you'll be bringin' her home! Here's to a full recovery!! dk
  13. Some funny stuff there! Thanks for the laugh. dk
  14. LOL...c'mon Phil, tell the story! I'm sure you didn't do it trying to steal some copper......did you??
  15. Great shot TJ! Enjoy the Magazine...some pretty good articles in there too....if you're ever coming to Indiana....lol dk
  16. Ouch, Phil! Don't feel near as bad for the idiots who are trying to lift some copper....but I do feel for that big bear! dk
  17. I received this e-mail with these pictures. I hadn't seen this before....but here's the story I really feel sorry for the bear. Here are the pictures (I was a little disturbed by them....just as a warning):
  18. Wow.....15#.....Wow! Congrats on a great fish, and report! dk
  19. I'm looking through the December 2006 issue of "Indiana Game & Fish" on my lunch break, and I get to page 58-59. I see a ad spread for Ontario, Canada. I'm looking through the ad and I see a picture of this kid holding a nice Smallmouth bass (in a mini-ad for www.sunsetcountry.net). I look closer, and go, "Hey, I recognize that hat....and the kid wearin' it!" Sure enough, there's the President & CEO of Jumla Lures, Avery Quesnel....at least they know which male faces the Quesnel family to publish! Sorry for the bad scan, but it's the best I could do late last night: Congrats, Avery....and I'll drop the magazine in the mail tonight. dk
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