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Everything posted by smally21

  1. are not gun owners already flagged as holders of POL/PAL's when they cross the border? ted raised good points if the info does result in unearned scrutiny.
  2. I was, i thought quite obviously, making a joke about eating tiger muskie And taking a jab at the flow of the post..in lawyer speak Asked and answered. And btw the fish is pigeontrollers pic has great colors. Id hang a dozen replicas throughout the house if i could
  3. Can i ask the same question 10 different ways til i get the answer i like? So, can i eat this thing or what?
  4. X2 on the fowlers corners option
  5. there is a program in downtown hamilton, mandatory swimming lessons in school keep going til you pass a basic standard. the ymca's are involved, suits donated by local groups as required, march all the kids to the pool and chuck 'em in. as some of the population there hasn't had the opportunity, or immigrated here from a place without lakes and pools and ponds, its a great program to avoid unnessecary drownings. imagine if every kid was taught to swim the amount of tragedies could be avoided.
  6. not intending to make light of the topic but it seems timely to share this..my fathers idea of parenting around the early 70s...look closely. im not going anywhere.
  7. does everyone know about kuhns storage in niagara falls? have your gear shipped there and they will receive and hold for you for reasonable cost.. number and info on the net... i buy alot of audio gear and in the states all the online companies ship for free. to the US so example emoticva ships a 900$ amp anywhere in the states for .... 900$ i buy the same item shipped to canada works out to just over 1200$... when i asked whats up emotiva blames customs fees..all i asked was waive the frieght like you do for americans, ill pay every fee involved with the border crossing. no go of course.
  8. fencing them in instead of fencing them out. very interesting comment. that's how it works with pets.. one thing to consider is how long the child was unattended for in order for this to happen.. you take your eye off your kid for a few seconds, the gate blows open, whatever, and you cant find them. Which way do you check first? did they go inside? out the gate? around the side of the house? so you pick one and go looking, if you pick the wrong direction the kid is 'lost' longer..but you still only looked away shortly. im just trying to suggest that its likely the child's absence wasn't unnoticed for the entire period..just that the search was in the other direction..
  9. well first there is mayonaise...wait...active outdoors has eyes everywhere. carry on like we weren't talking....
  10. an interesting and informative article. i think it would be very honest to make the mistake that drowning people show signs of drowning. they always call for help on TV. and if you see it happening to my kid, and you are not a "trained lifeguard" feel free to rescue them anyway.
  11. its like 1.20 on each 100 or something. good advice. what seems funny is imagine any other business that says "the service is 20$. for another 10$ you can insure against us destroying your property" how about i just pay you for the service, and if you destroy my stuff you pay for your mistake? not how it works so i pay the insurance, and as crazy as it sounds, canada post was very good about the claim. no, its true.
  12. but you willl (if it applies to you, insert name) go on a fishing forum talk about home insurance, boat tax, incomes, family history, tax returns, marriage and divorce, sickness, colonoscopy results, death/birth in the family, lost job, got a job, want a job, got a ticket, neighbours dog barks, secret coleslaw recipe, etc. and then get freaked out cuz some yank knows yer address.
  13. never heard anything about anyone fishing it. access would be a problem. off of dunmark rd is heron point golf club, and all private properties off of jerseyvile rd/sunnyridge rd. it is almost as big as the local conservation area lakes and i would only assume the fishing to be similar. its muddy complexion suggests it may be shallow.
  14. thats no good pete. some great ideas to fix the problem but the boat should run fine the way it is solo and unwieghted...the porpoising and other should occur because you have wieghted the boat wrongly with gear or passengers..you shouldn't need to run with full live wells or pop bottles or patio stones jammed in the bow. it probably wouldn't porpoise if you left the trailer attached to it either but doesn't solve it! whats the dealer say? not familiar with the setup are there any settings on the outboard to adjust its angle or height for setup?
  15. get seperate bills for each..only pay tax on the trailer at MTO. check this out procedures for pleasure craft licensing http://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_boat_licence-3211.htm
  16. never been asked for the card. the boats in hamilton, temagami and lake erie i get checked by aren't tin cans they are serious twon outboard machines. alcohol seems to be their major concern. searching, searching, open this, show me in here. whether they find anything or not they ALWAYS provide some sort of lecture..the last one was "the hardest part of my job is pulling bodies out of the water" so i interrupted him and asked how many bodies he'd pulled out of the water. the guy didnt say anything and his partner chimed up that neither of them had ever pulled a body from the water or even seen one. which was ironic considering the guys in the boat he was lecturing had seen plenty.
  17. Are there user fees at toronto public launches?
  18. snidley may have hit this on the head. shore fishing locations in my area are knee deep in garbage and butts. to be fair, the rest of the city isnt much different.
  19. i love the startup smell of my 2 stroke. its like its part of the thing. its 6 am mist all over the water, motor just started rattliing away while i put the electronics in place..idle away from the dock with just a little smoke drifting away.. its one of the things that sticks with me when i haven't been fishing in a while. sure i might die from it someday but its an odour i associate with good things..
  20. i have a 2006 johnson 115hp 2 stroke. uses very small amounts of oil, is quieter than 2 strokes of old. i have found it reliable and quite easy to maintain. it doesn't smoke, stink, get all oily. looks like a little sewing machine under the cowl. its fuel effeiciency is remarkable! boat uses next to nothing. week long trips on big lakes like temagami on 60litres of fuel.. id also like to know when the 2 strokes started to lean this way.. hope it helps.
  21. haven't seen much of costner for the last little while. does a great job of this. paxton has been in a lot of my favorite movies as well. it takes a good story to get a dude like KC onto the small screen. did he write and/or produce i wonder?
  22. Haha. Hyundai bashing. The pony was a long time ago. Great article, and i agree in principal. The comments after are accurate as well, the advertised price is seldom within shouting distance of the final price. Have you read online reviews from actual owners of these vehicles or are you just looking for opinions based on water cooler talk at the office? Ive heard that the more modern hyundais are much better than their rightfully maligned earlier efforts. That being said, my barbers sister has a cousin that says her accountant had one that was in the shop all the time. Seriously, my sister actually had one, of the era you refer to, and it was a nightmare. Had an unsolvable gremlin that caused a no start conditoon for the life of the lease. Dealer support/ understanding was pretty poor...just one example however... Good luck to you.
  23. if i was to hazard a guess, these numbers that your brother were peeling off would still show the previous owners name if processed.. apologies if you have applied to place the numbers into your name already. just gettin' a feeling....
  24. the vampires were edited out from the final cut, my research tells me... some were used as barefooted, backwoods moonshine sucking extras. (just at night)
  25. and rightly so! i held a truck in the states with 500$ got there (ohio) and it was 2wd not 4wd as advertised. + a bunch of other undisclosed fees..id ask the guy ten times for the total price..what fees added...what should the cheque say on it($) couldn't have been more clear. the fire bombing ensued immediately. with half the dealership in ruins, we managed to come to an agreement that left the other half standing. i give no quarter to breaching an agreement.. its tough to beat on an out of town dealer, he knows you are never coming back, and you can't slay him like your local dealer...
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