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Everything posted by smally21

  1. There was no judgement, ridicule or criticizing in the earlier posts. Where are you getting that from? A guy stated that he doesn't keep fish because it makes no sense for him to do so. Never commented on anothers right or choice to do so. So jumping all over him makes no sense either. You just figure because he has a limited amount of posts no one will mind if you take the boots to him?
  2. i hear you about the kawartha lakes weed. i grew up on lake huron and didnt know what a weed was..i do alot of boating and fishing in the buckhorn area and its weed central. im always looking at listings in the parry sound area. i prefer that drive over hwy11. i spend some time in the area and i find the lakes there to have alot to offer, you can find a weedy back bay like the kawarthas, and a big deep cold area like temagami, there isnt buckets of weeds of the dock, it seems to offer all of the types of fishing/swimming i like. when i find something it will be in that area.
  3. cheap tent and little sleeping bags to make camp is great idea. dollar store bug huts to store captured stuff. 'mini' versions of grown up toys keep them busy (wheelbarrow, gardening tools). i have alot of rope and climbing gear - they use short lengths of soft manila rope and come up with countless rescue and rapelling situations. they once played 'indiana jones' on the stairs of my house for almost 3 hours because i tied some rope to a doorknob at the top. my kids each have a little canvas shoulder bag with 'adventure gear'. my boy watched me play 'uncharted' on PS3 and loved drakes bag with basic outdoors kit. so they each have cheap binoculars, compass, flashlight, journal with marker, treasure box, small length of rope, etc, in the little bag. sure i find the stuff all over the yard an hour later BUT IT WAS AN HOUR! another idea,start a game of hide and seek and dont bother looking for them. usually buys about 10 minutes. avoid anything complicated cuz you just end up doing it yourself. have fun!
  4. i got the idea from the title we are talking about a new vehicle not one almost 5 yrs old. Id say that is good news youd take a bath on the new one, if you paid a fair price and the vehicle is in good shape you shouldn't get rear-ended too hard. so many choices on vehicles out there im sure this type of remorse is common. you can only do your homework first, but of course only so much time to shop and research.
  5. great comment WB, the answers are out there...
  6. get him to give me a call! i wont grow any corn either!
  7. awesome acheivement. im a science geek and wowed by their acheivements. i think the science of space travel takes a long time to end up in our day to day lives. some times you want to see the 'how does this help me' result in more than a stephen hawking book. within your lifetime. but science and society needs to keep pushing. imagine all those MIT graduates finding a substitute/or additive for ethanol.
  8. oh, the irony is there, really doesn't matter what your address is. im only taking a poke at the post..
  9. I agree with your concerns andy - the ethanol yield from corn is likely the worst of any other organic choice, soy, hemp, whatever, and to use such a valuable commodity as corn that has other uses rather than fuel additive say, feeding people, is a concern. it also takes something like 5 gallons of fresh potable water to make a gallon of ethanol, its not something we want to throw away either. all this to provide an additive to gasoline that reduces its effectiveness..yikes. i dont know if the masses (aka me) are uninformed but it appears the product has little value but can cause global problems.
  10. im just west of hamilton in ancaster, and not going that far, just hitting the outskirts. going to a house ive had my eye on for 15 years, the sign came up and I strapped dynamite to my chest and told the guy it was going to be mine... ive wanted/needed a shop (or two) for hobbies and outside work and this new property has two..20 acres of bush on a road not too travelled, but still within a few clicks of town. Drifter - dont blast me with reality!! im young and dumb and think cutting lawn will be relaxing... im a shift working guy and have a lot of time off to drive in circles over and over, kids r pumped too. wife has given it a solid enhhh, ok.
  11. am i the only one that sees the irony in sneak e petes post...read it again if you didnt notice it the first time..
  12. hastings seems to be the best spot on this side of the lake. suffers for access though. its something like 45 miles around to it...
  13. Its funny you would say that Grimace because I have a rule in my boat the i will ONLY fish with people from Medicine Hat. I was tempted to allow a guy on board from another part of Alberta but decided not to take any chances and sent him overboard with his tackle box.
  14. Dan are you still doing OK out on the bay? My last couple of bass trips turned to perch trips because we were still catching decent numbers. Not great, but steady. Outside of the bay off pottohawk mostly.
  15. I'm kinda new to cutting grass with a lawn tractor, so i'll keep both hands on the wheel for a bit. if the cupholder sloshes around a lot i will wear one of those helmets with the beer can holders. ya know, to stay safe.
  16. when you get tired of sharing your shore fishing spots you go out and get a boat so you can find your own spots and have some privacy. Then you drive 16 miles out into the middle of some lake and some guys pulls up and anchors beside you. pack mentality or something. there is no such thing as 'your spot' or 'their spot' unfortunately. they are all everybody's spots. i have a feeling if i threw a line out of the boat trailering on the 401, two guys towing boats would pull up beside me and start fishing.
  17. Finally found the country property after years of looking. For real this time. Sold the house (firmed up this week) and outta here in 3 weeks. Needed a new tractor for the grass cutting and after some intense searching decided on this husky.. I have other orange husky stuff i like things to match..its a 24V48LS for those of you that like model#s. Its patiently waiting in the garage right now.
  18. treat yourself and enjoy your fishing!
  19. you are happy with the performance of the crimps NAW? it sounds like a good solution to those of us that have trouble tying knots due to stubby fingers, eyesight issues or tendonitis, arthritis issues. if you used them with longer leaders would they spool OK? im really not familiar with them...
  20. thank you jeffw that was my point as well. modern fuel lines are built with ethanol in mind. the corrosive qualities are a result of mixing with water. the reason to eliminate water is twofold, one for its performance robbing qualites and second for its harmful collaboration with ethanol. with the difficulties it has caused people (when combined with water, or on an older system) i do understand why one would take steps to eliminate water or choose to use ethanol free fuel.
  21. i use the stablilizer as well. its likely ill never know if it helped or not. your new motor will be able to handle ethanol with no issues - been built this way for years. its not the ethanol thats the problem its the introduction of water..do your best to keep the water out! enjoy the new motor.
  22. don't let 3$ influence your decision, and don't overcomplicate things. 40lb mono is serious stuff, likely pretty stiff, visible, and unnecessary for the fishing you are doing.
  23. i'm certainly no expert myself. But i've built and repaired and towed hundreds of trailers, and they all had tires. Bought enough to have tire reps at the shop with their fancy cutouts, engineering talk and sales pitches. (more than a few of those trailers had car tires)
  24. would you put trailer tires on your car? would it pass a safety if you did? what makes you say the difference isnt so great? only because you dont want to think it is..not because of any great knowledge of tire technology and engineering. you are not convinced they are 'improper equipment'..again, because people get away with it. (and possibly, its not such a big difference) but we could all likely agree on this- if it was 'proper equipment' it would say trailer on it. if its not about the money, then why else would you use a car tire on a boat trailer? (FTR, i dont personally think car tires explode like grenades when placed on a trailer, and i realize its not that uncommon - i just beleive in the right tool for the job)
  25. never in the history of time has anyone been issued a parking ticket they deserved. just ask them!
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