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Everything posted by smally21

  1. there was a rumour going around 'bout some guys on a tugboat in georgian bay shooting cormorants from the back of a big tugboat til their arms hurt so much they couldn't hold their guns up.......
  2. i hear that you might not want to put your hut in the middle of the 'ice road'. so we're talking about a guy hitting an ice hut on his snowmobile, headlights, reflective tape etc. and the law/common sense as it applies to the ice covered lake. so lets melt the snow and make the snowmobile a moving boat and the ice hut a stationary boat. if there was to be a collision the moving boat is responsible to navigate safely blah blah but the stationary boat is required to be lit up side to side and front to back with red and greed and stern/anchor lights. the two cases are almost identical, except for the ice. so in summer you are required to light up your hazard (the boat) but in winter you can put a hazard (ice hut) on the lake without identifying it? im not endorsing night time drag races or pointing any fingers at hut owners. just pointing out the similarity between 2 events that are being regarded quite differently.
  3. this is exactly what was said on the last post - how can you follow the law if the enforcement community doesn't know what it is? oh yeah - i've been absolutely sideways in my golf cart.....
  4. awesome.
  5. super aggressive. ugly as a ling cod. didn't know they had introduced peacock bass in florida. was a good episode.
  6. you guys can't lick your elbow?
  7. i haven't heard the words mosey on inn for some time. oh the memories we made in there
  8. i think misfish was the guy that told me how to post pics....
  9. create an account and upload photos to photobucket. you can manage albums and photos there. then you can copy the IMG version of the image (you'll see it at the bottom of the four file options) and paste it into your post.
  10. well put camillj, I'm not sure why we're so helpful giving advice on skirting taxation, you got your answer from the govt now pay the man. nobody likes paying taz and it never seems fair. good on you if you dont think you have to pay it just no more complaining bout bad roads and crowded class rooms and hospital wait times.....
  11. fenix has some pretty good lights, they are brighter and last longer than any maglite in my considerable collection. a 1AA pocketlight throws about 140 lumens. i dont bother going with the more powerful cr123 batteries just because of availability. they have a canadian distributor in the woodstock area, and 60$ for a tactical light isn't bad. when its dark, and you really need to see, i dont mind spending more. my kids use the bulk pack lights i cant beleive how long they last, cuz they are always left on!
  12. just stay off the 407 with your tailgate down, they have no sense of humour with that.
  13. steam whistle is great but its gotta be supercold. moosehead is ok., we used to drink alot of stuff from the brick in waterloo but that had more to do with them being open sunday..............
  14. if the hydraulic surge coupling is still good stick with the hydraulic. its a good system and not vehicle specific. to rebuild hydraulic brakes i find it time and cost effective to replace the entire backing plate and brake assembly. if the surge coupling is junko then you might consider switching. the difference between a hydraulic and standard coupling more than covers the cost of an electric brake controller for your vehicle. electric brakes are considerably cheaper than hydraulic brakes to purchase as well. it is also easier to wire the trailer for electric brakes than to 'plumb' it for hydraulic brakes and then bleed. other than their adjustablitity and lower cost i find no benefit to electric brakes. you lose some towing options as well (using your buddy's truck instead or yours, or loaning the trailer). lots of opportunites to screw up wiring the bargman connector and controller. (most common mistake means that when you turn on your left indicator the brakes lock up!) surge brakes work well, no special wiring, work on all vehicles. my personal choice but it really comes down to a matter of opinion, and of course in your case how many parts you can salvage from your rebuild. good luck any questions let me know.
  15. i dont think there is an absolutely for sure answer lew. you can research or prove either side of the argument. i have also stored all my small engines and marine equipment full and never had problems. only recently started using stabilizer (maybe its all this bad gas fear mongering). checked some manuals of my equipment and most reccomend removal of fuel for long term storage. way back when i was told that a full tank of fuel could not build up condensation or moisture, and corrosion would not start in the full tank, which i agreee with. we have all kinds of generators and small engines at work and their maintenance plan is just weekly starting. i suppose if one was to follow the manufacturers reccomendations they would be doing the right thing, after all, they designed and built the item, their warranty and reputation is on the line. i also think just by asking the question, or having a system at all your paying more attention to your equipment that many.
  16. how about this one - EMPTY beers in the boat? cop says do you have any alcohol on board. boater - no cop searches finds 4 empty beer cans in the livewell. cop - you said you didn't have alcohol? boater - i dont have alcohol i have garbage. there is an empty tim hortons cup right there, if you asked if i had any coffee i would also say no. so the cop wants to pursue the issue, so the explanation is we were in our residence (campsite) and drank these beers legally. we are now responsibly returning our garbage on the way out, as it would be illegal to leave it. the issue im raising is the transportation of empty liquor containers can be an issue as well. once a year we clean out the island of empties. im talking a bargeload, hundreds of cases of bottles and bags of cans. its about the only money the lodge makes! so if a cop pulls the barge over and discovers 50000 beer bottles are we in violation of the law? im talking two guys on a 38foot barge so loaded with bottles you cant see over the top! the answer is yes, if you can get grilled over EMPTIES in your bassboat, and of course you're not loaded. but here common sense rules out, beers have to get to island properties and empties have to come back. well the opp officer found out who the group was and 'let us off with a warning'. translation - too hard to prosecute empties without prooof of consumption. just something to chew on. you'd would have liked the look on his face when the tim horton comment was made....
  17. so i'm tired of fussing with the old bandsaw and its starting to look out of place in the woodshop/tool addiction center. so i pulled the trigger on this bad boy and it comes tomorrow. its a 17" general 240 M, and if anyone wants to help get it out of the truck and into the shop.............. total overkill, but i don't beleive there is such a thing as too big of a tool - unless my dentist is holding it!
  18. this is the best truck i ever had, a 2001 gmc sierra then i got a 2004 and while it was OK the 2001 was way better. so in 2007 i got this. its a suitable replacement for the full size trucks im used to. two car seats and the boat no problem. all things being equal my next truck will be a sierra or avalanche. as there is almost no fuel savings with the tacoma might as well go full size!
  19. great news cliff! i had poor vision for years, finally got laser surgery as a job requirement. couldn't beleive the sensation of having good vision again. enjoy the experience - by the way the fish, unfortunately, got smaller when my sight got better. fortunately i had eye surgery, not truth surgery.
  20. ya sinclair i read it too - never seen any mention of toilets and sleeping quarters. kind of like the plumbed in toilet thing on the boat. ive missed that as well. but it might be in some appendix or office of boating safety file...
  21. you can buy a quad cab V8 powered 4WD fullsize truck for under 30K with 0% financing. there has never been a better time to buy a truck. i like the chevy myself but the f150 seems to provide more bells and whistles than the chevy in the same price range. the dodge seems to be the cheapest of the 3 but also seems 'big just for the sake of being big' if you know what i mean. the toyota and nissan are other options but historically dont offer the incentives of the domestic manufacturers. our local dealer had a well equipped chevy 4WD crew for 27k, cant see them going any lower regardless of time of year. previous model vehicles often dont get the incentives of the current year models, so its only the dealership that will sell them cheaper. obviously the best price will be to pay cash, if you're not in that position consider paying cash with a secure line of credit - its always proven to be cheaper for me to pay the cash price as opposed to get '0% financing' and pay off the line of credit in a hurry. good luck nothing more fun than truck shopping! ill bet everyone here tells you the best truck is the one in their driveway!
  22. is that the 3rd or 4th def'n of residence - just in this thread alone! a citizens due diligence is to make themselves aware of the law and operate within it. a peace officers job is to enforce the law. the reason the lawbooks are long and onerous is to remove the doubt left by less wordy descriptions. making it easy for joe public to behave lawfully and joe officer to do his job by letter of law as opposed to using his/her interpretation of it. when different agencies view/interpret legislate law at their descretion joe public is left at their mercy. while there will never be a replacement of the "good judgement" of the investigating officer that person should not be left to decide or interpret the law. the whole idea is to remove the idea that the officer could have applied any bias as to who the party was they were investigating - both for the protection of the officer and the public. interesting to see that the opp releases their take on a common question asked by the public, and their own officers and local agencies take it upon themselves to act against this clarification. oh well - HIDE YOUR BEERS THE MAN'S COMIN!!! you can insert POLICE DISCRETION where i put good judgement. they have pretty much the identical meaning here.
  23. ok, i think the description of residence is agreed upon. it is legal to drink beer in a campsite upon crown land. that one has always stumped me. so i cant drink in the boat, or on the ice, or just about anywhere else. but i stop my canoe for the night at a campsite on lake temagami, and its ok to pound back 100 beers, provided i clean them up. go figure. as much as the def'n of residence is pretty clear, how can we explain the press releases that state clearly that the ice hut is ok? tough to keep up with the law on either side of enforcement if you ask me. hey billy bob, enjoy that ice cold beer. sometimes (SOMETIMES) its the united states of common sense.
  24. hang on a sec - while i think it is illegal as obviously being out of residence hasn't this been answered? a press release from the OPP and the MNR, both stating the ice hut is considered a private place. i dont think that this is how the rule is applied at all, generally, a beer in your hand outside of your home or a licensed establishment = ticket. thanks for posting those releases guys. hope the opp and the co's have read them!
  25. check out the big pike on the wall at loon, caught just outside the hub by a friend a few years back
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