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Everything posted by landry
I find this rant is ignorant and embarrassing: I am assuming that you work for Coke, for how long?, i assume you also make a decent wage, with excellent benefits, if you dont like your job, and are digraced to work for a successful company that makes a profit which assures you job security, quit quit quit, then work 2 to 3 jobs at minimum wage, to make ends meet, or you can go on welfare like millions of Canadian White Trash do and expect the Canadian taxpayer to provide them with accomadation, food, spending money, health care, dental, and legal aid, i would think you have it pretty good at Coke. Thanx for letting me blow off some steam before the long weekend, Happy Canada Day to all hard working Canadians, im off to Loblaws to by a case of Coke for my Canadian Whisky.
There are some great and some very ignorant comments on here. My first thought- what does an unskilled labourer have to complain about getting 26$ an hour. However, I am a teacher who gets roasted in the media for making 90,000 for alleged part time work. I work late into the night most nights as an educator who cares about my students. Most of my colleagues do the same. I am happy with my choices. One thing I have learned, through the constant abuse that was started and encouraged by mike Harris, is to not criticize others unless I have walked in their shoes. I never criticize or judge other people's careers or pay. I assume that the market has set a fair price for their skills based on supply, demand, education investment... If I am jealous then I should apply or train myself for that apparently gravy job. I worry about the degradation of our health care, education system and I worry about the growing gap and disappearing middle class too! Landry
I am amazed that more people are not stating the need to go bigger. I think u bought a bigger boat for st Clair right? If so, the55lb will be hugely underpowered!!!! I would go minn Kota and at least 70 lb thrust. I have v2 and the pedal is easy to use but I have had one fail which cost me 100$. Come on everyone - don't let this guy waste an opportunity to get a tm that will work when it is not perfectly calm. Landry
This product is supposed to eliminate the twist when u take your foot off the pedal. http://www.trollperfect.com/Pages/default.aspx
I would ask him to upgrade you to a 70 or 80lb thrust model for sure. You will regret it if u don't!!! Pay the difference. It will be worth it.
I have caught a ton of muskie on 8+" swim jigs. Lots of incidental bass but I would not say bigger than average bass. However, on cloudy days a quarter ounce swim jig has been kier for me on largies.landry
I am guessing he is referring to trollers that torpedo fish instead of releasing them properly. That bugs me too. The original post does not specify trolling or casting though, which would help narrow down the choice.
Unless u are punching a t-rigged plastic thru mats for largies they are a waste of money. Smaller profile on a dropshot does nothing really. IMO.
???Turning over bulky wind resistant flies is tough. Turning over small flies is easier. Adding a loop to the butt of a leader is not hard. I make a loop on the end of my fly line by soaking the last 2 inches of it in nail polish remover and then scraping off the plastic coating then fold over the core and wrap it with fly thread and bobbin and epoxy or crazy glue the wrap - creating a loop with the core. When nymphing I prefer to run thin 6-8 lb line for the majority of the leader length then step down to my tippet. This helps reduce drag and get flies deep faster.
Save your money. Attach a 3' section of 20 lb mono to the flatline. Use a triple surgeons knot to attach 3' of 12 lb approx. then add 3' of 8 lb. then add your tippet. Or something similar.
I hear ya!!!! Thanks for the help guys. I dropped my boat off at bay city marine for servicing - after working to get my lights up and running last night for 3 hours!!!! Wile there I found 2 lights exactly like mine for 25$ total.
I need new trailer tail lights. My currently lights are 8"x3" rectangular prism shaped with an inside formed seal around the bulbs. Can anyone recommend a light replacement or place to shop at for this? Princess auto? I don't need. Complete require Although I may since these usually come with the wiring harness. I have 2 side markers. Are these easy to wire into the harness? Got it working for now but it will die soon!!! Thanks Landry
I wanted to go but couldn't. My friend picked me up 3 custom handlebarz. Can't wait to fondle them.
I know u r busy Harrison and I was not offended by not hearing from you. We did talk earlier last year. Your customer service is excellent. I could see that u dropped this product and I ordered from tackle industries instead.
I don't think they do any longer. They r not on site. I sent him an email a while back asking but did not get a reply.
Tackle industries xh would be a good choice but good luck getting one shipped to Canada.
U can do it yourself in an hour. I did and I am not handy. Change to 6 gauge wire, marine. It necessary, add in a minn kota breaker if one is not there and u may need a new plug outlet. Total cost around 140 for connectors and everything. A dealer will charge u 200. That's my guess
I had a 70 hp Suzuki. Crazy quiet. Ran flawlessly for 8 years with no repairs needed. I love those motors. I now have an optimax and like it. It did have a 3000$ repair once under warranty. CAS marine is a Suzuki dealer. Their repair prices are very high IMO. I now deal with bay city marine and the r very fair and carry Yamaha. He told me the yamahas r incredibly reliable, insinuating they fix them less than mercs. My next motor will likely be a Yamaha and then second place is a Suzuki. Landry
They also carry alumacraft at bay city in Hamilton btw. Great boats to fish out of and well built.
I had a 70 hp Suzuki. Crazy quiet. Ran flawlessly for 8 years with no repairs needed. I love those motors. I now have an optimax and like it. It did have a 3000$ repair once under warranty. CAS marine is a Suzuki dealer. Their repair prices are very high IMO. I now deal with bay city marine and the r very fair and carry Yamaha. He told me the yamahas r incredibly reliable, insinuating they fix them less than mercs. My next motor will likely be a Yamaha and then second place is a Suzuki. Landry
Lowe FM 165 Wt vs. Smokercraft Pro Angler 162 Xl
landry replied to Rizzo's topic in General Discussion
Both good. These guys r correct. Max hp and a 12v trolling motor is not sufficient. I have a crestliner fish hawk 1600 with a 75hp and 70lb thrust tm. I had the previous boat with a 70hp and same tm Would NEVER consider going smaller with either motor!! I fish st Clair in mine regularly. Casting muskie mostly Good luck Landry -
I agree. Especially since you want to upsize by such a small amount. I think u could get a wider boat like a crestliner fish hawk 17' but u will still get wet. Your boat is fine if u are smart about when u go IMO. I have a 16' fish hawk and it fits your garage but u will only gain a bit of depth and width really - at what cost?
Here is a great article for you to think about. We need to be careful where we head with our precious health care And education in Canada - a country where a poor immigrant child can actually live the Canadian(American) dream: By Mark Bulgutch and Peter Mansbridge Anyone familiar with my educational background will know that my relationship with teachers was cool. Not cool as in hip and trendy. But cool as in frigid and icy. The fact that I didn't finish high school is my fault. I had teachers who tried to get through to me. Mr. Bank, Ms. Bruce and Mr. Westinghouse were among those who tried, oh how they tried. But some challenges, like me, were just too much. I put that on the record to make it clear that although a lot of people trace their success to a teacher who provided a spark, I don't. Still, I cringe when I hear and read all the teacher-bashing that's out there. I live in Ontario where the provincial government and the teacher unions have been locked in serious battle for several months. I'm not taking sides in the dispute. Not at all. But my goodness, the things some people say about teachers. Based on what I hear on radio talk shows, and comments on the internet, there are way too many people who truly believe that teachers are grossly overpaid and under-worked. What a strange attitude. Never mind that teachers are grooming the next generation of Canadians, the ones who will grow up to support our pensions in our old age. Maybe we can't think big-picture. The little-picture is pretty simple. Teachers are grooming our children. Yours and mine. Do we really want to trust the most precious parts of our lives to underpaid and overworked drones? I keep seeing comparisons to what teachers make to the average industrial wage. And guess what? Teachers make more than the average. Of course they do. They've gone to school for at least four years of post-secondary education. The average teacher has been working for 11 years. They should be making reasonably good money. They're raising families too. Then there's the under-worked part. That argument usually starts with July and August. Teachers get the whole summer off. No doubt about it; that's nice. But they need the break. I know there are lazy teachers. Just as there are lazy bankers, letter carriers, doctors, and yes, lazy journalists. But overwhelmingly, teachers are not lazy. In Ontario, the teachers stopped participating in extracurricular activities as part of their fight with the government. What an uproar that caused. School plays, sports teams, newspapers, chess clubs, fashion shows, and on and on. None of them possible without teachers freely giving their time. Critics are anxious to count the summer against the teachers, but they never count all those extra hours in their favour. And sure, classes go from about 9am to 330pm, but anyone who thinks a teacher works six and a half hours a day, doesn't know many teachers. Preparing for class takes time. Talking to kids after school takes time. Meeting with parents takes time. Marking takes time. I can't imagine reading through 60 essays on why Hamlet is so sad and writing helpful comments in the margins. We send teachers children from broken homes, from abusive homes, from negligent homes. We send teachers children from homes where both parents work, or where the only parent works, or where no parent works. We send teachers children who leave home without breakfast and whose grasp of mathematics is grounded in the reality that welfare money sometimes runs out in 28 days or 29 days, and can't be stretched to cover 30 or 31. We send teachers children who are new to Canada, children who stare blankly ahead unable to understand a single word that is being spoken. And we ask that those teachers turn each of those children, each of our children, into productive little citizens. We ask that even though there are 28 or 29 other students in the classroom, even though there are students misbehaving, even though some parents don't support teachers by re-enforcing lessons or by making sure homework is done, or even by insisting that the student listen to or respect the teacher. So argue the fine points of teacher contracts all you like. I'm not saying teacher unions are always right. I'm just saying running down teachers is wrong.
as most said, you can find a nice light and sensitive stick for around a 100. With braid and 20' of line out I felt the bites on my old cheap basspro im6 just fine. My current low $100 quantum is lighter and comfortable and nicer. A glx is overkill IMO for this application.