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Everything posted by landry

  1. I enjoyed your report and pics. Have not been to that southern-most river pictured above as I don't steelhead much anymore. I used to make the trip there almost every weekend 15+ years ago - when it wasn't fished so hard. Great memories. BTW - I think we met real briefly at the dock in Dunnville as you were just heading out (and lose your camers?). Landry
  2. I think Ron's answer nailed it - re wiring and product recommendations. The DSI has been getting poor reviews and it does not have regular sonar. Get a 70# or stronger bowmount trolling motor!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to save $, you could get one gps/sonar unit and put a mount at the bow and at the helm, with 2 transducers - that way you can have your really nice unit wherever u will be fishing the most. I am pretty sure that the Lowrance x units (cheaper ones) use the same transducers with the d-plug that an elite 5 does, for example - so u could possibly get an elite5 and a 125$ unit and switch them back and forth as needed. Just my ideas. If you call Jocelyn at Angling Outfitters, he may be able to set you up with great electronics at a good price??? Landry
  3. Thanks for the update
  4. I am sorry but why is this crap on this site or anywhere. Somebody's loved one died in that accident. I was mad at myself for watching it. Crap like this is on the internet for entertainment. Disgusting Landry
  5. I love tying rods up and have made what I thought were some dang nice ones but yours are miles ahead of mine - true art!!!! WOW!
  6. I think you should listen to Hirk - he obviously has some inside info. Lunds are too pricey IMO, but their beauty is not skin deep and they hold their value better than any other aluminum boat. The Alumacrafts have a great rep and some nice layouts - they look like a good choice/ I own a Crestliner and love it. Bay City Marine has some Alumacrafts with 4 stroke yammmies - they are very nice. Landry
  7. You took that very well Cliff!!!!! Even though I am sure it angered you. For the record, I don't think you have ever stated where your crappie spots are on Sturgeon - from what I have seen. The kids and I may head your way this spring - I will text you if we do:) My daughter got a 13.5" crappie on Thursday - she was pumped!!! So was I:) I caught nothing - she was not a gracious winner.LOL Landry
  8. It will be worth the drive to Woodstock - call him first. Cdn Tire does not carry the Terrova.
  9. Jos has the largets inventory and best prices in SWOntario usually.
  10. I think Bay City Marine is an excellent dealer and service center. They know their stuff and have always been very fair with me. I was very impressed when I asked them to check out a concern I had about the motor. They trailered it to the Grand River, water tested it and checked it over in the shop - and only charged me $75 plus my spring tune-up fees for their troubles as they found nothing wrong with it, (and they were correct). That is an awesome boat btw!! Make sure you get the extended 5 year warranty on the Merc, (or any motor). I have the same motor and really like it but the ignition coils blew and killed my mother board while under warranty. Saved me $3000! My next motor will be a yamaha 4 stroke or a suzuki 4 stroke (which I have owned already) as you will get waaay more hours out of those models than an opti according to the guys at Bay City. But the opti is quiet, starts in all weather easily and runs fast and is cheap to run, even with the recommended opti oil. Buy the optimax oil in bulk!! Good luck! Landry
  11. Thanks for the report. I will head down soon. I like to see reports from OFNrs to verify that the run really has started.
  12. A 5 weight would be fine but not ideal - they put on a good aerial display but they don't pull very hard. A 6 or 7 wt would be better. I personally think they are a waste of time - carp are waay more challenging and they definitely require a 7 or 8 weight (at least in the Great Lakes).
  13. There will likely be no warranty issues - my imported merc died under warranty and was covered here. As stated, if it is a merc optimax then it is a great deal - they go for $21,000 - 22,000 make sure it comes with the factory trailer and upgrade that trollmotor.
  14. That is a great boat and a great deal - I think they go for around 21,000 here plus taxes. Duty will be 13% plus 200 for trailer fee (RIV) I say go for it:) I have owned 2 of these with side console and 75hp on them - great layout and will hit 40 mph with just me and fishing stuff, high 30's otherwise. What motor is on it - that will affect pricing. Get him to swap the troll motor for a 70 - 80 lb thrust model and pay the difference. The 55lb will not pull this boat in any wind - you will thank me for that one - been there, done that. Landry
  15. I worked for the GRCA for a summer on a fish-shocking boat twice a week. It could never be used to eliminate a species - absolutely impossible. The current hits broader and bigger fish more easily but it still would not even scratch the surface!!!!
  16. There is info in a puslinch topic - look back a few pages. Enter off townline near the roundabout but on the hespeler side.
  17. Why not hit Simcoe - it should be fine saturday if the wind does not wreck it. East side of Cook's has 4 - 5 inches. If it survives the rain and wind tonight it may be thicker by Saturday as it is cold till then
  18. Not sure that all the info I got is totally accurate - sorry. I believe the GRCA access info is okay but I did not verify it. Hopefully everyone who wants to fish the lake finds a way to get on legally. Take care.
  19. 4" of clear ice on little. Puslinch is dicey - I wouldn't do it but a few have. Bait store is at the Y intersection right by Little Lake
  20. Ya - I looked at your map - thanks. It is actually about the same distance for me to go through there to get to the area I fish. I admit - it is not a great solution but an option.
  21. Stopped in at the Bait shop by Little Lake in Puslinch. The owner, Paul, told me that he had talked to the GRCA and access was totally legal thru their property to the lake. There is a little gated trail just off the road to the right near the 410 Parking/Commuting Lot. He also said that he had been talking to Jeff McClintock about setting up a small pay parking area and access spot. We'll see what happens. For the record, Jeff has nothing to do with the Lake Association. Maybe it will all work out. Paul is trying to start up a Puslinch Lake and Area Anglers Association to look into access issues, walleye stocking... on Puslinch and other waters in the area. He asked me to put the word out. Stop in and see him if this interests you. It may not be up to Kawartha or Simcoe standards..., but it is still a nice little spot - a spot worth protecting, in an area where there are not many lakes. I thought I would share this info with anyone who is interested, (even though having a lake to myself would be nice) cause it is the gracious thing to do. Landry
  22. It's not great but it is not bad and it's 4 minutes from me.
  23. From what I hear, they have had a Lake association meeting since the last thread was started AND have been encouraging/pushing all property owners to deny access?!
  24. Word on Puslinch is that the Lake Association has not only blocked access to the lake but will now be trying to charge people with tresspassing if they are on the lake???? The association has apparently told members/home owners that they are not to allow passage to the lake through their property. Closing access to the lake through the Marina restaurants property was one thing (this is annoying but it is their property) BUT this additional tactic is just plain offensive!!!!!!! I have a friend who lives on the lake and so I am hoping to get out there (sorry). Even though I may still have access, the whole thing pisses me off as I can't believe that they can get away with stealing public water!!! If I do get out there and someone tries to tell me to leave or mentions the word trespass, I think I will snap!!!!! Landry
  25. Pigeontroller is dead on about Bay City - they are true professionals and they carry alumacrafts and Yammies.
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