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Everything posted by NAW

  1. There is a flock that I flush almost every time I walk thru the bush behind my house. The last time there was 7 in the flock. I have no intention of hunting the flock for a few years. I want to try to grow a healthy population first. Then take the odd one out with a bow when i feel like eating some bush chickens.
  2. Let me know next time your bird hunting in Springwater! Get together with the boom sticks, and blast some birds! I couldn't agree more. If that where me, the Coyote would have gotten a mouth full of winter boot. I'm sure he was just looking for food. And for all we know, this could be a daily event for the guy? Regardless, he was egging the Coyote on. Trying to interact with it. Not smart IMO.
  3. X2! And by the sounds of it Familyfisherman too. And a few others on here. We should start a Coyote hunting pose. Drive around in pick up trucks with gun racks! Not sure if this has been posted on the thread yet. There was to many links for me to look at tonight. This is crazy Coyote. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqVE9qfg7yI
  4. I always thought slyville was just what ever location Sly had his hut in that year Drove past a few time and seen his quad outside. Should have stopped in. Always kick myself for not stopping.
  5. here is my list. Not all big game. But still go the blood pumping all the same!! I was bluff charged by a pissed of fisher last fall. He was angry! Did it twice, but aborted mission when we got about 5 yards away both times. Been stocked by a black bear while turkey hunting a few years ago. He ran off when I removed my camo vale and hat and started yelling at him/her. Had a mother ruffled grouse dive bomb me several time one year walking in to the cottage. I swear it was a kamakaze bird trying to take my head off with no regards for it's own life! Tried like 5 times! Stepped about 2 feet away from a rattle snake a while back. Heard him at the last minute, and jumped out of the way. I was wearing shorts and flip flops. Might have turned out bad.
  6. Good start? That's a great start! Hut in the same place as the past few years? Good stuff guys! Gunna make it up there for a weekend this year for sure!
  7. Today we hit 4 different bodies of water. 3 with decent safe ice. All within 1.5 hours for T.O. Lots of places to wet a line.
  8. I have very similar ones. They keep my feet warm and dry in 95% of the conditions. I added a second insole to add a little more between the ice and my feet. Before that I would get cold feet. They are not bad boots. but I am going to get a pair of good Baffin boots the replace them in the next year or two. I would go with a better boot if you can afford them. If NOT, then these are OK.
  9. Right on! Great post! Gets me pumped for pike fishin!
  10. I would love to get some early ice crappies. Might be some back bay honey holes in Muskoka ready for a chip step. Just to get me even more excited, I thought I'd post a shot from LAST year.
  11. I've been trying to post local Ice report the past 2 weeks. But things have been crazy. Little lake Barrie was open in the middle on Monday. Orr lake is skimmed Over but far from safe!
  12. Been diggin up some songs from my youth the last few days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cnIQHJ169s
  13. Everything begal. Bacon. LDD. :sarcasm: If you bring your quad, I'll show you some honey holes for Whities! After some fun with the perch of coarse
  14. Hopefully we can make it out that far this year.
  15. Hey, your all set up! Did you remove the firing pin from that shotgun?
  16. I'll make a appearance at cooks bay... Just for a few minutes so i can out-fish worm dunker!!! Then back out to the deep for the whites!!
  17. Don't forget a high end floater suite, custom made spud pole, electric fillet knife for the perch, GPS, Heater for the hut, Baffin winter boots, etc...
  18. First off.. Welcome aboard! Simcoe is easy to figure out for perch and whitefish. Just follow the crowds. Perch stay shallow (20 to 40'). Lefroy is a good place to start. Use little jigs tipped with a minnow, and stinker hook with a minnow tail or head. Perch eyes also work great. The white fish are generally deeper (50 to 100'). If you have a fish finder, then your off to a great start. Drill a hole, if you don't mark a school of whitefish in the first 20 minutes or so, MOVE... Use a Williams 1/2 n 1/2 ice jig, or any other fancy jig/spoon of your choice. Bounce it off bottom to kick up a cloud. Every now and then, bring it up 10 or 20 feet then back down again. If you see fish on the screen and they are not biting, try slowly moving the lure up and away from the fish. The aggressive fish will follow it up (you can see it on your fish finder). Sometimes that works very well at getting them to strike. I've never iced a Simcoe Pike.. So I'm not the guy for that.
  19. New find. Skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLpXwnQnSoc Guy from Saskatoon. Go to 2:42 seconds for a peace of amazing talent...
  20. Great season Chad! Nice report for sure. I like Stash Tony's fish he drawing in Blair's hut. That was a G@ for the memory books for sure.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=vBadAVsdixk&NR=1 For some reason, I can no longer insert youtube videos... At least it doesn't show on my computer.. Used to be able to up till about 2 weeks ago. What the hell?
  22. I've read ones like this before. But this one is GREAT. Just forwarded to the rest of my engineering team, and he chief engineer.. Last time I sent something like this to my cheif engineer, he marked it up with new calculations and loads.... :wallbash:
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