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Everything posted by NAW

  1. It's not just the attitude of "this board".... It is being echo'd across the country. IMO, you calling out "This Board", is just as bad as Don saying "you people". We all have are opinions, and that's a good thing.
  2. Some little critter. Maybe a young rabbit or fox of yearling deer whimpering? I do some coyote hunting, and my electronic call has several distress calls that sound similar to that. Some sort of distress call.
  3. We where just talking about them in my office this morning. No good reviews from the guys here who have used it. One guys wife bought a ring and a lap top bag. Slid the ring on her finger, and it broke in half. Put the laptop in the bag and lifted it up, and the bottom fell out of the bag and laptop smashed on the ground... They vowed never to buy from wish again after that!
  4. Don't get me started on that round about. Everyone just sits in the right lane. Rarely do you ever see someone actually use it properly. So frustrating.
  5. Never mind...... I was looking a pics and not reading!
  6. My 6 year old caught this in the spring! I think I posted a report about the trip.. Can't remember.
  7. I thought that was really messed up as well. Parent goes to talk with the kids who have been bullying his son and his sons friend. Said bully's mace the father. While that father goes inside to clean out his eyes, said bully's stab his sons best friend to death in front of his mother. what the hell is going on?? Things happen really quickly I guess. The reason the parents where at the school is because the kids where sent to the office that day directly because of these bullies (from what I understand). So there was obviously some "activity" earlier that day that started all of this.
  8. I got my Natts at Royal Distributing if I'm not mistaken. Not sure if they still do, this was pushing 7 years ago now. They often have sales there.
  9. Now they are making a spin off called Ballerina. Which follows one of the ballerina's from that scene who goes on a rampage... Then John Wick 4 soon to follow. Love those movies.
  10. I was out with Family Fisherman once, and we had a bit of trouble getting out. I think he just put some salt under the front tires of his van, and along with tire path leading out of the launch and was able to crawl out. Might have been sand though. I can't remember the details. Just that we caught a few nice bass!
  11. Cage has certainly taken a dive in the last decade (or two). BUT... Face-Off with Travolta.. Lord or War...Gone in 60 Seconds. 75% of his movies are complete garbage, and he is a horrible actor. But he has 1/2 dozen good ones anyways.
  12. If you going all the way back to 2005-2008...Why not get one of these bad boys!! This one is an 87..Still starts first pull and never lets me down...Ever. Ok, maybe I fowled a plug once.
  13. Being hit by a boat coming at you at 17kh/hr and bouncing off is one thing. Being crushed between a boat and something structural on the pontoon boat at 17kh/hr will certainly crush bones..
  14. Been following your facebook feed Wayne. Busy man you have been!! Great job on... Everything!
  15. Very sorry to hear about your loss. 10,000 seems way to high. Would your Dad want you to battle the insurance company and fight and scrap for every penny you can get from them?? If yes, then giver... If no, then take what ever you can get. Maybe a grand or two at most. It shouldn't be about the money. You just lost both your parents, and their is no value to the nostalgic lures you just lost. An extremely crappy situation that someone stole items from a vehicle where both drivers passed away. Nothing more low then that. It's really sad that someone would do that. I'd be spending my time and energy trying to track down every individual who touched that vehicle and question them all hard. Go home, watch all 3 John Wick's and then start your investigation! (kidding...)
  16. Couldn't agree more..... His lawyers where likely there before the cops. He's probably got one or two with cottages on the same lake. She won't get jail time though. I highly highly doubt it. She blew under from what I understand. Hence the tire tracks on her back. If she was wasted, she MIGHT get jail time.
  17. Her charges has nothing to do with the deaths. Simply careless driving. She is being charged under the shipping act, nothing criminal at all. It's not careless driving leading to death, or vehicular manslaughter or something like that. Maybe have a licence suspension or loose her pleasure craft operator card for a set time? most she will get is a few demerit points or a fine or something silly like that. So they said on the National last night anyways. The guy with no lights on, same thing, except he is only facing a fine. No court, and absolutely nothing linking his charge to the death of his passengers.
  18. I do most of my walleye fishing current on rivers. I can't run anything more then 4' to 6' deep in a lot of cases. X-RAP XR-10. They have a nice loud rattle. Anything in black and gold. I also enjoy trolling for them sometimes, and have had great luck with jointed raps.
  19. That looks like Luiza's behind..? Solid fisherwoman right there. Sunsect?? Can't help ya there!
  20. I had to replace the connector where the line goes in to the motor. Same thing, it would run for a bit until the bowl went dry. You could prime the bowl by pumping primer bulb, but the suction from the pump was leaking at that connector. Worth a look. Might also be worth removing the carb, and blowing out all the ports with some parts cleaner and an air gun. Likely will blow a bunch of tiny chunks of degraded rubber..
  21. Good luck Lew! I did the same tour a few years back just in reverse. PEI, Cape Breton, Halifax, Fundy, Bar Harbour, then Lake Placid. Great little trip!
  22. Earlier this summer, a friend of a friend was moored in a quite back bay near Henry's on G-Bay. He came un-moored in a storm at night, and the wind pushed him up on some rocks. Total write off.... Boating is serious business! Can't do anything half assed, or it will come back to bite you!
  23. I remember seeing his interview on the news from his hospital bed. Scary stuff.. Planting a "food plot" for deer hunting. I always assumed he was putting his pot plants in the ground.
  24. FK. It was the only one on sale. Last years model, last one left at Cabalas.
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