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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Thanks for all the tips everyone! Bought the stradic last week and tested it out this weekend. LOVE it... Only caught a we small rock bass and sun fish. But boy did they come up smooth!!
  2. I have a Symetre that's about 10 years old (the green one). It seizes up randomly, and I can't seem to find out how to fix it. I tear it apart, and grease everything. It works for a few times out, then starts seizing again. Maybe worth taking to rocky's or somewhere to have a professional look at it. Not sure how much they charge though. I always assumed more then what the reel is worth in it's current state.
  3. i got a line on a new Stradic 1000 FK for $209 new from a store. I fish mostly for walleye and pike. Sometime pan fish. Nothing really big anyways. 2. questions. 1. is the FK model any good? I can't really find a good breakdown of their models online. 2. Will the 1000 be big enough? The guy at the store said there is only about 20 yards difference in the line capacity. I don't like heavy reels. I have tendinitis in my elbow and arthritis in my wrist. So if I can get a way with a 1000, that would be perfect. Thoughts?
  4. I have been away from the computer most of the weekend, and just logged back on this morning! Thanks for all of the info everyone!! I am kicking myself now, because I was in a fishing store on Sunday, and they had last years model Stradic on sale for $220. I should have just bit the bullet and bought it!! They also had a nice combo with a fenwick HMG and a President for a decent price. I'll be keeping my eyes open for the rest of the season for sure. Thanks again everyone!!
  5. I have never really owned a high quality reel in my life. The best one I own is a Shimano Symetre for my ice rod. I have 2 of those Abu Specialist combos that go on sale a CT for 70% off a few times a year. One is beat up pretty bad, specially since my 6 year olds have been learning to cast with it the last few years. All of the being said, I have a birthday in October, and have decided to ask the family for no presents, just cash this year. A good chunk of that money is going to a new reel. I was looking in to used Stradics, because I have always liked them. But I notice they have Quantum rod and reel combos for sale at CT right now. I really have no brand loyalty when it comes to fishing gear. Does Quantum make decent high end reels? Does anyone have suggestions for be best quality reel I can get for $150? If anyone has one fore sale, feel free to PM me! Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. I still lurk a lot. But I have a new job, and I can't be on here all day at work like I used to be?
  7. Ahhh, the good old days before the locked elbow pose! Great pics man! Edit.. Not sure what spell check was doing on that one....
  8. looks like he just used the mooring ropes to tie the boat to the trailer. Not sure what those ropes are rated for.
  9. I may be wrong, but I don't think prospectors have a keel to keep them tracking straight. Your is a smooth bottom correct? The one I rented 2 years ago didn't have a keel, it would turn on a dim. A strong wind would cause it to turn right around when I was solo paddling it. That being said, an outboard on it might be a bit sketchy hanging off the side Hard to keep it straight, and very tippy. You might want to consider a pontoon for stability. I made a very simple motor mount for my springbok that I bolted right through the gunwales. Just using wood 2x4, with (3x) 10-24 bolts on each side. I ran a 4hp motor on it for a few trips, and it worked great. Mostly used it for the electric trolling motor though. I don't know what my top speed would have been. Pretty quick, but certainly not 18km/hr.. So my guess is that you will go pretty darn good with a 4hp on your canoe. My springbok is about 80lbs. The springbok is extremely stable, but with 4hp hanging off the side, it would rock right up on its side when empty and almost flip over. Your canoe will most likely roll over if you don't counter balance it. Good luck man, Post pics when you get it mounted!
  10. Thanks for the Report! Heading to the Moon Thursday for a 4 day paddling trip.
  11. I have had many people who I have no CLUE who they are PM me and ask me for info on 6-mile lake. Because they used the the OFC search feature, and found out I fish the lake a lot, and used to live on the lake. Does this happen to anyone else? Sometimes it's from seasoned forum members. But I h'ave had a few guys with single digit post counts asking me for detailed information. And they where not being very smooth about it... Those types don't get a reply..
  12. The Facebook fishing pages have really changed things around IMO. Maybe it's just me, but has this page not slowed down a little since that big wave of Facebook pages similar to 705 anglers, and the Simcoe pages started getting popular?
  13. That would have been quite the site to see OI..!! My kids are great! My oldest daughter is 12, and she has lost the desire to go fishing. But my two 6 year olds LOVE it. And they all love eating fish as well. So it's a win win!
  14. If you can get your hands on a canoe or kayak.. Pretty much every lake of decent size in this province will hold bass. Just pick one and giver! I can't help you with the shore fishing spots though.. Welcome on Ontario!
  15. Sounds like a great trip! I spent the first 4 years of my life in Pickle Lake. Would love to return for a fishing / hunting trip one day. My dad was the LCBO manager up there for 10 years..
  16. Thanks man! So will I!!
  17. I hope so!! Our last few times out have been slow. Small pan fish, but nothing to really get their (an my) blood pumping! Hopefully this will re-ignite the spark!
  18. These work great.... My buddy uses them, and he even has one for his 2 year old. Get them at MEC. https://www.mec.ca/en/product/5047-909/Original-Bug-Shirt?colour=NOC02&gclid=CLyr2bql3-ICFZe1wAodtgYB-w
  19. Hey everyone. It’s been a while since I posted a fishing report. Thought I would share a great family paddling trip I had this weekend. To be honest, I wasn’t even going to bring a rod on this trip. It’s our first time going on a family paddle this year, and when I rolled out of town, I didn’t even know what river we were going to hit. We decided to try a new river that I have never paddled before. There was a strong current and head wind, which made paddling my canoe with my 2 kids very hard, and slow. But we made it to a nice little spot to stop for a picnic, and well needed break. It looked like a fishy spot, so I took a cast. I caught 7 fish in my first 10 casts. My son Alex was my net man! And we had a blast. My wife saw the action, and came over for a few casts, and she tied in to a nice pike! When my daughter saw how much fun we were having, she decided to give a cast as well. She only took one cast…. 12lb pike! The smiles say it all! At the same time we were landing the pike, my son grabbed a rod and casted and caught a nice bass. His first time doing the entire process and catching a fish all by himself! All in, we caught about 15 fish in the hour we were there. And we brought 2 pike home to turn in to fish tacos!! The paddle back was full of smiles and fish stories, with the wind at our tail, and the current pushing us home. It could not have been a better day!! Really really good memories had by all!
  20. Some really nice fish right there!!!
  21. If I wasn't going to be on 6-mile all weekend, I would definetly come!! Dang it!!!
  22. Thanks for the input Porkpie! I agree about my little 9.9. I might cry while listing it on Kijiji.
  23. Maybe you just needed to unplug the temp sensor!! Lol.. As for his OCD.. I used to have to enter his time cards in to our system at work. And it would take me 5 times as long to enter his, because he documents every little task down to the 15 minute mark... Really really good guy. but holly balls, it's just not needed.
  24. I have a chance to pick up a bigger motor for my boat. I just want some advice on prices, and reliability. Hopefully I can get some input here. Here's a quick history. I run an old 14 Aluminum. It is deep and wide, and at one point in it's like (before modification), it was rated for a 40Hp. For a long time, I ran a 1983 25Hp Evinrude, and it would scream across the lake. But the 83 was really hard on gas. I got an opportunity of purchase a 1987 Evinrude 9.9 from a good friend. This motor was far far better on gas, and with me and my GF in the boat, it still moves pretty good. But as life changes, and kids grow. Now I find myself running my family across the lake, loaded with camping gear for a weekend with a family of 5. And I can only crawl with the 9.9. My friend offered me his 1998 Johnson 25Hp Tripple, for what I think is a good deal. He got the motor recently, not running. Bought a 400 dollar computer for it, (not sure why there is a computer in a 2 stroke??).. Ended up doing some research which lead him to disconnect a temperature sensor, and it fired right up, and according to him runs great. But I know nothing about this motor. Supposedly they are good solid motors, but I don't know about getting parts for them, how hard they are on gas, reliability, price, etc.... Does anyone here own one? Or have worked on them before??? There a pic below of the the exact motor. The next part of this is my old Evinrude. I will need to sell it to afford the 25. But I don't know how much to list it for. It's kind of unique. It was owned by someone who legitimately has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It was always removed from the boat EVERY time it was used, and stored in his basement. He bought it new in 87 and documented EVERY SINGLE time the motor was ever turned on. I bought it in 2011 for a smoking deal. I tried to keep up with the documentation, but only lasted 1 season. Because of it's condition and very low hours, I really don't know what to list it for. Have a look at the pics, and if you guys could help me come up with a fair list price, I would very much appreciate it. To say this motor runs perfectly is an understatement. The maintenance it needs right now is a new prop shaft seal. It has a very very slow leak. A drop or two of oil each use. Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated.
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