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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Right on man! I was an FE Madill Mustang back in my day. Wingham (and that area in general) was a great place to be raised! Good on your for helping educate these kids.!
  2. I love getting of for hardwater perch on simcoe in a t-shirt.!
  3. I ran over my dog with my boat. That sucked. She jumped off the bow, straight in front of the boat. Ran her right over... She was OK, because I rammed my arm under the boats as far as I could, and managed to pull her out before she hit the prop. LUCKY!! Only her pride was hurt. And she was hacking up water all day...
  4. well. I can tell you that if you let the stress eat you up like I did, you'll be in trouble I am sending this from a waiting room aroom at Mt Siana Hospital. Like others have said. Breathe. Think before you act, and get advice from others who have lived and learner from similar experiences. Oh, and don't forget to do things that make you happy! Exercise is amazing for stress ad well!
  5. Warming up in the hut. This was my old picture of the day.
  6. Yep. Always fun! Don't forget the Mud Puppy!! Man I hate those things!!
  7. Sorry to here about your dog. Specially having the two pass to close together. I have only owned one dog, who ended going with the other half in our separation this summer. I thought that was hard, I couldn't imagine having her gone for good.
  8. Lots last time I was there. 12 - 20" in places. Great for sleds.
  9. I've had people try to get mouthy with me about fishing. Several times. I am actually surprised at some of the replies to this thread with guys saying they have "never" had anyone talk negatively to them about their fishing passion. Hunting for sure, all the time. Far less with fishing, but it still happens. I actually started a similar thread on this forum a long time ago. Some people think that fishing is hurting the poor fishy's. And taking them out of the water to get the hook out (even if your releasing them) is causing them pain, and making them suficate. It drives me nuts. But I love to argue with them about it!!!
  10. Nothing wrong with getting cold and wet as long as you are rewarded with a fish!!
  11. I wasn't going to get her anything.. But last night, she told me she has already bought me something. So know I need to starting thinking about something. I'll hit up Victoria Secret on my way home Friday. Get her something pink.
  12. This is NOT a fishing report, because no BURBOT where caught.
  13. Bumpity Bump. We're getting close!! Un-fortunately, my SUV has gone for a crap, so I won't be able to as hardcore as I wanted. Chad's gunna have to be my tour guide on the lake for the day! Still going to be a blast!
  14. Now there is whispers that chads wife may make an appearance at the "hardcore Nip G2G". Which she has done before in the past. I'm really hoping she can make it out. And if that's the case Sam is game to come up again! She's pretty much addicted at this point!
  15. I always enjoy hanging out at your hut Blair! After this last trip, I'm up to 5 nights total. I think I know most of your neighbours now!!
  16. I just got back from a great trip to Callander Bay with my girlfriend. We left town on Tuesday and reached our destination around 2. The drive up was good, except for a nasty stretch between gravenhurst and huntsville where we had to pass an 8 car pile up! We parked the Escape on shore (after spending almost a grand last week after we broke down on the way to the hut on Simcoe..) With the bravo loaded up, we headed out to the hut. Once we got the hut set up, we headed our for a tour on the bravo. We picked a spot, and punched a few holes. And about 5 minutes later, my girlfriend (Sam) landed her first ever fish through the ice!! This made the entire trip worth while! Seeing how happy she was during and after the fight... It was a special moment for me. (and sad at the same time, because she was out fishing me at this point!!). We fished there for an hour, and caught 3 eyes. We toured back to the hut for the night bite. And what does Sam do?? Catches more "fish". Another first, a Mud-Puppy. !! NASTY LITTLE BUGGERS!!! I may have squealed like a girl getting this little demon off the hook... Quick pic, and released to scare the crap out of another angler... This puppy had a red bloody patch on his one side near his gills. Not sure where it came from. He was hooked in the lip... So it wasn't from me. Must have been caught before.? The next morning, we fished the hut until around noon. Then we went for a nice snowshoe to the LCBO.. After that, we decided to head back to the hole that we got lucky at the evening before. Except this time wasn't so nice. I let Sam drive the Bravo. And to no fault of hers, we ran straight in to a slush pit!! DAM IT!! It took half an hour, and some completely soaking wet boots to get the bravo dug out. I had to take the sleigh off, drag it out, then turn the bravo around and pull it out.. It was frustrating. But at least Sam got to experience the nasty side of ice fishing! (It aint all fun and games...) The tour out... Near our hut in Callander The slush... My wet socks... After we got out of the slush, we continued on to the hole. And it was worth it, because we caught about half a dozen more eyes! . I hit another slush pit on the way home, and had to dig out again, it was brutal, but worth it!! Good thing I had spare boots back at the Escape.! Last night, it was about -33 with the wind chill. But we where toasty warm inside the hut! And hooked up with a few eyes through the nice too, which was nice! No ling though......... This was in the morning.... Nuf Said. This morning, we packed up, and headed up to north bay for a greasy breakfast at Burger World. On the way home, we stopped at Arrowhead Park to go for a skate around the loop. It was Great! Sam hasn't been on skates in about 25 years, and she didn't fall down once!! She actually did really well. We where the only people out skating wearing helmets!!! Loosers we are...... But safe! Aside from the slush, and the -33 temps last night. It was an amazing couple of days up "North". I have Sam officially addicted to ice fishing. She wants to go out again next weekend!! Thanks Blair!!!! And thanks for reading! NAW ><\\\\>
  17. ^^^^^^^. Just got back from 2 nights at Blairs hut!! But the missus might kill you!! Unless she's hardy...
  18. That would put a big old smile on my face!! There ain't no going back!
  19. Thanks for all the replies everyone!! I picked some Okeefe's from Canadian tire this week. Been maybe 4 days now and the crack is almost healed up completely! So thanks again for the info, I'll be recommending this stuff to whoever asks in the future.
  20. We went out again today. But I brought my girlfriend and her two kids. Ages 2 and 7. We open holed it on little lake. 7 year old girl starts screaming my name, and I look over and the rod is doubled over with a big fish on,!! But I forgot to check my tension before I gave her the rod.., and it was cranked up, so the fish (likely a big gator) straightened the hook and swam away!! Now she keeps telling me how she's a better fisherman than me!!! Fresh air is amazing for children. I really pity kids who stay I side all the time. I
  21. That must have been/is a horrible feeling. Hopefully you bounce back quick! I almost bailed a few times the other day, even with my ice cleats on.
  22. Thanks man!! The kid loves a good fish fry! But I guess he also likes seeing them swim back down the hole.. Fresh air cures lots of things! This little man in a true outdoorsman in the making. There are so many things to look forward to, it's crazy! Keeping them busy is half the fun! Sound words of advice Wayne! It's been 7 months since I split from my wife. And we are on great terms, and completely focused on what is best for Alex at this point. She had a good reaction to the "crack" picture! She's realizing now that a lots of the things she used to vigorously brake my balls about before where a little silly looking back at it. Life eh...
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