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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Live well/pale in your boat... Catch in Simcoe/couch. Drop in to their net at blue beacon marine. No issue? There open water up there now right??
  2. Yup.. There's coyotes everywhere. Back to the OP.. http://www.adirondackalmanack.com/2014/03/coyotes-decoding-yips-barks-howls.html
  3. I don't have any good resources for you. But I am going to follow this post to find out, because I have the same questions. What I can tell you is... What sounds like a dozen coyotes is often just 2 or 3. I have had them come very close to my old house when I lived in the bush. And to test that theory, I've gone and tracked them in the winter, only to find tracks from max 3 coyotes. But I swore there was 10 based on the noise they where making....
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyWOc5Wr3n4&index=40&list=PLD774131FB0DE0DEF
  5. He's good. He dislocated some joint in his elbow. I guess it's quite common for young kids. Popped it back in, good to go! He's a tough little man.
  6. I had half a dozen before writing that post!! And I just got back from The hospital because my son got hurt at daycare today... So I think I may just have a few more!!
  7. Good tip Jer! I bought my X-Wife a cup of tea from Tim's today.. Does that count?
  8. The funny thing was, about 1km ahead of the bus on fire, there was an OPP officer in the process of pulling a guy over for speeding. I'm wondering if the cop would have got the call for the fire, before issuing the ticket! Might have be that guys lucky day!
  9. Thanks for your comments guys! I think I may also go grab an fire extinguisher for me car as well. It doesn't take long for a small fire to turn in to a total mess. Looking back at this situation, there was no real reason for me to stop, other than to watch this bus go up in smoke. Which as stated, on a 400 series highway, in rush hour, on a busy stretch... What's the point right!
  10. I did a quick drive by Little Lake Barrie today, and I didn't see a spec of ice! I'll be getting out for a rip in the Kayak at some point this week! I just don't know if it's worth bringing my Crappie gear. I've actually never fished for them in the spring.
  11. http://barrie.ctvnews.ca/no-injuries-after-tour-bus-fire-on-highway-400-in-barrie-1.2327320 So i'm getting on the highway to go pick my son up from daycare. And I see the rear right tires blow out on a tour bus ahead of me. And the flames start shooting out from the wheel well. Lots of smoke, and debris in the air, as you would expect from a blowout like this. And the bus was leaning over hard, almost like it was going to tip over. It was swerving around the road a bit as well. The bus driver did an amazing job getting it over to the side of the road, considering it was beside the busiest on ramp in barrie, in the middle of rush hour. I passed the bus and noticed a very small fire coming from the wheel well. I had a few seconds to decide if I should pull over along with the bus, and help the driver (not knowing if maybe this bus was full of children on a school trip or something...).. And in my head, maybe the driver doesn't realize there's a fire. Or maybe he does, and he's going to run back with a fire extinguisher? I don't know what their policies are with fires. Likely to loose the bus to the fire, but get the passengers off safe and sound..? Any ways, by the time these thoughts ran through my head, it was to late to safely pull over. But the first aider in me was kicking my self for not stopping and helping out. I just watched the news to find out the details. Turns out there was only 11 gamblers on the bus heading to Rama. And they all made it off safe and sound. Still though, I am kicking myself for not pulling over. I know I would have just got in the way, but it would have been quite the experience to see this coach bus go up in smoke. Hey, you never know... Maybe if I was screaming at the driver for a fire extinguisher, maybe.. Maybe I could have doused the fire, and the bus could have been saved... My mind wonders to much.... I always tell myself, I would never drive by someone in need of help. I feel like I could have helped out here, if I had just been a little more composed. But I bet some of the more experienced EMS guys here (Lew) will tell me I did the right thing by just continuing on my way, and avoiding the astronomical late fees for picking my son up late from daycare.. Sorry for the long winded post... This has been on my mind all afternoon, and I need to vent, and OFC tents to be my outlet for random vents!
  12. Nice I was looking good at little lake from the highway this morning and it looked open. I'm thinking about going for a kayak later this week. Do you think I will be able to get in and out from shore with no problems?
  13. That's crazy. Lucky Bast....rd.. You still have ICE!!!
  14. He uses it like a pro though! Is that some sort of Crappie? It's a beast of a pan fish for a little rod like that! Funny stuff.
  15. I didn't know you had a bow fishing rig. I've gone a few times with by buddy in cooks bay for carp. It's a real hoot! And know one gives you a hard time in cooks.. You could likely shoot standing up from your fishing kayak eh?? Just be careful man. I have almost been injured a few times with the bow... The reel/coil jammed, and the arrow came flying back at me... SO I basically almost shot myself in the face (missed me by inches)... I haven't been out since.
  16. Thanks Lew! Its a unique time of year, and it doesn't last long. Its nice to get out and snap a few pics. Play is safe Terry. S is for Smart in that case... Where I went through, there was 10" of "ice." Buy my boot cut through it like a cookie cutter. It was an odd sensation. Like stepping in to a bucket of small marbles.. 50% off at cabalas last week. I bought two.. Crazy soft tip. I love it. The blank is flattened on bottom. It's a neat design. Can't wait for fist ice crappies!! Good luck next weekend! It's time for me to shut it down, and start my spring cleaning!!
  17. "S is for: Simcoe Spring Sunshine Scenery Solitude Samantha and Steve (my fishing companions for the day) Soft Shorelines But it also stands for: SKUNK!!! and SOAKER!!! The perch fishing has be tough this spring. I've been out 3 or times with limited success. Yesterday, we went for one last kick at the can. My girlfriend and my long time fishing partner. Between the 3 of us, we only manager 1 perch. Thats embarrassing to say the least. But the scenery was worth sharing. 18" of ice, but not another angler for as far as the eyes could see. Unfortunately, we got distracted on our way back, and in 2' of water, my fishing partner and I both broke through. It was quite the site... My girlfriend looking back at these two hardened ice fisherman, standing up to our knees in water... 50' from shore. I felt like such a rookie. Ah, well, lesson learned! Till next year! Here's some shots of the day.
  18. If I hadn't already made plans for a full day at the girlfriends family in Lindsay... I'd be there. With the Bravo. BUT.... Sounds like a Blast though.
  19. Cool little sleigh! Looks nice and light. 5-7km is a good work out! Or did you guys take a machine? Nice tank there Terry! Do I recolonize that spot? I'm going out Saturday, not sure where though. Some of the cracks are starting to make my pucker a little bit.
  20. I sold me house in the summer, and I rent now. Inclusive, so I don't know the costs to run the house. But my house last year... 2400 sq-ft cape code with vaulted ceilings. Poorly sized furnace and duct work. Junky windows. I went go through almost 4 tanks or oil last winter. My total last year was almost $4000. Jan and Feb where about $750 each month. Hence, once reason why I sold that house!!! Just absolutely brutal. Brutal.....
  21. I think my prostate would explode after being on a GT for 10Km!! But it sure look fun! Your a slush magnet this winter!.. Not sure what else to say about that..
  22. I'm not to sure about this one. For sure. 100% agree with the pot thing. And I was raised Liberal. But I don't know about this Justin kid...
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