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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Thanks everyone! Those perch are pigs. But they where both right around the 13" mark. My fishing partner has hammered some absolute tanks this year. They make the ones in my picture look small. Here's to hoping that I can get a few of those in the next few weeks. I'll post some pics for sure if I do.
  2. Yup. They had a support team. No worries there. Edit.. That being said, if something drastic happened, they would have had to call in for military support. There was a short section of the trip where their support team basically didn't have the resources to help them if needed. But it was only for a small portion of the trip, in the center of the bay on the pack ice.
  3. He and his wife operate their own outdoors company on the Bruce. I asked him if he would ever market this as a guided extreme adventure. And he said there was no possible way he would do this again, specially with a client. They where contemplating not telling anyone they even did it.
  4. I think he's far from over!! Maybe next year they will go west from the Bruce Pen. instead of east..!
  5. Wayne, they hiked until almost midnight their last night, just so they could sleep beside that lighthouse, and not worry about drifting any more on the broken ice.
  6. I was on their Spot tracking e-mail list. Got a ping every 10 minutes. I was watching them the entire way. I didn't sleep much the night the crack opened up, and I could see them drifting around, knowing they where sleeping, and no cell reception to call them and tell them they where drifting!! By buddy woke up to take a piss, and there was open water less than 100' away.
  7. My best friend has just completed an insane winter adventure. He and a friend crossed Georgian Bay from Cape Croker, to 12 Mile Bay on stand up paddle boards.. LAST WEEK!!! Please read this short article for the details. http://www.mountainlifemag.ca/2015/03/crossing-georgian-bay-on-sup-in-winter/ There was open water at the beginning which they crossed on their boards. They had planned to hike the rest of the bay dragging their gear, and sleeping on the ice. But on their first night, a massive crack opened up which was not there before. So they ended up doing a little more paddling then they had originally planned. They left Tuesday morning. And arrived at 12 Mile Bay Friday night. They are sore, and tired, and insist they will never try this again. But I know they will. Or something even crazier!
  8. The coming weeks are by far my favourite time to fish Simcoe. The few weeks between when White fish closes, and Ice out. We try to get out a few times for fat Simcoe Yeller Bellies! The weather is amazing; the lake is nearly empty and quiet! And the fishing is usually very good.! I went out this weekend, in hopes to land a white fish. But we skunked out. So he hit 12.5 FOW, and nailed a few piggies to start off the spring season. To anyone else who enjoys this time of year... Good Luck, and play safe!!! More pig pics to come!!!
  9. https://scontent-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1979641_10152321738828809_1077998831_n.png?oh=cecd8bca880df96e7d934a8462a8e014&oe=5572B59D Looks like a good way to spend a sunny afternoon. Drop down the umbrella, and you've got a nice casting platform!
  10. Does smelling your own farts count?? Man, this article is a scam, cuz my health has gone for a crap lately!! Excuse the pun...
  11. I saw the exact same thing happen last week at the wally in Barrie. The lady who almost got hit grabbed a pen and paper from her purse and wrote down the plates. But I am almost 100% sure that nothing came from it. Sure, it would be nice to violently beat the living crap out of the driver, and leave them broken and bleeding to death in the walmart parking lot... But you go to jail for that sort of thing.
  12. For sure that's a great fish for the area!! I usually make it up that way once a winter, and always land a few pics, but never anything that fat!
  13. Man, he's growing up really fast eh!! Great report Simon!
  14. Crazy guys fishing that close to open water on a river. IMO. Very cool video though!
  15. I saw that on Facebook yesterday. I think my prostate would fall out if I took a ride in that rig...!
  16. She needs to know how you feel about it. And now she does. I'm glad you let her decide. Tough situation. Sorry your going through this.
  17. Yep! You just have to create the right situations to make it enjoyable by all. And interesting for the little guy. Their minds are easy to mould at this age! I'm definitely trying to sculpt this kid in to an outdoors man.
  18. Godwill for $6 bucks! Vintage Oshkosh! Sound advice, and a great tune! Soon enough, he will be joining you! Alex was born in sept 2012. So we didn't ice fish at all his first season. But I guess he was about 7 months old when spring trout opener rolled around, and that was his first time going fishing. He' been getting excited about it ever since.! Here's a few pics from his first trip. There's a few posts on here with some great tips on taking babies/kids fishing. If you do a little hunting, you should be able to find some. I'm getting a little side tracked. Some of these replies are making me remember the fun times we've already had fishing! Yep, you can't beat the ease of a drivethrough! if the conditions allow for it. Ive noticed lots of guys now just targeting herring on kemp.
  19. I actually have one. For the hut.
  20. Yep, I was a little worried as well about the fumes and the back door open. But with the wind directions (which changed 3 times while I was out there), I just kept changing which doors/windows I had open. The back door was closed 90% of the time. And there is about 24" of ice where I drilled, so no worries there! And zero slush!!!
  21. My plans this weekend where to fish in a little derby out of Gilford on Saturday morning with my son. It was a free derby that a friend signed me up for through his work (Asco Numatics). But the weather network was calling for -25 wind chills, and that doesnt make for a fun time fishing and open hole with a 2.5 year old boy. So I cancelled my plans, and did some other fun stuff with the boy during the day. Sunday morning, we woke up still with a fairly significant ice fishing itch. Alex was talking about fish, and getting bites, and wanting to go to the hut. But its a lot of work to get out to the hut right now. So I decided I would try for some Kempenfelt Herring instead. And to keep warm, I thought I would use the Escape for a hut. We headed out from the Tiffen St launch, and set up in 25 of water. It was still cold when we got there, so I turned the back of the Escape in to play pen, with the heat turned up. I punched a hole on either side of the truck, and hung a rod out each window. Plus a set line with bells about 20 away. I could sit in the middle of the Escape, with a rod out each window and Jig while Alex played with his fire truck and tractor in front of me! We both had a blast, and I was marking tons of fish, but could set the hook because the tight spot in the truck window. Once it warmed up, and the sun came out, we both went outside for some fresh air and a stretch. Once we were outside, and I could jig properly, we started getting some Herring action. Brought 2 home for the table. This time around, I didnt throw fish back. Alex was a little taken back by this. But we went step by step through the catching, dispatching, cleaning, cooking and EATING the fish. And he was alright with it. He was a funny little guy actually; he made me laugh several times. So I have now eaten Herring from Nip and Simcoe. And I noticed a difference in flavour as well as the colour of the meet. Simcoe seemed to be whiter meet, and less greasy comparted to Nip. Although, Simcoe herring are much smaller. I will say (IMO) that Simcoe herring taste much better. I quite enjoyed it actually. I wanted to get a real taste, so I fried it up in a little butter, with zero seasoning. Sam, Alex and I all enjoyed the flavour. I may actually target them a few times this year. Here are some random shots from the day.
  22. I know where you can get some ice...
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