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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Sorry Pete, I don't believe you because there is no fish porn attached to this "report"...
  2. I'm glad your living the bush life to it's fullest! I'm jealous!
  3. Put the pic back up! I'm curious. Even though I'm sure I don't want to see it.. I want to see it! Like the two girls one cup video..
  4. I'm sure the dog was having the time of his/her life!!
  5. Well. I would by very expensive, powerful car, then go blow doughnuts in the front parking lot of my work.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/lunkerville/videos/10152765081727653/?fref=nf Not sure if you can see the link or not.. Its from Lunkerville's facebook page. I haven't read all the comments yet, but I can imagine what they are saying. Thoughts?
  7. Glad your dog is still alive! That's one for the memory bank for sure.
  8. Benmiller is a completely awesome set of water falls on the Maitland which are fantastic for swimming. I used to go there as a child during summer camps. You can slide down the smooth rocks in the rapids, walk under the waterfalls, even jump in to the rapids in some spots. If the water levels haven't gone down to much. I haven't been there in 15 years. There's an Inn, and a campsite. All with in a short walk to the falls. It's a great place.
  9. I cant give you info for Goderich. But I grew up In wingham, and basically learned how to fish on the Maitland. if you could rent canoe for a day, and have wifey drop you and the kids off way up river. There's lots of bass and even some pike in the river. Maybe a run from Ben Miller in to Goderich?? Just a thought. It would be a day trip. Ben Miller is a blast on it's own. A little gem of a place.
  10. Holy cow.. That's a beast eh!!
  11. I used to bash spandex too. Until I started doing 100 to 200km road rides on my bike. The difference in drag/wind force is night and day. Now I shake my in spandex all over Simcoe county, and I'm dam proud of it. Guys don't do it to look tough, obviously, that's a ridiculous statement (made earlier in this thread).. It's 100% for function, and not looks. And for the drivers that think all cyclists wearing spandex are fags, and wimps. Be careful with that. You never know who your messing with. Take my spandex clad wimpy looking cyclist for example. I've been a self defense instructor for 15 years. Training hard in the martial arts my entire life. I'll never yell at a driver, or cause a fight, despite nearly being killed several time by ignorant drivers. But if you get in my face over sharing (or not sharing the road like in most cases with ignorant drivers), i guarantee it will not go good for you.
  12. I'm not sure why you guys are bashing cyclists. Aside from the downtown riders annoying you by passing you on the right side of the road while your stopped at red light... They do nothing but good. Better for the environment, traffic, their own health, parking, etc.... The real issue, is that Ontario in general is not bike friendly. There needs to be more cycling lanes. Ottawa is leading the way with this, and I wish every other city in Ontario would follow suite.
  13. I make a point to wait in line, just like the cars. There are a pile of road cycling etiquette, some are laws, and some are non-spoken laws. I don't know the legalities of doing this. But I know that it's very poor etiquette. I, both from a cyclist and motorist point of view, can not STAND seeing cyclist do this either. But. if you cherp the guy/girl, he's just going to yell "Share the road !!" and ride off. There's nothing you can do to stop it IMO..
  14. I hope there isn't someone under there.... You would never know.
  15. I too love fishing in track pants. A guilty pleasure of mine.
  16. I could think of a few more gadgets!!
  17. I've only ever seen two together on Simcoe. I've been searched by 1 CO alone, paddling around to campsites in a canoe on a "back" lake.
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