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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Never thought about putting the same WMU for second choice too. Clever.
  2. Atlerless deer tag for bow season - WMU 85. Prime Huron County deer grounds. Got permission for a few thousand acres out that way. Question for the other hunters. Does entering a second choice for WMU reduce your chance of you getting your first choice? I wanted 76, but didn't get it. If I wouldn't have entered 85 as a second choice, would I still not have gotten 76 this year? Also just applied for the Controlled Deer hunt over the phone. Just a reminder, you have till Aug 31st.
  3. at 5am.. Just run down onto the beach, and launch there. Right on the main drag..
  4. Good old Chuck Norris.. Great video. I'd hang off the side of the CN Tower. If it was included in my ticket price, or came with a free meal at the restaurant up there.
  5. Good report man. I hit 999 on a thursday, so I thougt I would go fishing on that coming weekend and make a nice report. Held of posting for a few days.. Everything that would have gone wrong that weekend did. I actually forgot my tackle box at home.... I think I ended up making my post 1000 replying to one of Brians threads.
  6. Right on man. Great time with the fam.
  7. My condolences Blair, I can tell from personal experience, that your grandpa did a perfect job is a mentor in our life. He would be very happy to know you are naming your boat in his memory! I'm sure you will be thinking of him when you break that 9lb Pb.. Heck, maybe you'l try to land it with out a net in his honor..
  8. I've herd great things about them. No personal experience though. Looks like they shed?
  9. I don't give money to anyone, for any reason. I give my time and effort to my community in several ways. I take time off work to search for lost people all over Ontario, that's a enough lost money for me. Probably gave up a few grand last year. When ever people ask me for donations, I politely decline. If all of these kids begging for money went out a got part time jobs, they would make a lot more money in the long run.
  10. Your summer just keeps getting better. I was going to invite you to come out fishing for a day next week when I'll be up in your neck of the woods. But maybe I'll pass.. Seriously though, you know where I'll be, come on out for a fish. I'll bring a helmet for you
  11. Not trying to push OFAH. But i got this in an e-mail today. http://www.ofahnews.com/display.php?M=16424&C=cbd2ee5d85c8feb194a320b7f45b27f8&S=199&L=15&N=141 Never herd of this before. But I'm sure it's been talked about on here before. Sounds interesting for someone starting out in our wonderfull sport of fishing.
  12. My fishing buddy grabbed a Rapala one. I've used it a few times and was impressed. I was on the market for a 2 peace casting rod a while back. Nearly bought a Fenwick 2 peace. Very nice looking rods IMO. Ended up having one given to me for free.
  13. I haven't read one of your posts in a little while. Now I'm jelous. How do you store all of that garlic? Freezer?
  14. I've had mixed success with them. Hammared the bass on them trolling on the French last year, but no pickerel. Caught a bunch of pickerel on them last year on G-Bay. But last time I went out, I got seriously out fished by a guy using a worm harness. Later in the morning, the guy got snagged up, and lost a hook on the worm harness, so he tied on the slow death hook to the worm harness and kept catching fish. The speed is very important, and the placement of the worm to get it to "twirl" just right. I generally have to use a GPS showing my speed to maximize my sucess. Different speed for different conditions. Usually between 1 to 1.5 km/h. I use it behind a slip sinker, with 4 to 5 feet of flouro leader for 5 to 20' range. And about 5 to 6' of flouro behind a yellow and orange bottom bouncer for anything deeper. Might be a fluke, but I prefer the red hook.
  15. Great report Man. A few fish is a hell of a lot better the none. Hope you have a blast at LSPP. What site are you staying in?
  16. Welcome home Mike. That was a great read, and awesome pics. Can't wait for your bass report in a month.
  17. I'd almost think they knew what they where doing. Nice little gift. Birthday?
  18. Great job to you, and all others involved!
  19. I don't know what I'd do with 8.5 weeks vacation. I know there would be atleast one dead deer, bear, and a few dozen ducks
  20. Leaving Friday morning for a 4 day paddle / camping / fishing trip down the Gibson river to Georgian Bay. Get back from there on Monday. Tuesday leave for Northbay area for another 4 days of fishing camping. Man i need this vacation. What are you guys doing for your vacations this summer?
  21. Great video! Welcome aboard.
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