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Everything posted by NAW

  1. I know it's wasn't funny at the time. But that made me laugh this morning!
  2. Can't wait for the registery to be dropped. Got an old Marlin 30/30 coming my way!
  3. Wow Randy, Hopefully the rest of the summer goes a little better for ya.
  4. I havn't herd anything good about Mcrae lake. Poor fishing and dirty campsites. It'l be a zoo on the long weekend. Been posted about on here a few times.
  5. I make my own leaders using crimps, 55lb flouro and high quality swivel snaps. Just started using them this year, and so far so good.
  6. Funny you mention that. The rod and reel are my Step dad's. He doesn't fish much. They both have Mastercraft logos on them?? Didn't know they made rods
  7. That's what I do when I know it's going to rain during a camping trip. Just have to watch out for gusts of wind. Pretty Ugly..
  8. This happened to my 89 15hp merc. The arm on the carb that pulls out when you pull the choke was not pulling out all the way. To find out if that's your problem, take the cap off, and pull the choke, see how far out the arm comes. When it's cold, with the cap off, pull the arm out your self, and try starting it that way. Mine fires on the first pull every time that way..
  9. Right on man. Great catch!
  10. For some reason the pictures loaded sideways. they where straight on photo bucket. Went and looked at my post 5 minutes later, and magically they are all straight now. For me anyways.
  11. My Wife and I took my mom and step dad out fishing for the day to celebrate their birthdays (July 3 and 6). Either of them have been in my boat before. My mom hasn't fished since we used to live in Pickle Lake, and the last time I fished with my step dad was in the Bahamas about 6 years ago. I took them to a lake they hadn't been to in about 14 years, where my family cottage is. The cottage is on my Dad's side of the fam, so when my parents split, my mom stopped going to the cottage. It's a shame, because it's a beautiful area. The day started off bad. Noticed bottom end oil where it shouldn't be.. On the outside of my lower unit. Crack the bottom plug and water trickles out. Seems I have to fix a seal every year. I just topped up the oil, and took it out any ways. Get to the honey hole, and start banging fish right away. No big ones. managed about 12 small bass, and about 25 blue gills. I was trying for Pike. Tried lots of stuff, but it wasn't working for me. Put on a big yellow cyclopes, first cast. Wham. Kind of fighting like a pike, but not really. Sure aint bass.. Get it to the boat. PICKEREL!!! First one I've ever landed in this lake. I couldn't be more excited! My wife suggests we troll over to the cottage for lunch. She loves trolling. I've dub'd her the "Pike Princess" because she always seem to catch pike while trolling. Nothing different this time. The day kept getting better once we got to the cottage. We sat on the front porch to eat our lunch. Then we feed the chipmonks their lunch (a tradition at our cottage ) My grandma pushes the peanuts into the cracks on the table, so they have to fight to get them out. This little guy already stuffed half his face full with one peanut, and was fighting to get a second one. Grandma has been doing this for so long, they will crawl in her pockets and pull the nuts out them selves. Here's the view from the porch. Really can't beat it! After lunch, we tried a few more spots, but only caught pan fish. It was crazy hot, so I went for a dip to cool off. Most of the fish where caught between 15 and 30 FOW. Hook, Worm and Sinker was the trick for bass and pan fish. Pike was on a gold mepps comet, and the pickerel on a yellow cyclops (which I found surprising)
  12. Amazing trip, and great pictures. I would love to do a cruise line that one day.
  13. That was a good read Mike. Thanks for the report.
  14. Primates bang on trees to comunitace with each other sometimes. I'm 100% sure it was Bigfoot. It had to be. Saw it on TV once.. Guys trying to comunitcate with Bigfoot by banging really hard on the trees.
  15. Welcome aboard man. Maybe it's my computer, but your link aint workin for me... Something very weird happens when I click on it
  16. http://www.cottagecountrynow.ca/news/crime/article/1042217--boating-fatality-hits-lake-of-bays Another bit of sad news. I herd the guy who was killed was standing on shore, when a drunk boater ran ashore, and hit him? Hey spinnerbaitking, this guy was from your home town... One of the McGlynn clan..
  17. I agree. Lesson learned hopefully! Thanks for posting Yush, just be a little more discrete next time eh.
  18. Good for you man. I know lots of guys that go a few outings before they're able to land one. Great work!
  19. I used to live in Pickle Lake.. Welcome to the board Larry
  20. I guess cuz of the domain change, but when I try to open the site through my "favorites" is didn't work. Had to delete the old one, and put a new one in. No big deal, all is good now.
  21. Awsome to see you guys having such a great summer! The pictures on the tube look fun.
  22. Right on man. I'll be hitting G-Bay hopefully next weekend. Thanks for the report.
  23. NAW

    New Skinss?

    Looks like it's working for me now. Not getting kicked out anymore, and I got the Club skinn back!
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