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Everything posted by douG

  1. I finally got the team on the same page, and I'm confirmed for Booi's Lodge on Trout Lake near Red Lake Ontario for next July. Looks like this will come together, finally. We'll be trying the full Am plan this trip, enjoying Jim and Tracy's hospitality and fine cooking when we are not hunting the lakers and walleye. Good thing I'm not excited yet.
  2. Thanks for taking the time to post those beauties, Solopaddler. Very nice shots. Cojones, fer sure, dude.
  3. Very nice, Emil. Congratulations on those fine, fine, whities.
  4. That was loud, Nautifish. But it's still ok because I keep the speakers down low.
  5. What species are you after? How much do you want to spend?
  6. Solopaddler's got some stones for sure. Amazing. How do you provision for 15 weeks?
  7. All my spinning reels are Daiwas. I particularly like my Theory.
  8. I think the main idea is to live close to where you work. My communte is under 20 minutes 99 times out of a hundred. The whole urban model of living an hour away from your employment is not sustainable.
  9. Dang indeed.
  10. Thanks for not giving away the plot. Jeeeze.
  11. Beautiful. Best thing in the whole wide world. Congratulations to you and the Mrs.
  12. I think I'm taking a party of four to Booi's Lodge on Trout Lake, northeast of Red Lake, for lake trout, pike and walleye. We'll fly to Winnipeg, then drive to Red Lake, about five hours. I'll know for sure on the weekend.
  13. I bet you meant Squid. Did you try a pm?
  14. You can get nasties like parasites if you eat em live. How can this advice possibly be a surprise?
  15. Jes google 'Connors Sudbury'. That oughta do 'er.
  16. Attaboy, Glen. Thanks for the pictures.
  17. Gelb's stuffed fish. Nice, I guess.
  18. douG

    Ofn Hat

    Good Ol' Frank81, I always say. And Good Ol' Corey, too. I always say that as well.
  19. No, read carefully and critically, kids. It's a Gooogle site. Sorry, but that's my job.
  20. Ahhh. Now I understand how to do it. Congratulations on a terrific year (more fish and hours fishin than any other OFNer, I would expect). For anyone who has in their sad, pathetic lifetimes ever wetted a line, that post is a fastasy come true. Amazing fish, scenery, and fish as well. Thanks, Moosebunk. We could do with more pics of your kids, tho, darn cute.
  21. Attaboy, Bunk. Puckhead has it to rights also. However, like Wayne says, does this guy prefer to cast or troll? Inquiring minds want to know.
  22. As Zack says, "That's really random".
  23. Oh dear. That is just nasty, a high fever for days, every bone in your body aches, and it feels like someone is sitting on your chest. Keep offering (pushing) water and gatorade 24/7, and advil or tylenol as needed to control the fever. There is only one upside, Pam, and that is that your shot may give you some protection. Hope everyone pulls thru ok. Good Luck.
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