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Everything posted by douG

  1. This is from Snopes.com. Shark Catch in Yarmouth Nova Scotia This Mako was hooked in the mouth, only fought slightly for 15 minutes, came up along side of the boat to have a look, long enough for one of the crew to put a rope around it tail!!! That's when the s**t hit the fan!! The female mako shark pictured here was hooked in August 2004 during the Yarmouth Shark Scramble (an annual shark-fishing derby) by 28-year-old Jamie Doucette of Wedgeport, Nova Scotia, who battled the monster fish for 40 minutes before landing it. According to one newspaper account of the event: In a scene reminiscent of "Jaws," the fish tugged the boat sideways [and] surged to the surface near the bow, a mako with a broad head and rows of razor teeth, chewing through steel leader. Doucette reeled it in and other anglers wrapped it in ropes as the shark chewed through the knots. One loop circled its torso, the other the tail; one man leaned over the boat and slit its throat as Jaws thrashed for something to bite. It died 20 minutes later. The shark was officially measured at 10 feet, 10 inches (3.3 meters) and 1,082 lbs. (492 kg), netting $3,000 in prize money for Doucette, who said: I felt bad that we caught her at the prime of her reproductive cycle. When they get to be this massive they call them queens of the sea. I would have let her go if I had been by myself, but it's different when you have four or five other guys on the boat. You've got to win. As chronicled at the Magazine Yarmouth web site, other circulating versions of these photographs erroneously place the shark catch on the wrong coast of Canada, warning readers to stay away from Port Albion, Ucluelet, and Barkley Sound in British Columbia. Note the phone number on the jib crane. 902 area code is Nova Scotia, and 481 is a Dartmouth exchange.
  2. What about the torches and pitchforks?
  3. Do a little googling, Sherriff. You will be able to find lots of information. Practice on a sheet of masonite first to get the timing right for the consistency of mud you are using. Good Luck!
  4. Depending on the size of the texture, you may be able to do it with a hopper ($50-60 bucks) and a compressor. The idea is to shoot globs of material onto the surface, wait until just the right drying time (varies, 5 to 25 minutes) and lightly smooth the globs with a large flat blade of some sort. I use an eighteen-inch drywall knife. In a pinch I have used a clean spray shield with good results (Texture pros would probably run me off for that). The hopper is good for the small pea size stuff to the about nickel size texture. If the texture on your ceiling is about the size of a quarter or larger, you may want to rent a small texture sprayer so you can shoot some bigger globs. I use the ceiling and wall texture powder available at home depot in the drywall section. Works great for me. Read the directions, the hopper directions will probably have more detailed instructions on doing the knockdown.
  5. I've always wanted to be judge, jury, and executioner. Torches, clubs and pitchforks, yea!!!!!!
  6. Ooooooooh. A mystery! I like mysteries.
  7. douG fer Friday. Lookin forward to seeing you again, GCD! We can start telling lies for Lakair right away.
  8. Looks like the Hungarian that other site judging by the tail insignia. The countryside also looks more like Hungary than Afghanistan.
  9. That be Squid, alright. Thanks for your report, Joanne.
  10. douG


    I've been putting off clicking on that link, Grant. I wish now I'd delayed it indefinitely.
  11. douG


    Bump again. *sigh*
  12. Knockem dead, cisco. After listening to everyone's reports, I think that everyting works for these fish, you just have to find the hungry ones and put the lures on the plate. Deep baits, jigs and grubs, minnows, spoons, planers, riggers, natural, bright, glow etc. A great fishery for the gearheads cause it all works.
  13. douG


    Bump. I always have to do all the work around here.
  14. douG


    We would like to know how your trip to the Dr. went yesterday. Did that pike break your finger er wha? Inquiring minds need to know.
  15. Yeth. You can tell if it's going to work by previewing your post before posting. Or just have a look yerslef. Hope this hleps.
  16. You can see the link, now, Snag. Put some ice on that social digit of yours in the meanwhile.
  17. No, these are contestants for Miss Universe from Canada. The semifinals, if you will.
  18. It looks dislocated to me, according to what I read. Instructions are to see a doctor before the swelling gets too bad. If untreated, you may lose function in your finger. The blueness of the knuckle is the giveaway. Please check the link I posted, Snag. It's difficult to see on this board. I wonder if his Supreme Geekness can make hyperlinks a little more visible.
  19. Way to go, Snag. I see the Borgnine resemblance clearly now. Nice fish. I wonder if you dislocated something? I think if you just pull on your finger until you pass out, it will pop back into place all by itself. According to http://www.emedicinehealth.com/finger_disl.../article_em.htm, my careful prosthesis is that you see a doctor. Today is good. Moosebunk?
  20. The last two winners were both Canadian! Here's a Reuters photo, Miss Natalie Glebova.
  21. This will help.
  22. Never raise a hand to your young children. It leaves your groin exposed.
  23. BTW for those on the west side of the pond, 'dab hand' could be transliterated as 'exquisite expert'. Hope this hleps.
  24. Howsa bout 8:30? I'll be in for a bit, but it might be too noisy if too many people show. Please limit the time you spend there. After all, you are your own HCB (Humour Control Board).
  25. PatB cooks just fine, thank you very much. He drives a BBQ like Steve McQueen, and his chili is not that bad at all, considering. I know that pic in your avatar, Pat. Could that indeed be Lake Babaganouche?
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