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Everything posted by douG

  1. SWMBO swore up and down that snakeskin wallets destroy the magnetic strips on her bank cards. I am still trying to convince her that it is really the magnetic clasps on the wallet that does the deed. That, or overuse.
  2. http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_6015.aspx Please be safe out there this winter, friends. Talk to your kids about ice safety in your neighbourhoods, not just on the big lakes.
  3. Jes' whispering sweet nothins into Brian's ear, there, Misfish. Spiel is the scary dude for sure.
  4. That Roy is a fart smucker for sure. UrbanAngler, no home alarm system? Where do you live?
  5. I'm still a dandy swimmer. Took the weekday lessons at the Y i Peterborough, and spent Saturday mornings there too doing the Y type activities they had. As a teen, I would swim up and down the Otonnabee all afternoon. I think we all should know how to swim. I got knocked off the dock at Lakair once by a freight train. Even tho I knew I would be ok in the water, my life still flashed in front of me. What a sobering experience that was. Well, almost sobering.
  6. If you like RC, you gotta check out The HydroFoam.
  7. 'K. In fer a few more...
  8. It's 8: 25 and it's chat time. Anyone by?
  9. Errrrr, Original Post Already So, this heavily armed limping dog walks into a bar. He surveys the patrons, then shouts, "Alright. Which one of you idiots is the one that ran over my Paw".
  10. How about socks? Do you do socks? I have a few pairs with pink spots on them.
  11. Born and raised on the shores of the Otonnabee river in Peterborough. A few (!?!) years in Kingston doin the rocket science thing, then in Etobicoke since 1981.
  12. Original Post Hang in there, Glen. Let us know how it all works out for you and your collie.
  13. douG

    Big Pike

    I think that the photos were stripped from a Dutch fishing site that is no longer in operation. I found that the fisherman's name is Ewout Blom, and you can find them by googling 'Ewout Blom pike'. Here's another link to some more pictures.
  14. Attaboy, Deano. When we going ice fishing?
  15. If we called em a knit stocking cold weather beanie hat, our heads would be froze before we got out the house. Toque.
  16. I think you should see if that crusty stuff on top of your pond tastes funny. Give it a lick tomorrow morning and get back to us with your observations. I for one am very curious how this taste test will work out. Stick to it, Art, you'll get it figgered out.
  17. Nice to hear from SoloPaddler with some gorgeous shots of a beautiful place. You is a lucky guy. How much time do you get to spend there?
  18. Wow, a great report with amazing photos, Stein. Thanks very much.
  19. Welcome to Vanselena. Great to have you on board here at OFC.
  20. Wow. Those are great replies, friends. I have been drooling over the information your tips are pointing to. Thanks. Nemo, I'll send an email to Stainless to get his thoughts, too.
  21. I want to take my Dad, along with bro and Dad's buddy, to a kick-ass laker destination next June. We are looking for a remote place, with full American plan, one or two guided days, four or five nights in, all food and fuel included. I know that there is incredible fishing in NWT and Labrador, but that might be a little rich for our tastes. Northern Manitoba might be as far as we are willing to travel, but would prefer northern Ontario. We aren't looking for trophies, but a few 10 - 20 lbers would be nice to find, as well as good numbers of smaller fish. We won't be packing any fish out and will release the biguns, but some shore lunch of fresh leetle ones would be great. I am looking for recommendations, as well as some other advice. Should we make a decision and book now, or wait till the Spring Fishing Show?
  22. GBGiant is absolutely right. Perfectly correct. Well informed. Correctly focused on the right stuff. Now stop, already.
  23. A hearty ATTABOY to you, Kennyman. I have no idea how this works, but even tho I am still a doofus on the water, I seem to have more luck the more time I spend. Keep at it. Thanks for your report.
  24. You're right, Mistyriver1. I added absolutely nothing to your story. Amazing day on the water for a few folks for sure.
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