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Everything posted by douG

  1. From Ms. Sandra Franken, Account Department Commercial Bank- Abidjan Cote D'Ivoire ( Ivory Coast ). Dear Compliments of the season and how are you today I hope you are fine. Before i proceed i would like to introduce myself to you. as a banker i would like to share this great deal to lovedone before anything. My name is Ms. Sandra Franken, a staff in accounts/ operation department of A COMMERCIAL BANK- ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE( FOMER IVORY COAST ). I have an urgent and very confidential business proposition for you. On June 6 2000, An oil consultant / contractor with the ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE National Petrolum Corporation, Mr.ALOYSIUS HAN, made a numbered time (fixed) deposited for twelve calendar valued at US$ 10,000,000.00 ( Ten Million united states dollars ) in my branch. Upon maturity, I sent a routine notification to his forwarding address but got no reply. After a month, we sent a reminder and finally we discovered from his contact employers COTE D'IVOIRE National Petroleum corporation that Mr.ALOYSIUS HAN, died in a plane crash with his entire family. On further investigation, I found out that he did not leave a WILL and all attempts to trace his next of kin were fruitless. I therefore made further investigation and discovered that Mr.ALOYSIUS HAN, did not declare any next of kin in all his official documents, including his Bank Deposit paperwork. This sum of US$10,000,000.00 is still sitting in the Bank and the interest is being rolled over with the principal sum at the end of each year. No one will come forward to claim it. According to the ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE Law, at the expiration of 6 (six) years, the money will revert to the ownership of the COTE D'IVOIRE Government if nobody applies to claim the funds. Consequently, my proposal is that I will like you as a foreigner to stand in as the next of kin to Mr. ALOYSIUS HAN, so that the fruits of this old man's labor will not get into the hands of some corrupt government officials. This is simple. 1. I will like you to provide me immediately with your full names and address so that the attorney will prepare all the necessary documents and affidavits, which will put you in place as the next of kin to this fixed deposit. The money will be paid into your account for us to share in the ratio of 70% for me and 30% for you. There is no risk as all the paper work for this transaction will be done by the attorney and my position as a staff of this department, guarantees the successful execution of this deal. If you are interested, please reply immediately and upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the deal very well. Please observe utmost confidentcial, and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to invest my share in your country.Awaiting your urgent response via my private email [email protected] for security purpose feel free to ask me for more detail. Yours Ms. Sandra Franken NB.Pls, keep this transaction secret from your friends and my bank till the transfer is made. An A310 crashed off Abidjan in January 2000. I'm having trouble trying to find out if your long lost cousin Cambridge was aboard.
  2. Here is a good selection of info on these and similar 'advance fee' doo dads. Loosers. Apparently Nigerians hate these email requests too. You gotta read this one, some serious stuff with the scammees definitely putting the boots to the scammers. Some of the stuff is hilarious, with 'multiple' participants.
  3. I'd reply without the DoB info and see what happens. To say that it sounds fishy is an understatement, but you are one savvy internet grl. Just make sure that you never give info that would let someone impersonate you, or have access to your bank accounts / credit card. I think if you pull this off, you can take me and The RLG out to dinner. BTW, did you try Googling Mr. 'Cambridge Cote d'Ivoire Abidjan crash' ? You can ask for supporting info, then double check em. If this is a scam (99.9 % sure), you can still have some fun for free.
  4. Grt1, we will have speaks about this as a party of 4 including yrs turly, is arriving for an overnighter in Red Lake / Balmertown in early July. We are flying to Winnipeg then driving back east (4-5 hours?) to lodge at Balmertown Inn, then the float plane outa Red Lake the next am. There will be 4 nights in at Booi's on Trout Lake , quarry is mainly lake trout. Connie (Tennessee Guy) has given me some good info. Please feel free to respond to this thread or send me a pm. Thanks very largely, dere.
  5. I think that Clampet's point is that a full spool will apply more force / torque to the drag, resulting in a increasing drag setting as the spool empties. In some ways this is a good thing, as your drag seems to 'tighten up' as your spool starts looking black. You can prove this to yourself the next time you respool your reel. If you set your drag right, an empty spool will result in a drag setting just below the breaking tension of your line. You can reduce this effect by using a fine diameter line (pp comes to mind), and by using a 'light' drag setting when tested with a full spool. Hope this hleps.
  6. I like the taste of lipgloss, fishergirl, but not out of the applicator. That's just gross.
  7. I've heard some very gruesome and explicit content on CBC, always preceded by a disclaimer. I guess that today's show was deemed not to require that disclaimer. On the other hand, I've felt uncomfortable before with my kids in the car when topics such as the one you described are discussed. Maybe those things are supposed to make us a little uncomfortable and prompt some frank discussion with our kids. I've also changed the station at times, always an option. I think I'm with Clampet on this one.
  8. With the reel on the top, when the rod tip goes down, it stays down since the CG is over the pivot.
  9. No More Y Bones! Instead of losing 10 or 15 minutes out of your life looking at the youtube, just look at the picture in the link. BTW, when you see some text that is underlined, you can click on it, and then the whole world will be revealed. And yes, it is the same method shown in the video.
  10. If you're going to make yerslef a tinfoil hat, for heaven's sake, make sure that the shiny side is facing out. Otherwise, you just look silly.
  11. A big welcome to Mikcol, and thanks for a very gracious introduction. Make yourself at home. Now, shut the door, replace the beer in the fridge and fill the ice trays, fer dog's sake already.
  12. 'K. Youse gotta stay logged in for at least a few minutes to generate some chat glue, ya bums. I'm in, will check back frequently, for at least a few minutes.
  13. Master, you write very nicely. I enjoyed that, and thanks for your report. You are welcome here, hope you can stay fer a bit.
  14. What ehg said. Nice job on Keram, and thx.
  15. Sounds like you are fishing out of the same hole as me, fishnpro. Let's figger it out some how. Might be that time on the water is the answer, but you can't tell by me.
  16. Thanks for your post, JoAnne, ,it is always a treat to meet up with the crew. I see Paul, and Moe, and Loonie and Lex, Moe's Nephew and Brandi, who knows what's next? RUDOLPH!!! See ya'all at Tyler's. Hmmmmmmmmmm, Brandi.
  17. I wonder what would happen if you drilled the holes for your poles in a triangle shape, with the middle pole windward, and the other two spaced off at angles to the lee.
  18. 6 / 8 lb mono is 20 / 30 lb power pro. Use a Uni / Uni knot to join the two. with braid like PP or Tufline, you only need two knots: the uni knot and the palomar knot. Jes' let me know if you need more info about PP. Fishfinder, this is easy info to find; you looked, right?
  19. Attaboy, ,Phil. Thanks for posting and sharing your pictures. Good for you for getting some fresh air, sunshine and exercise.
  20. Thanks everyone for their replies, except Roy. Jerk. I'm checking cause i think that price might be outa NY, gonna keep looking in the GWN.
  21. I think the fleas get badder (more worser, I mean), as the water warms. On the north shore of Lake O, that would be the latter half of August. And as folks said, you can get a beautiful twister happening with that stuff. I thought it was because my spoon was fouled and I was pulling it sideways, but mebbe it was just the line.
  22. Anyone have experience with a Garmin GPSMap 76 CSX? Or willing to suggest alternatives to this Kick Donkey machine? TigerDirect has it for $375USD.
  23. You want to spool up with Flea Flicker line. It's awful stuff to use, but it can keep you on the water when all your other lines seize up at the rod tip. Brian at JB's will spool you up, and then despool it for storage and later use when the flea season is over.
  24. I've got one, Danbo. I've used it a half dozen times, still like it.
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