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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Nice Simon. Where's your tourney logo? :P
  2. nicely done Frankie. Lakers for me this year are a conundrum, can't get one hooked solidly. 2 trips ago not even a sniff. Rare for me, I usually land at least one. Glad you had a good outing.
  3. Nice report, Averie is a sweetie, and a trooper. Hmmmmmm.............does that Labbat's Blue taste better after being barbequed??? :lol: :lol: I got's to get me a pink rod and reel methinks, they seems to attract fish of any species. I can use all the help I can get.
  4. Truer words were never spoken, :lol: :lol: :lol: JUST KIDDING!!! I'd go with Wayne's recommendation, cause I would need the exact same help if I were down that way during that time frame. Whether or not you have success is always a gamble, but I believe you will catch fish.
  5. Neat, I do clean some larger fish that basic way at the start(walleye and bass) but never thought about doing it that way with a perch. I am sure because of the smaller size of the perch it will work on them other than larger walleye or bass. If I catch a few perch, I am gonna have to try cleaning them that way. It seems too easy, but with practice, who knows. Terry, I agree there will still be some bones in the meat, the lateral bones, but after cooking them they are basically not an issue, unless you are thinking about the bones while eating them. My mom was that way, always thinking about possible bones in fish. I just ate them. Never an issue for me.
  6. Joey, I read the manual, all 41 pages, left it at home and just went and used it. Worked out OK for the most part. Now that I have some "real world" experience with it, I can now go back to the manual and see if I did things correctly, and what features on this unit will work better for me in the future.
  7. Lew could probably use it for hanging his "boo-tails" off of to dry, :D :D
  8. Thanks Jacques, it was fun and a bit of an ordeal landing that fish. Still can't believe I didn't lose it or get broken off, which is the usual outcome for me over the years.
  9. Tryin' to do my bit for our team Dan. You have mail by the way.
  10. Great report Joey, congrats on the de-skunking. I know those rough rides to fishing locations all too well. I don't bring soda pop along for that very reason any more, cleaning pepsi or coke out of the action packer and everything that was in it was not fun. Broken fishfinder/reel falling off/broken thumb/parts missing...................sounds like quite the adventure/calamity..........but makes for a good story when it all works out fine in the end. At least it wasn't -25C when all this happened. It was a stellar day up here also, -5C morn, 7C afternoon, sun all day, and we caught fish.
  11. I remember that Lew, and it was your avatar for quite a while also wasn't it? I miss EddyK also, we used to pm each other on occasion, especially when the Master's came around every spring.
  12. I agree with fishdawg, most I have seen caught in one day was 2. That's a nice catch of fish. Haven't caught a ling for a while now, and it wasn't that size. They taste great. Very light flakey flesh. And rather easy to clean, just peel the skin off with a pair of pliers, and remove the meat from the cartilage.
  13. nice going guys, and congrats on your first Simcoe whitey douG.
  14. I am the opposite, I need them for close-up.
  15. Wayne, you are still awake, and you can see.................I just read the other reports............guess you have spare glasses, :lol: :lol:
  16. Got to the spot, drilled holes, got all set up. Buds set line goes down about 20 min. in, but nothing there. I am getting used to this new flasher(it is different from my buds FL 18) and I teased up a fish, but it got the minnow. A bit later my set line goes down, get there, feel a bit of weight, then nothing. Pull it up, no minnow. Reset with new minnow and wait for possible hit again. Nothing. Go back to my hole with the flasher, and jig for another 20 min. at least. Had to snap a pic of it in use. Not too long after this pic was taken, SOLID red just under my 1/8th orange jig head with a 2.5" minnow appears, and.................CHOMP!!!!!!!! This is a decent fish, brought it up a good half way up from 23 ft., buds ran over and removed the transducer, then..........it stopped. DEAD!! Then a big line peel off, a little bit of head shaking, but not too bad(also using a new HT rod and reel I bought from CTC a month and a bit ago, first fish I have hooked on this setup, so I don't know how fish feel with it). Then, it stays down, and I reach into my hip pocket and hand my camera to my bud. He says, I take it this is a sign that its a good one. UHHHH......YUP!!!!!!!!! Slowly work it back up, with a couple more line peels, shorter distance though, and its right under the hole head shaking like crazy. Finally get its head into the hole, and...................awwwww crap............its a GATOR.....................but, it is a REALLY nice gator, just wasn't what I was targeting. My other bud gets my tape measure and OFC tourney logo out of my gear, and proceeds to try to help me land this fish, and it was having none of it. Slid back down the hole, then gets stuck on the bottom of the hole. I peel off my fleece, roll up my sleeves almost to my armpit, and get the line free of the ice. Fish still had attitude, could not get a good grip on it, but finally, got my grip on its gill plate, and here she(or he) is. My PB pike, and the first fish I hooked and landed using my new flasher, on a new ice fishing rod. It calmed down just enough for a quick pic with the tourney logo and tape measure, then tried to give me a bit of a face wash on release. Oh, and we moved from the original spot, cause we really weren't catching anything, lots of fish looking but no hitters. My bud had caught one keeper at the original spot, then proceeded to finish his limit at the new spot. Got into a hot hole for a bit. Not big fish, but keepers. My other bud managed to get 3 keepers, and I managed to land 2 keepers. We all missed hooksets on fish, with minnows lost, or fish lost bringing them up, but the day was absolutely fabulous weather wise. My two keepers, one 13.5", and the biggest of the day at 17.5" Guess what's for breakfast?????????????
  17. you can hang a bunch of baits from that when its done and mounted on a wall :D :D
  18. BANG!!!! Ooops, did I just say that?? I hear their tails make some nice musky baits. Lifetime supply there. I know you won't do that, but do enjoy your new place Lew. BTW, how far is it to any musky bait store????
  19. Remember this video from a year ago, boat fishing can have its challenges also.
  20. The wooly bugger is a great fly. One that worked very well for me when I fly fished was the Royal Coachman streamer fly. I caught so many brook trout on that one fly, way more than all others combined. It's a wet fly, not a dry fly. I really don't remember the patterns and names of the fly's I used way back when other than the Wolly Bugger and the Royal Coachman, but I have kinda of aa recollection of using a Mickey Finn. Cannot remember if it is a dry or wet fly though.
  21. yeah, you and me both, lol !!
  22. I received the letter last April, requiring me to submit my info for possible jury duty. Got another letter in the first week of September, "summons to a juror", show up here, on this date, at this time. Called a friend of mine, a crown attorney, what happens during this? She said, bring a good book, you could be there for a while. And, the only way you would not be selected would be if you had a criminal record, or were mentally unstable somehow(documentation of it would be required). The only other way I would be recused was if I was selected for a trial where she was the prosecuting attorney. She also said, regarding the September letter, I have been selected, just what trial I would be involved in was what the interview process was for. That letter had a juror number on it, I could be interviewed first, or dead last, out of a pool of 200 possible jurors. I could be interviewed, and be selected for a jury the very next day, or within 6-8 weeks, depends on what trials are on the docket. In the end, I received a phone call from the Sherrif's office, saying I did not have to show up. That was a Friday after I got home from work. Called them on the next Monday to confirm that, and was informed the entire jury pool received the same phone call. I guess whatever trials upcoming, civil or whatever, were settled out of court by the prosecution and defence lawyers ahead of time. Too bad, I was looking forward to it actually. I read about trials all the time in the newspaper, but know little about the what actually happens during one.
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