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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. 12 oz. is an all around tool, 16 oz. and up is for specific use, better have the pipes for swinging that weight. I don't have the "pipes" :lol:
  2. Pocket knife, 12 oz. hammer, and duct tape????????????? Kinda of a cure all for lots of problems, :lol: Ohh, forgot about Electrical Tape, be it black or white. Solves many problems, ties up loose ends, insulates possible problems, and...............if you dislocate your pinky finger while fishing for salmon on the north shore of Lake Superior, 2 hrs. away from any hospital, put your hand in the cold water for a few minutes until its completely numb, then re-locate your digit. Wrap in electrical tape, and your good to go
  3. I slipped, and broke my right wrist back in 97, out scouting for moose. Drove back into town with my wrist throbbing, to emergency. The pain wasn't much to deal with until the nurses "modified" the position of my wrist to get proper x-rays(damn, that hurt)!!!!!!!!!! The emerg doc prescribed T3's also. I interpreted that to mean drink 3 Toby's(beer), and I did. Never filled out the prescription.
  4. Thats never happened to me Glen, always have some kind of knife, be it a pocket knife, or box cutter on me. And outdoors, usually have 3 knives, minimum.
  5. No movie really did it for me, just like knives. Will Geer, he was perfect for that movie. He had the right voice and demeanor for his acting role. I was also a Junior Ranger, way, way back in 1976, Killbear Provincial Park. Geraldton had a "theater" back then????????????????
  6. Uhh Ohh, you got it bad.............just like me 20 yrs. ago. I loved(still do)knives, bought way to many of them, even bought a "rambo" style one made by Kershaw. I saw it, had to buy it. The whole kit, fishing line with hooks in the handle, matches, compass on the butt end, etc. etc. :lol:
  7. My most useful knife...................is the one in my left pants pocket...........a 3 inch Gerber. Can do many jobs with it. Other than that, a quality fillet knife, skinning knife, hunting knife, butchering knives of many different designs for specific purposes, and my personal favorite(but extremely dangerous), a Kershaw double edged divers knife. I have used that knife on fish, deer, moose, partridge, etc. etc. My 2nd favorite, is the Kershaw multiblade knife, comes with a standard "buck" style drop point knife blade, a filleting blade, and a saw blade. Have used that knife on probably every deer we ever shot, and a few moose also.
  8. I think the jury is still out regarding that,
  9. I agree with DanC, "camp" is the correct terminology :D :D Great report. Glad you got out with your buds for your annual fishing trip.
  10. Great report jwl, thanks for sharing. Yeah, those Luna moths are indeed huge. We have tried to "rescue" 3 or 4 over the years we found floating on the water also. One might have made it, cannot remember now. Last one we came across was 6 yrs. ago, but one of its wings was damaged. We left it back on the water where we found it.
  11. Thanks for the update Joe, that is indeed fast service. Up here, it would probably be 6 months from initial Dr.'s visit to surgery, although usually completely free of cost. Remember I spoke with you about my bud's knee surgery(similar to yours). It didn't work out, he has to go back for more, doc told him that last December, and the surgery appointment is for this coming September!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. :lol: I am only 90 to 100 miles away from there, and I just don't target them, gotta try that sometime, (I will probably fail miserably). Wayne, are you committed yet to coming up this way???????? Great pics and post Al.
  13. Who knows Chris, it might improve it :lol: :lol: Nah, wouldn't happen, couldn't happen. Could it????????????//...........time will tell. Hope everything goes well Joe, and you are happily painting deer in the near future. I guess Becky is gonna be operating the paintball gun for the next few weeks?????
  14. Great report Mike, despite the conditions. I saw 2 bears on Sunday myself, along with 2 moose, 3 deer, and one Osprey. At least I hope you didn't really have to battle the bugs with those conditions. Cool picture of the Marten, have come across them many times while out hunting. They usually run up a tree and growl at me as I pass under Where did you fly into?? North of Geraldton area??
  15. I have indeed frozen them whole myself, when time is limited. I have not noticed any difference in taste when thawed, filleted, and cooked. Never done the saran wrap thing though.
  16. Caught a few walleye on Sunday. Kept one 14 inch fish, all others were smaller. I never clean them the same day, always a day later, or in this case, today(holiday) Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Fresh..........vs................whatever............... Just finished filleting it, and cooking it, and eating it, along with scrambled eggs and toast, and.................................honestly, other than being in the great outdoors,(where everything tastes different over an open fire, (even fried spam sandwiches, have ate them, they were good) | cannot tell the difference between fresh walleye or even 2 days later filleted walleye I am quite sated presently, and I think I am gonna grab a cold beer to wash it down now, despite the hour. Heck, its a holiday day!!!!!!!!
  17. . Yup, I recognize it as Dominion Day, or Canada Day also. Regardless, happy holiday to us. Now, I have a small walleye to fillet, and cook up, with eggs and toast. Sounds like a breakfast of champions to me,
  18. Yeah, the Tuesday holiday is different, but I actually enjoyed working on the Monday, all my bosses booked off, no phone calls, relatively few e-mails, etc. etc.................. I had free reign to do lots of the little stuff that normally gets lost in the fray, and usually ends up biting me in the rear 3 months later. I didn't completely catch up on the little stuff, but I did make major inroads to offset their effect on me 3 months hence. OHHHHH!!!!!!! and I am off on this coming Friday also, so I am in line with our American members for a nice long weekend coming up. Gotta love that.
  19. Here are a few things that T.J. does for us that make our trips awesome…. 1 - He does the majority of the work outside so we don't get eaten by bugs 2 - He sets the minnow traps so we have bait 3 - He lights a pic in the outhouse in the morning so we girls are more comfy 4 - He placed a curtain in the tent for privacy when we are changing 5 - He's outside at night filling the buckets with hot water so the kids and I can have a hot shower before bed, he's always the last to have a shower 6 - He's always the guide when we are in the boat with the kids, he let's the kids and I fish while he runs the boat, the only time he'll fish in the boat is when Jaden or Avery are tired of fishing 7 - He always cleans the fish, I refuse to learn how LOL 8 - He always cooks the fish cause he makes the best batter in the world 9 - He's our tech guy, with the tv, projector and anything else that has a remote. All in all he does a great job to make sure everyone is happy and content. He does do a lot, doesn't he??? But don't sell yourself short Monique, I remember a picture of you TJQ posted when his back was out of whack about 2 yrs. ago*, it was a picture of YOU hauling in a full wheelbarrow of split firewood for the wood furnace at home, in the middle of a cold dark winter. Glad you and your family have that small slice of Heaven up there.
  20. Congrats Danbo, here's to many more. I am a few behind you, but a couple of months ago I was driving past our local 55Plus centre................and................it hit me..................I can be a member there very soon
  21. Yeah Terry, me too Thanks for the report holdfast.
  22. Why thank you Phil, and you have a good one also, in 3 days time. Hope you get out fishing on you're long weekend. Tom
  23. Whenever I experience this, I clear all cache and cookies, close my internet connection, and completely power down my pc also. Not a soft reboot, a complete shutdown. That usually solves the slowness.
  24. Well done Chris, and I suspect Marty will like the ending photos a lot.
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