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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. tjsa

    ear muffs

    Lemme guess, its big, green, has welded channels down the side, and probably has the letters BFI on the outside. I'd like to see that also, sounds like a Mythbuster's episode in the making,
  2. Congrats!!!!!!! I still have 2 feet of ice up here, ain't even thinking of starting up my outboard for another 2 weeks yet,
  3. Internal or external fuel tank?? If internal, is there gas in it(been there, done that, )? If internal, is the fuel shutoff valve still in the off position? Is the spark plug boot firmly pushed onto the top of the spark plug?
  4. No animals were harmed in this report, Opening turkey morning Hopefully that changes soon Brian.
  5. Congrats to the new addition to the family Steve, and also on the weight loss.
  6. Excellent Jaques, yours and mine are bookends, same size. Mine weighed in at 3 3/4 lbs.
  7. Pikeie, go a bit further north in the next week. I used to go for steelies in that area in the middle of April. The Harmony, Batchewana, Pancake, Coldwater, Sand, all the way up to the Old Woman(my favorite in that area) should be good to go within a week.
  8. Brian, one brand of vinyl tape we have used is called Polyken, manufactured by the below company, but it is expensive. $23.99 plus tax for a 100 ft. roll. http://www.covcorp.com/catalog/products/adhesiv We found another vinyl tape, seems just as good, but no name brand. It just says "made in canada" on the inside of the tube. We buy it at a local lumber supply place/hardware/tools store, 4", 5", and 6". Maybe try checking in some of those places. They get it in as "seconds", meaning not full rolls of 100 ft. and have a couple bins full of the stuff. There is usually over 50' on a tube though. Price is 5-7 bucks depending on width. 4 or 5 color selections also. Works great on tile, doesn't leave a residue like duct tape if let for a period of time either, and wears abuse better. But, it does not work well on porous surfaces like brick or carpet. Haven't used it on plywood.
  9. Yes, happy belated birthday Carole, sorry I missed this yesterday. And, you have a pm.
  10. Sorry, my bad, the camp was just south of Hough Lake, further NE of Marchington, which also has walleye, pike, perch, but my bud did fish Marchington Lake quite a few times. I made it up there to pick him up on our way to hunt ducks near Red Lake back in 78 or 79, actually never made it into Red Lake, hunted the Chukuni River south of Red Lake and a couple of other small lakes. On the way back home, dropped him off at the camp again. He actually helped build the Marchington Road, Hwy 516 as it is known now. It did not fully exist when he started working up there. The link to Sioux Lookout was completed when he was working up there, and was just a gravel bush road through the middle of nowhere back then. Sheesh............typing this out just made me realize how old I am now,
  11. Great stuff Ben, I find larger pike have that darker coloring in the winter up here. Seen it a few times. The blue tinge to the walleye slime, I do not believe I have ever come across it in winter, more often in summer. And when I saw Savant Lake in the title, I was thinking I should pm you about Houghton Lake(in case you had not tried it yet) A bud of mine worked at a timber harvesting camp that was set up right beside Houghton many, many years ago when it was Great Lakes Paper Co., now called Bowater. The fishing was excellent in that area, although I never got the chance to experience it myself.
  12. Ummmmmmm...........whats' the J stand fer???????????
  13. Ummmm..............what snow you talking about TB, that little bit of residual stuff from 3 months ago??? we got hammered by a late winter storm, heavy wet stuff, yesterday and overnight. Still a bit coming down as freezing rain. Got 20 to 30 cm's of it in areas. I ain't blowing it though, it'll all be melted by the end of the weekend. It pays to have a 4x4.
  14. So.............when did you find the time to look in the garbage,
  15. But, do you remember what you ate for supper?
  16. Still a month of good ice for us up here in Northwestern Ontario. After the beautiful weekend we just had up here, we are now getting pummeled by another late winter snowstorm.
  17. I fail to see the down side of this Bernie, :lol: :lol:
  18. I fail to see the down side of this Bernie, :lol: :lol:
  19. we up here probably have 4 or more weekends left to ice fish before it starts to get dicey. First ship of the season came into Thunder Bay this past week with help from the icebreaker, and it is sitting well outside the harbour and breakwall right now in pack ice, not at a terminal. Might be a week before it can take on a load of whatever it came up here for, or offload what it brought up. Haven't seen any geese yet, probably still 3 weeks for them to come through, usually around Easter first flocks are seen.
  20. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO Wayne...................................they're called WALLEYE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: Uh, oh, ............ here we go again. At least the perch IS a perch, ummmhhh.......right??????????? Sinker, I can go an entire year, or couple of years, without running into CO's out patrolling when ice fishing. But this lake, Lac Des Mille Lac, is the Lake Simcoe of northwestern ontario in relation to Thunder Bay. It gets THE heaviest fishing pressure bar none up near here near Thunder Bay. And, believe it or not, does not require hut registration, but I think that is going to happen quite soon. Its only just a bit over an hour to hit the first parking areas, or plowed road access. Right now, fishing up here is mainly about walleye as lake trout fishing in our FMZ is closed inland, except for on Lake Superior. Some people are fishing Superior for whitefish, lakers, and ciscoes(herring), with the occasional rainbow being hooked, as fishing lake trout in Superior is only closed during spawning season in the fall(its a different FMZ all to itself). 1.5 hrs. west of me is a different FMZ, where lakers are open, so we may go there in 3 weeks, ice thickness will not be a problem even then.
  21. Now that is a great find, and I mean just the boat. A 12 ft. Thorens is a great boat, wish I could find one. Had a great 4 days on Lake of the Woods fishing out of this one my buds inlaws own last summer: They beat this one into submission carrying rocks for the pilings for their dock, had to patch it once when they hit a reef with a full load, and that was 25 yrs. ago, still going strong. That motor also looks nice and clean, probably do not need to do much to it to get it running properly. All suggestions above will get the job done. The prop does need to be either replaced or repaired, or maybe both. Get a new one, and that one repaired for a spare. Those chips in that one fluke can be redone at a marine shop.
  22. Now that is a great find, and I mean just the boat. A 12 ft. Thorens is a great boat, wish I could find one. Had a great 4 days on Lake of the Woods fishing out of this one my buds inlaws own last summer: They beat this one into submission carrying rocks for the pilings for their dock, had to patch it once when they hit a reef with a full load, and that was 25 yrs. ago, still going strong. That motor also looks nice and clean, probably do not need to do much to it to get it running properly. All suggestions above will get the job done. The prop does need to be either replaced or repaired, or maybe both. Get a new one, and that one repaired for a spare. Those chips in that one fluke can be redone at a marine shop.
  23. Really far north and west from you, Thunder Bay on the northwestern shore of Lake Superior.
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