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Everything posted by mepps

  1. I've been thinking of doing that too, I got the idea forma british fishign show called the Great Rod Race (same show you saw i guess). Two fishermen travel accross Britain catching every species in 30 days, its a great show! Visit the site
  2. definetly square stern, and a flat bottom wide canoe will alow you to stand can cast with ease.
  3. Silver spoons will catch just about anyfish on the reef. Make sure you rince of your equipment, the salt can do a lot of damage!
  4. I buy from ebay quite alot, just got some seaguar fluro infact. Just make sure you read carefully!
  5. You can probably pick up a spare battery on ebay if needed - but definetly get yours replaced if its under warnaty. I can take hundreds of pictures with my Canon G5
  6. I user Nero Vision to make DVDs, you can import a variety of files (AVIs and such) and then you can add chapters and make your movie compliation. You can even do simple menus.
  7. Got a Canon G5 and an S2 here, love em both. Take a look at Olympus rugged outdoor line up - they have cameras that function under water...
  8. My boy Jon picked up the Quantum burner last year, so far so good!
  9. I like EA Sport Championship Bass - its a few years old now, but has tons of levels.
  10. If you fly out of Buffalo you can get return tickets to Puerto Rico for well under $200. If you like camping, you can stay for practically nothing - if you are adventurous you can stay for free and set up tent where ever you like each night. Puerto Rico is very close to the Virgin islands which has incredible shore fishing oportunites, and no one will hassle you if you set up camp on a beach. From shore you have access to sharks, cudas, jacks, huge tarpon and more. I havent fished PR, but I highly recomend the BVIs.
  11. mepps


    Personally I let them go, they dont taste very good.
  12. You guys sure make it look easy!
  13. I just let them go, they are great fun to catch, although I rarely target them.
  14. I have been using PowerPro for teh last 3 years and I love it. I used Spiderwire before that. I find PowePro has better castability - both are great lines though.
  15. nice fish...I know that spot! If that is the spot I think it is, I lost a 40 incher about 75 feet to the left of that area a couple years back after my hooks straightened out ona #4 Mepps.
  16. remember that time some one bit my finger off...
  17. Lots of BIG carp over at humber bay! NEver had luck with pike, its almost always mudy!
  18. happy birthday! Enjoy your day!
  19. lol, how did they start drilling???
  20. Great report! Looks like a great trip!
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