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Everything posted by mepps

  1. Very nice, you dont see those very often!
  2. you can pick up fluoro at half pric eon ebay if you are lucky. I use 80lb - 10-15 inches. Here are the parts I use
  3. nice job! I'll be heading to the islands on Sunday
  4. my biggest pike is from a #5 Mepps Black Fury
  5. Glad to hear no one elase is there! I have fished thre and seen 10+ other fishermen.
  6. Shimano Compre. Althoigh Berkly Lighning rods are the lightest rods ive ever used.
  7. MAy is prime time for top water pike. Most of my top water sucess is in 2-4 feet of water near/in weeds.
  8. Another OFNer asked the same question... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...&hl=jamaica
  9. Nice job! Wotn get any better then that fora first time pike/baitcast trip!
  10. nice job! You were fishing my favorite shoreline!
  11. No Question, Little Vermillion Been there, caught one, going back in 2 weeks.
  12. Yup, any vessel entering Toronto harbour will need the harbour lisence, even if you launch 100miles away.
  13. caught some pike (and musky) on berkly sinking minnows.
  14. I think we had some long talks about this in person, and I still dont agree fully - but that probably becuase im in and out of the province so often it doenst bother me. When I first joined OFC there were few, if any TO fishermen. Clearly there are quite a few now, but i have faith that everyone here treats the fishery as respectfully as you and I. (I know this probably isnt the case) To me fishign is about adventure, and exploration as much as it about catching fish. I love to share locations and see my friend produce big fish. I'll make an effort to disguise any photos of fishing locations we share though - I just dont like censorship.
  15. You can launch at Humber bay - I have had better luck shore fishing then boat fishing though! The islands are a shore fishermans dream! The ferry costs $6
  16. You would think those army boys would just take it into a bank and ask a Canadian if it was lefit or not...
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