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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Our group has opened up fishing opportunities along the lynn river in simcoe by clearing shorelines, etc now for 7 years. We also do a spring cleanup every year. Always take care of your home water, if everyone did, there would be no dirty places to fish.
  2. Lol, sound advice "just keep your head down and let them defend themselves because it's not your problem" Sums up, entirely, humanity's #1 problem.
  3. Thanks Roy. Conditions have been okay. The murky water lasted one day, the following two days had a perfect stain, then yesterday cleared right back up again. It went from spinners, to bottom bouncing, to floats and in that order the last three days. Haha It's not the only steelhead we caught. It just had the least descript background.
  4. Lucked out, hit a good day, 2nd cast at the first of three open season spots of our journey, slammed a nice hen on a #4 firetiger blue fox spinner. Felt awesome, fought like a champ.
  5. No. Nobody has ever fished there.
  6. It is hard to tie. I did not find it any harder to tie than 80lb flouro though, however I only ever used the 40lb strand of titanium lead. I did exactly as you suggested, a light lead for spinning gear in the spring, and it worked great. A real wet uni-knot with 3 spins worked fine, tightened with pliers. I have switched over to mono leads in the spring however as it's just cheaper.
  7. Holy crap, I never win anything! Probably put $300 into scratch tickets, never even won two bucks. Nice! Lol Thanks to the powers that be, all I had to do was shove a fish in my yap. Maybe I have a new career? Lmao
  8. They've done a pretty good job restoring the lynn river in simcoe. Not the MNR that is, private OFAH funded groups, related to this initiative.
  9. I believe with the fall of saddam all governments are now under control of the world bank. They are the criminals, and source of all problems (well them and religion), make no mistake.
  10. Im sure its not behind anyones back. After all they are still here lurking everyday.
  11. Isnt it pretty well all hunting? Or am I thinking of a different show?
  12. So they're really good for nothing then, kill em off and stock carp.
  13. I fish . I couldn't imagine cutting my fishing season to a few open months per year, worse yet fishing just one or two species in a year.
  14. Yeah. My overreaction. All fish are pretty stupid sometimes, given the right day. Haha
  15. Lol, like dink muskies never hit big baits? Its not stupidity so much as being the top predator. If it werent for humans harassing them, they COULD eat anything they want! And ive seen far more than "stupid" pike attacking ridiculously large lures. I love how the stupidest fish that swim (trout) hit musky lures in a tiny stream, now thats just dumb. Whether or not they will hit the baits wasnt even part of the question. Everybody's so quick to bash pike and praise musky.. muskies are joky little pansies who die after you reel them in. Stupid is the fish that fights itself to death, i'd say.
  16. Everything is still iced, not enough to walk on, not enough to fish around. It will be about a month before you could attempt it, i bet. Spring crappies are nothing like they used to be in TP and are pretty much wiped out in waterford.
  17. I wouldn't bother in the spring. You're more likely to hook a trophy pike on your perch gear.
  18. I have the 56lb 12v minn kota on my 'big' boat (16ft steel) and im impressed with its performance. I think if my next boat is bigger than 16 I will go to 24volts though.
  19. I've been checked twice this year.. just sayin
  20. Wow, good for storing ice equipment, or weapons grade plutonium. You do know you can buy the heavy duty cases at walmart for $15 and stick foam in them yourself though, right? Lol, jk, looks like a worthwhile investment, provided the gear you put in it is worth more than the case. Haha
  21. Yep, thats not just scugog specific. Jigging shallow weed pockets is still to this day the only way I know how to catch rice lake eyes.
  22. I wonder if there's any as big as this in there! Nice fish for sure, gotta love scratching that open water itch as early as possible!
  23. My creek in the backyard was the highest I"ve ever seen it yesterday. I've only said it a handful of times since moving here but: it was completely unfishable.
  24. You cant put a worm in the water in my yard for too long without catching browns, or worse yet being accused of fishing for browns by the nosy neighbour down the way. Funny enough I catch more trout than carp at the beginning of the season on corn. And the carp aren't 'probably' doing that. They are.
  25. Ponds with active winter carp are few and far between. Most places I go they show up on the camera looking like a rock. Covered in mud and laying face out of the bottom. They do not move for anything. Active carp are suspended and if any were active in your lake they were probably right alongside your pike & perch
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