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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Off topic but if I store my nightcrawlers in shredded newspaper it turns into dirt in a week..
  2. It used to be an amazing event, well worth travelling to back when I was a kid. My buddy just went. Said he spent more and saw better deals at Fishing World on the way home. Sounds like it has taken a downslide. Though it looked pretty interesting on all the CH morning news casts. Didn't have time off to check it out myself this year. Haven't been for about 6 years... Last time was a letdown for me.
  3. Biodegradeable baits need serious upgrades (besides berkley gulp) before they are a viable replacement to regular plastics... Anybody ever use "dr. Juice" back in the day? Crumbled into dust after 1min in the water.
  4. Yes, dangerous driving charges could be laid on any motor vehicle causing endangerment to others. No grey area here. If you're whipping around people's property, people, children and pets and not keeping their safety in mind in the slightest , you could be on a garden tractor and still get those fines.
  5. Completely depends on the day, location and species I'm after
  6. I would use them with whatever the situation required i tip them with...
  7. Two scoops is about 30-40 minnows.. in 4 hours? So are you fishing for 24 hrs straight?
  8. Its called enjoying things. Why prolong a mundane life?
  9. That only works if you have a superior diet to all other humans like you sinclair I know when we ice fish we have tendencies to eat a little less healthy than usual... Precooked sausages, venison steaks, frozen hamburger patties... Its easy to say ill just poop before I go, if you're not enjoying a fat smorgasboard in the hut. Lmao
  10. I'll damage my prostate as much as it takes to NOT have to poop in a bucket... But ya gotta do what ya gotta do some days! I dunno whats worse, bucket n bag in the hut, or using a conservation area outhouse in -20!!
  11. Its not being offensive , its being an idiot. and yes he needs no help from toxins to be a raging moron.
  12. Why dont you shut your stinky disgusting and powerless mouth and quit yipping it in the wrong direction. I didn't deserve that comment at all, I didn't bash your boyfriend . You made that up in your head.
  13. I have a few ponds that are strictly night bite crappies.
  14. I heard there's ten feet of ice off beaverton!
  15. Ps charlie's been on for like ten years - our opinions dont matter. He obviously has established a viewing audience that is somewhat loyal.
  16. I didn't know anyone waited for saturday mornings anymore when there's wfn?
  17. I like to put my lures right up close while downviewing and blast the lights on em.. seems to get their attention.
  18. MMMMMM perch eggs and bacon nothin beats it.. dont forget the ONIONSSS
  19. Thanks for the info guys. Sounds like I'd better pack light to be safe. "Effluent" was "eloquent" being autocorrected btw.
  20. Wow. Obviously all my posts are a complete farce. Good job, you really got my grammar pegged there. Your students must love you.
  21. Tie them in a large roe bag and see how long the spring channel cats turn it down..
  22. Well sounds like your question was answered before you posted it then..
  23. Dude said he turned the channel in OP so your clichee is a fail, no matter how many people say it. (If you dont like it change it) ... He did that. Then started a discussion. His opinion on a fishing show doesn't make him bad or stupid. Judging him based on his opinion on a fishing show, speaks wonders for your character though.
  24. Good to see several weeks have gone by and you still missed the point of that thread that should remain in the past.
  25. Let me put this effluently and truthfully, all honesty : I HATE his Otter.
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