Dont kid yourself Xrap, if you vote "no", Fishmaster will delete your vote. If you try to voice your opinion in any way differently than his, he will delete your post. Trust me.
Sleded and I took the day today to target pike. It was tough fishing but we managed 4 snot rockets for our efforts and missed 2 more. All of them were caught on a perch colored X Rap.. the key to making them hit was LONG pauses. 30 - 40 seconds before twitching the bait. It's Sleded's birthday tomorrow so he got a couple of real nice presents.
Man that spot is getting hit hard this year. Cant believe it's still producing.
Nice report thanks for sharing, too bad you never made it down to St Clair.
What a coincidence. When I woke up this morning, I said to myself "there's nothing in the Speed River / Grand around the Cambridge Area". You've confirmed it.
40lb flouro tied direct to your bait, short lead with a micro swivel to connect it to your main line, should keep your topwater baits working fairly well and safe of most pike teeth.