Sleded and myself headed over to a semi-local spot today in search of treats and perch. I stuck to my vorms while Sleded used minerals and we made quite a team. I'd say it was a very successful day, the wind was nippy but we stuck it out and got a pail full of sweet, wonderful fillet meat. When those tasty fillets hit your tongue, it makes every minnow used feel like petty cash - Trademark, Rich Enterprises 2007
And now for picsssssssssseeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Sleded's lazy treat setup
My expensive rod holder
A nice attention perch
Sleded's attention stick
A treat laying next to the high tech equipment used to land her
Some troll holding a treat
Sleded got the biggest attention fish of the day however with this nice little pike.
All in all a great day to kick off the year!