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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Great report Johnny! Sounds like a good day out. I hope to get in some more largemouth fishing before I switch gears to the salmonoids.
  2. Awesome report Johnny as usual. You did well on a tough lake by the sounds of it!
  3. Over-harvesting of any fish is a threat to our waterways. The proof is there and the damage has been done to certain areas. Hopefully we are on a trend towards more catch and release these days. Nothing wrong with keeping fish in the slightest, just don't get greedy.
  4. I just bought a 7 foot BPS Tourney Special medium action. I wasn't used to the stiffness (add crude joke here) but after using it for a day jigging for smallies I dont think I could go back to the old lighter version.
  5. Hey if bullheads grew to 10lbs I'd be targetting them! (Guess I should fish hamilton bay more often)
  6. The wild ones are more afraid of you than you are of them. Now the people that go feed them or harass them at the dumps or in towns have a death wish.
  7. 50 - 65lb braid for me!
  8. Little guys grow into big guys! Let's see the healthy little squirt!
  9. Looks like some nice hamburger meat there!
  10. Having never fished the Niagara but hearing great stories from everyone that has, I had high hopes this morning as dad and I loaded up the bass boat. We got to the launch in Queenston and I noticed some bass chasing minnows by the dock. Good sign! Dad brought me to a spot that he had always done well at years ago. Where the Niagara dumps into Lake O and the warm water meets the Lake O cold stuff. Unfortunately the 30kph winds made boat control near impossible, not to mention fighting to stay out of the US side of the river. I did get one little smallie at the mouth, and the "big one that got away" story of the day. No idea what it was, but it smacked my tube and took off running like a freight train. Definitely didn't feel like a bass to me. Who knows, could have been salmon. After getting annoyed and wet we moved up river to a spot I had scoped out on the way down. A bend in the river made a nice little eddy in the current. I turned on the sonar and found we were sitting in 25 feet of water and the graph was loaded with fish. The next few hours brought me about a dozen bass this size: Note the life jacket. I wasn't taking that thing off! There are areas on that river where if you go overboard without one, you die. Figured I'd put the odds in my favour. The wind got worse and it was getting late after that. We tried a couple more spots, I caught a few more dinky bass and it was time to head home. Poor dad never caught a fish out there! All in all I have to say my first experience on the Niagara was a good one. I'd definitely go back sometime. I think my hopes were just a bit too high starting out this morning. Great day to be out. One thing I noticed about the Niagara is that the fishing sort of takes a backseat to the sight-seeing. The river is massive, deep, and incredibly fast. It has high banks that are bare in some spots and littered with pricey mansions in other. We even scoped out the fort at the end of the river from a distance. That being said, I didn't think to take any scenery shots. Maybe next time!
  11. NOW THAT IS WILD!!!!!! :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
  12. *sees the WGSF and has to change his panties* Haha, great report. Looks like a fun time!
  13. Right on, cool stuff.
  14. While I was at work the other day, Sugarpacket was busy at home making carp dough for our trip that evening to a local spot. Her new recipe worked great, carp were biting well after dark. We stayed as long as Ethan could stand, and as long as we could stand the mosquitoes. Lots of fish and Sugarpacket's new PB! Congrats hun was awesome to see you fight that fish!
  15. I've got a rubbermaid bin with some chubs.. lol
  16. Okay, the video's sound really sucks. Windy day out there. Other than that it's some fun footage. Enjoy! http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-42...01&hl=en-CA
  17. Wait til you get into a big one!
  18. Looks like a great day for you and your son! Great to see he's enjoying the fishin! If I might make a suggestion.. next time maybe try crayfish imitations of any kind. (or the real deal if you dont mind taking a few minutes to catch em). You'll get snagged up a bit, but you may find the quality of bass increases. The Grand is a prime example for me in the past that bigger baits catch bigger fish. The downside is less bites.
  19. I'd save a few people from having to see my ugly face for a couple of days.
  20. Great spot! Your son is a trooper, I've done a similar walk (actually from looking at your pics it may have been the same spot). If it is the same spot, then I've caught some really decent smallies out of there.. this one being the biggest: (crappy cell phone shot)
  21. I've been running a Samsung Mini-DVD camcorder for the Action Angling videos. I have yet to use it as a mini-DVD cam however, the SD card slot is just way more convenient. I simply upload the videos after a day of fishing with a regular USB cable like most digital cameras use. The camera was only about $300 too. I looked into Sony and Canon when I was shopping for a camcorder but the Samsung just had the features I wanted. Shop around and see what suits your needs!
  22. I just never lose fish... HA RIGHT! Most of my lost fish are on buzzbaits. Not really lost fish so much as missed hits.
  23. Nice!!
  24. Nice fish though man, I've had worse days! Nice report. Pretty soon you'll be stowing the bass rods and showing us your sweet rainbow shots!
  25. Johnny, Johnny.. I thought by now you'd have a rain suit!
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