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Everything posted by Rich

  1. So you can see them swimming 5 feet from you? Heads up.. they can see you too!
  2. That's pretty much the same setup I use for salmon and trout buddy!
  3. Tuesday morning grandma wanted to babysit the kiddo so Greensot, Sugarpacket and I got out to a semi-local pond looking for pike and bass. Sugarpacket had never caught a pike or a largemouth so I was hoping to put her on both before the day ended. Soon after casting out our live bait rigs with balloon floats, Sugarpacket's balloon went down. I yelled SET THE HOOK and after a tussle with something big.. up came a snapping turtle. lol. Sugarpacket screamed, literally as she is terrified of them. I pulled on her line and up popped half a chub minnow, luckily he didn't have the whole fish in his mouth. After a lot of waiting I see Sugarpacket getting ready to set hook into something solid.. wham! She's got her first pike. Not big but it was her first and her new personal best! She wasn't too keen on holding anything with teeth so I held it up for her. After releasing it she informed me that if she got another one she'd hold it up herself. A little later my balloon went down, I set hook into yet another snapping turtle. Amazing we've been there many times with this tactic and snappers never bothered us. This one also came off just as easily luckily! I'll touch a pike but I ain't stickin my fingers near the yap of a snapper. Not too long after Sugarpacket set hook into a meaty largemouth, but it shook the hook before she could get it to shore. Then it was my turn, I set hook into about a 2.5lb largemouth. Sugarpacket joked that the key to catching fish was to first hook a snapping turtle. GB was trying everything else in the box hoping for a bite on something other than the live presentation. No luck! As we were getting ready to leave I casted out a whole worm on bottom just for the heck of it, and up came my championship fish of the day, oh yes, the mighty bullhead! lol That was it. Sugarpacket had a great time and can't wait to go again before the ice comes. I had a great time as well. I'm pretty sure GB had fun despite the skunk as well. Let's get on that water as much as possible before it gets too cold to do anything but float for trout!
  4. I see pics of these big bass you're getting and I keep wondering if I even have a chance on Sunday! Word of advice.. quit stingin' the pigs, you'll need their mouths fresh for the weekend.. Oh yeah, congrats! That bass is a monster!
  5. NICE!! I love the slop shots too!
  6. Rich

    bass pro

    Go on Google and look up a currency converter. Keep it open in another window and use it to get a better idea of what the prices will be in Canadian currency.
  7. Nice report and hat.
  8. Congrats man
  9. Awesome!
  10. Since there were no steelhead involved, or salmonoids for that matter.. We put in about 5 hours with some missed hits and spotted some salmon. All I caught personally is a kingfisher which decided to fly into my line. Greensot hooked into a monster clam and Sleded managed big (and only) fish of the day with a channel cat on a roe bag. What a night!!!
  11. Awesome!
  12. Go to the kawarthas and cast a spinnerbait. Any size, any color. Eventually you'll get one!
  13. Awesome! Did you take that little trout home? He looks perfect for the BBQ (or frying pan). I can attest to catching them on weird things too. A couple days ago I got one a little smaller than yours on a giant doughball for carp. Never did catch a carp, just a trout, lol
  14. Good work as usual Blake!
  15. It's the best time where I've been fishing.. back at 'er tomorrow hopefully with some pics to share.
  16. They're out.. 1/3 so far this season. **Had to edit I forgot I landed a little resident too lol
  17. Even if it didn't die he was well within his rights to eat it.
  18. The same Garry 2R's that I met while I was living in Peterborough? Welcome back man!
  19. If I were to put up a pic of a musky that size that I had mounted on the wall not near as many would be crying. It's a fish, not a child. Get over it people. Nice work nelly.
  20. Awesome report buddy. More great fish! Interesting camo choice for the area you're fishing..
  21. Nice report and nice fish. I really like your recommendation on the life jacket.
  22. Nice one!
  23. Rich

    2 Firsts!

    Nice skies! Likes like Georgian Bay has quite the algae bloom.
  24. Ottawa river and Detroit river are the top 2 spots in Ontario I believe.
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