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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. You got a real nice starting set up; although in my opinion you only need maybe 3 or 4 lures to start. And you're right about buying used; can really save you a bundle. A big bundle. I think if you buy right you can get into it with quality gear for maybe 200 bucks if you're lucky. Although maybe no net.....
  2. I'm pretty new to musky fishing too but I got into it pretty seriously last year. I had good luck with bucktails (Joe Bucher and Blue Fox Musky Bucks, which are relatively cheap as far as musky lures go) but I managed my first Musky on a spinnerbait (Slopmaster) and I'm happy I did because the single hook helped make for an easy release and really positive first experience. In my very limited experience black has been a good colour with a white accent or trailer. I'd also suggest loading up with some really heavy braid, 50 pound plus (I like 80, Stealth) and even heavier leaders. Alot of folks recommend Fluro, I've found I'm pretty happy with either 80 or 120 pound coated wire, thick enough to protect the fish and cheap too (3 for 2 bucks at LeBarons as opposed to 8 or 10 bucks a shot for Fluro) but Fluro is good too. The heavy line and leaders may seem like overkill but it makes it alot harder to lose those pricy lures so it's nice to have that peace of mind. Anyways, good luck, catch one and you'll be hooked!
  3. Nice report. I enjoyed the read.
  4. Thanks Smokey; I don't know what I was thinking. Well, I was thinking Lock 19 was on the North end of town, rather than the South for some reason. Thanks for setting me straight. Can't wait to fish, even if it's just for perch! Or Carp.
  5. Sounds like a great opener! I wanted to add a question here rather than starting a new thread (kind of a hi-jack I guess ) and I figure you gents would probably know the answer. I know fishing in the Otonabee here in town is closed for a few weeks yet but how about the canal? Right now that OFAH event where they stock a section of the canal with a bunch of trout is on but after that is the canal open, or is it considered part of the Otonabee and closed for a few weeks? Thanks if anyone knows. Sorry for Hi-jack.
  6. I caught my first Crappies last spring on Chemong, trolling for walleye with 20 lb braid and a half ounceish glass shad rap I think. Probably not ideal tackle by any means but they didn't seem to care. Can't wait to get back out come Season.
  7. I was commuting Peterborough to Toronto, about 260 km round trip; for about a year. When you were travelling when there was not alot of traffic on the road it was doable. About an hour and 20 minutes. Alot of people spend that amount of time just getting to work who live in the GTA. Throw in any kind of traffic and it gets awful. So basically it's not the distance that matters so much as the traffic (and the fuel efficiency of your ride). I'd say go for it.
  8. Nice Fish. Snag eh? The Lord of Illusions himself; should have figured he had something to do with it.
  9. Compliance test? Dude, I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy (see my recent posts regarding Toronto Pike) but I think you might be reading just a little too much into this.... My household will participate.
  10. All kidding aside I'd love to see the pic too. 41? That's a big pike.
  11. Perhaps. Where's that pic of your 41inch replica?
  12. Artfully and gracefully or just gracefully? Are you suggesting my technique is too artfull? How dare you.....
  13. I prefer to think of it as the Pikes lack of ability to hit my artfully dodging lures..........
  14. Bah, after countless outings I have concluded that Toronto Pike are the thing of fables, as great a fiction as Sasquatch, the Loch Ness monster or man walking on the moon. The images you see of anglers holding pike in Toronto are photo shopped; an elaborate hoax perpetrated by a devious few. Why?? Who knows. It's peverse I know. They don't blur the background to conceal prominent landmarks but the lushly wooded shores of places like Lake Vermillion or distant shores. You might be fooled by by what looks like something vaguely familliar ocassionally, as if the angler had accidently left some clue as to his location in the picture. More trickery I say! Those recognizable tidbits, say a rail road track or mooring dock are cropped into the image; a cruel bit of deceit if ever there was one, inserted just to keep you believing. Open your eyes! Believe no more!!
  15. Thanks Roy, I'll post link in classifieds. And now I can sleep.
  16. Hi, not sure what the rules dictate. Saw what looks like a sweet deal on a musky set up for someone posted on another fish board, can I post a link to it here? Or in the classifieds here? It would be nice to see someone on this board get what appears to be a good deal, I don't know the seller or anything.
  17. Jeepkings.ca is a really good forum for locating parts and advice. Local as lots of the members are in/around Toronto.
  18. Awesome report. You have my dream job.
  19. I find side arming it to be alot easier than over hand casting, and get better distance and less nests; although I throw a football or baseball sidearm too most of the time. Worth a shot if you have not already tried it.
  20. You've got a pretty healthy budget there. I'd still say C3, I did a fair bit of research and the general concensus seems to be real solid reel for the price, which is cheap (140ish). I bought one last year and really like it. You could spend the extra cash on baits or even pick up a C4 for an extra reel as they are sale for rediculously cheap during the bass reel trade in event, working out to about 80 bucks for the 6600 including tax. Or Just go straight for the C4 and buy a ton of baits. I am no expert though so there are others out there who may have much better advice than me.
  21. Thanks Raf. BIG BAIT!!! I've got the same keyboard, really gives me a good sense of scale...
  22. Not that I've had alot of experience to share but I prefer casting spinnerbaits although I've had better success with bucktails. Not meaning to hijack this thread but what is considered to be a "large bucktail"? I've read a few stories of C4's burning out or giving up when working large bucktails or spinnerbaits but don't know if people are referring to 1/2 ounce mepps, 1 and 1/2 ounce slopmasters or Vibrax musky bucks or 3 ounce Cowgirls.
  23. It might be just me. I know alot of people seem to find mono easier to untangle. With 80 lb braid in the last two years I've never had a birdsnest or knot I couldn't pick out in a few minutes max, and never needed any kind of pick to do it. Probably safe to say at least a hundred outings too. I tried mono twice on two different baitcasters (probably 20ish pound test) and I think both times I may have cut the line out of exasperation.
  24. I think the biggest advantage braid has over the mono is that it is way easier to untangle on your baitcaster on a birdsnest. I can't stand untangling mono.
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