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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. I have no clue what this means. Good thing, bad thing..........anybody? Should I be eating more vegetables? Should I be eating less? Que Pasa? Ohhh. Maybe I get it. I don't eat alot of fish perhaps?
  2. I'm going in the opposite direction to you I guess Rich. As I already know I'm fairly worthless as an angler so I figure this is the year that I'm going to start using minnows; and using them as often as I can catch them. Which probably won't be very often because, as previously stated, I'm a fairly useless fisherman. Kind of a catch 22 I guess. P.S. Self improvement is the road to ruin.
  3. I agree with Irishfield; I had alot of luck this year with Suicks for musky. Definately 9 Inch weighted, and perch pattern I think. Although I never let them sit, ripped them like crazy and after July they lost their magic. Next year maybe I'll try twitching them later in the season.
  4. Thanks for the replies guys, I really appreciate it. I'll have to google that Daiwa.
  5. Howdy all, season greetings, Happy happy, etc, etc.... I recently picked myself up a 7 foot medium light St. Croix spinning rod. In recent years I've done very little fishing with a spinning outfit. A few years back I purchased a MH baitcasting set up and ever since it seems to have been almost something of an arms race; as I developed a real love of musky fishing the rods just got bigger and heavier, even when fishing for bass. So this something of a return to the beginning for me. I had planned on using this rod fishing for bass and panfish, chucking absolutley everything that seemed a little light for the MH baitcaster, things like tubes, unweighted senkos and plastics (I have really no experience with any of them) tiny crankbaits and small inline spinners. Is this rod to light for such applications? Anybody else using a medium light spinning rod these days? The current trend definately is for Medium heavy and Heavy baitcasting sticks and I feel that these rods really might be limiting/eliminating the use of alot of effective lures. I'd also appreciate it if anyone could recommend a good spinning reel keeping in mind that this outfit is geared towards light line and lures. Thanks, Ross
  6. I like the show and without having ever met him I'd have to say I like Dave too. But.....waaaay too much product placement. I mean way too much. It undermines your credibility when every other sentence involves either Rappala, Shimano or Berkley. I still think it's a cool show and I'd love to have the sponsors that he has and I understand he has to pay the bills the same as everyone else but I mean....Sheesh. I dunno. I liked watching Musky hunter with Jim Saric too until the other day when there was a 5 minute tribute to Ranger boats. Eventually it gets almost insulting. Nothing like paying good money for WFN and getting advertising in return. Where's that cheese? P.S. I did enjoy watching him put a good whippin on Scott Martin (Whom I also like).
  7. Scored myself a brand new St. Croix 7 foot medium light for 70 bucks, no tax. Good luck finding a retailer that can beat the OFC classifieds, boxing day or any other! No line up either. Considered hitting Bass pro for all of a half second for a reel before deciding to wait; after all, Spring is a good 3 monthes off and I also found Basspro's specials a bit lacking. Anyone know when they have their trade a reel in day kind of thing?
  8. Go big or go home. I love 80lb braid, you'll never have a birdsnest you can't untangle and very few lures that you can't drag off the bottom. Pair it with your leader of choice in the appropriate length and you can fish for anything, panfish through musky. Just my 2 cents. Trust me, you'll love it.
  9. Whoah. One thing's for sure. That is one big bass.
  10. What would be a better option, especially if you do no trolling, similar price?
  11. I know it's probably not a popular choice for a musky reel but I find my high speed Curado DHSV works pretty well for picking up slack when working a Suick and great for burning smaller bucktails (ounce, maybe ounce and a half). Maybe big Bulldawgs might be a bit too much for it. I've got a C3 too, retrieve is slower but a good reel with pulling power.
  12. 35 million is a pretty good size target market. Besides, lots of companies have Canadian sites in addition to their American sites. It's not like you have to have just one or the other.
  13. I'm really all not that eager for any of Irishfields stink cheese here but having said that, how hard would it be to have a Canadian version of the site? When you consider how many people shop at the Vaughn location you'd think it reasonable to have a website that accurately reflects what the prices are. You are really in for a shock on your first visit if you think prices even remotely resemble a straight conversion.
  14. I'm pretty sure GCD has one, shoot him a PM maybe. I've got a BPS graphite musky rod too and I think it's awful. My St. Croix's sure are sweet though..........
  15. Rob Ray. All part of the game.
  16. Great report, thanks! Makes me desperate to get out and catch one; been ages for me. Nice pics too.
  17. Kind of makes you wonder how many guys he's kicked in the face when the whole world wasn't watching. So much for martial arts instilling a sense of discipline.
  18. I managed a decent musky this morning on a storm curly tailed swim shad; it came as part of a spinnerbait but I removed the wire and blades and just hooked it straight up to my leader. Sinks like a stone but you can cast it a mile (2ish ounces) and that single hook makes for a really easy release.
  19. Nice Fish! Looks like a great day out to me.
  20. Does not look like it's offered in a lefty. Nice looking reel though, anybody tried/got one?
  21. A word of caution. Berkley has intentionally designed the product to react in a manner very similar to the mentos in a coke bottle phenomenom. Putting a Gulp shiner in a Gulp Shad solution will cause a violent gyser like explosion; expelling the entire 20 dollars worth contents of the tub and soaking each angler in oh so tasty GULP!!!l Try it and you'll see.
  22. The causeway looks like it has some promise to me. Probably close to a km long, you can walk and fish both sides of it, park for free at the far end of it and theres a pretty decent tackle shop at the other end of it. (got my magic suick there). Lots of Carp too if that's your bag. Sorry though, no pike....
  23. Time to wake up and get rolling!! Awesome catch man!
  24. A pile of musky for Canada Day, pretty sweet!! Nice Report.
  25. Well thanks for the encouragement gents....I'll try and get a more standard me and the fish pic next time. If I'm lucky maybe tonight. Although I really should be working.
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