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Everything posted by Weeds

  1. I'd suggest bringing a few lures that have some weight to them. I'm not saying you can't throw Senkos on a Baitcasting set-up (although I think I prefer spinning tackle for them) but on your first outing with it you might find it a little tough/frustrating. Bring a few spinnerbaits or something....Bass and musky both like spinnerbaits.
  2. I bought a spool of 10 pound Vanish about 3 years ago with the intention of using it as a leader material but never did. This year I got back into spinning rods and away from baitcasters so I figured I'd fill a spool with the Vanish. I'd heard about it being brittle so I was a little hesitant but it's been good. Caught a bunch of decent fish on it and I tend to horse them in. I don't recall ever having had a breakoff with it (not counting snags on the bottom) I am starting to notice the occasional tangle on a cast towards the end of a seasons worth of use, could just be line twist as I never use a swivel on my spinning set up.I don't know if I'd buy it again at 20 bucks a spool but that's more because I like trying new stuff rather than any beefs with the Vanish. It might be worth noting that I always tie a palomar knot; it's basically the only one I know but it seems to work well.
  3. Well....I've been reading so much about other members having fantastic outings going topwater that I figured I'd give it a go. It was cool....Sitting down by the river in the Darkness by yourself is kind of creepy but once you get past that it's also kinda nice. Almost immediately I hook into what I'm pretty sure is a decent Musky on my Scumfrog close to shore, took the bait completley silently, big head shakes, strong steady pull, huge boils and...........gone. Spat the hook. Over the rest of the evening I must have missed closed to 2 dozen hits. Ended up with 2 Rockbass, one biggish, and two small Smallmouth. Interestingly I had most of my hook-ups when I set the hook as soon as I felt the fish rather than waiting although It was dark so they may have already had the lure for a second or two; it was hard to tell what was going on exactly. It was a lot of fun all the same, nice to know I can fish 24 hours a day. Somebody do me a favour and tell my familly I'll be back mid November when the season wraps up.
  4. It's been awhile since I've had 2 people in it but If I remember correctly it didn't sit alarmingly low or anything. I guess it probably depends on the size of the two guys and how much gear we are talking about. According to this website capacity is 500 pounds. http://www.bwmarineproducts.com/sportspal.htm
  5. Nice score; I got mine for 50 bucks too, I think it's the same size as yours although mine is not as nice looking as yours. I don't have the foam on the side although mine didn't leak. It does now, not enough to worry about though, probably a couple cups an hour.
  6. Congrats. Sounds like it would be interesting but I'd hate to see my favourite Musky from shore spots on TV. We're all pretty tight lipped around here (on the internet at least) about revealing any of our honey holes for fear of them being swamped by lurkers. I can only imagine the increased fishing pressure profiling exact locations on TV would bring. I know Fishing Canada gives GPS points but most of their destinations are remote and/or you'd need a boat to get to them. The more I think about it the less I like the idea really; I'd probably watch the show but it seems potentially damaging to the resource. Just my 2.
  7. Awesome day! I don't see any small musky there, they all look pretty darn good!
  8. Nicely done! I love catching smaller musky, the patterns are always really distinct and beautiful. I'm taking a bit of a break from Bass fishing and going after the big fish for a while I think. Got the Musky Fever. Again.
  9. Good luck. What lure did you end up getting instead of the Grandma? I'm still pushing some kind of Bucktail.
  10. Although I've never caught Musky on Scugog I have landed quite a few on Blue Fox Vibrax Musky Bucks here in the Kawarthas (got one yesterday). I like the black and Silver ones the best, they are nice and light meaning you can cast them all day and cover alot of water, they spin well when worked either fast or slow, they are not terribly expensive, you can find them at pretty much any Canadian Tire and...they work. They are also light enough that they won't snap your line (shouldn't if you're using a reasonable strength braid) in the event of a birdsnest.
  11. I'm pretty sure that's Taylor Creek at the bottom of Dawes Road. Just take the number 23 bus from Main Station.
  12. Yeah, I've tried 20 pound braid and found it pretty awful picking out the tangles. I imagine if you've got a high end baitcasting reel and some really polished skills you might make it work.
  13. I was doing a little smallmouth bass fishing this evening, chucking a 5 inch Senko along the riverbank with my trusty 7 foot St. Croix ML spinning outfit. After not getting a strike during the Senko's initial drop I reeled it in quickly, already thinking of my next cast and the Senko bouncing along the surface at a pretty good clip. I was stunned when close to the bank a Musky smoked it between skips of the Senko, partly because I did not believe there were any Musky in this part of the river and partly because the co-ordination involved in the strike was incredible. I think the musky actually hit the Senko between skips, out of the air, but who really knows as these things happen pretty fast. Fortunately it was a small fish which might account for it's agility, about 26 inches, and the spinning tackle and 10 pound Fluro was up to the job. Had him hauled in, unhooked, gawked at and released in about 2 minutes. Was very cool. My first incidental Musky. Senko's are proving to be surprisingly versatile, in the past two weeks I've caught both small and largemouth on them, assorted panfish, pike, Musky and one mean looking Bowfin on them. I only wish I'd starting using them years ago.
  14. The greater the test strength of the braid the easier it becomes to pick out the tangles and birdsnests. In my experience 50 to 80 pound braid is untangled way easier than mono.
  15. GCD: The boat has been kind of a no go so far. I mean it goes but last time out I ran into a few problems including snapping the key off in the ignition. I have not gotten around to getting a new one cut due to the fact that I finally discovered the joys of Bassfishing (smallmouth from shore). I haven't seen a musky since opening day. Going camping tomorrow for a week, hoping to get into some pike and Largemouth, might even get some pics for once. A2F: My pleasure.
  16. Just a heads up, I purchased 2 packs of Senkos (normally 9.99 a pack plus tax) 2 packs of Eagle wide gaps (maybe 3.49 plus tax a pack regularly) and a scum frog (maybe 4.50ish plus tax reg) and including tax the lot cost me about 24 bucks. I've lost my receipt, it's a talent I have, seems to happen instantly but it looks like all fishing stuff is 30% off. I don't know if it is just here in Peterborough but a decent time to grab some stuff. I didn't realize till after I bought the stuff because there were no signs or anything.
  17. Anybody ever tip a Sportspal? Just curious.
  18. Slopmasters when I've got the coin, otherwise the white 2.99 cheapies from Canadian Tire and Wal-Mart.
  19. Neat thread. I've never seen these poles but I'd love to get a 20 footer. I guess you'd basically have to be holding the rod almost totally vertical to land anything if you had 20 feet of line on it. Could you cast tiny spinners and such with one of these or are they more designed for tiny jigs, grubs, crickets, etc?
  20. So many secrets......What gives? I understand guys not sharing their spots but colours? I don't get it.
  21. I just started using Senkos this year too, I didn't initially have much confidence in them but now I think it's probably my favourite lure. Pink has been working well for me too, loads of small smallmouth in the Otonabee here in Town and a few respectable size ones mixed in. I've been trying the Zero plastic worms as well, I think I prefer the Senkos but we'll see.
  22. I fished the Mouth of the Rouge a few times about 7 years back. Didn't have too much luck. I remember there being plenty of Carp and tiny Catfish. A few bass in there too but they were few and far between. Some old guy said there were some pike in there too. I remember not being able to walk up the river, fishing spots were kind of limited.
  23. Must be a Government cover up. Somebody call Lundboy.
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